I’m having a moment with 212 words left to fill wordcount for the day and nothing is thrilling.
First person to suggest something – a pairing, a scene, a flavour – will get that 212 words on that topic.
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/144296.html. You can comment here or there.
Orange juice. (What? You said “flavour.”)
*wrinkles nose* All right, Orange Juice it is.
Heh. Okay, this will be interesting to see.
If you’d like to give me more direction, I’m all for it!
(sneaks in from homework) Okay, if you’re still working then how about a place: In the middle of the desert.
<giggles> Excellent prompt.
Is it too late to prompt? If not, I say “I don’t know why there was an elephant in my bedroom. I have no idea how it got there. And now I have no idea how to get it out.”
First only, so too late, sorry, but there’s a Giraffe Call this Saturday!