I have one more piece to continue for lilfluff and one to expand upon for The_vulture, but I have enough to write a summary for last week’s call for prompts (and on LJ).
This was a relatively small-response Giraffe Call, but there were both new donors and new prompters. I am $35 closer to my giraffe carpet – thank you very much!
Too Hot to Handle, a continuation of Too Hot for Prime Time (LJ)
Pissing Into the Wind, a continuation of Pissing Away Time (LJ)
Staying in the City, a continuation of Fleeing the City (LJ)
Little Lost Kitty-Girl, Tir na Cali
Not Even a Bullet
Deeper in, a continuation of Down, Down, Down.
No More Waiting, a continuation of Waiting
Found, after Dusting Lost Thoughts, after Lost & Found
Love and Lovers
Down, Down, Down
The Lost Road
Swimming Alone
Left Behind
Too Hot for Prime Time, Tir na Cali
Isi, Waiting, Addergoole yr 22-23
Fleeing the City
Lost and Found
Pissing Away Time, Addergoole yr 9
Dusting Lost Thoughts, directly after Lost and Found
Preconceptions, in the same setting as Down the River, from my gender-funky call for prompts.
I’ve started working on the continuation of Spring Break, too, from the Abduction Prompt-Call
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/134492.html. You can comment here or there.
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