I’m back to work, back awake, and looking at my numbers for 2018.
I put a copy of my summary sheet up on google docs if anyone is interested – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12kvifQVjOFEQiny_CQux_F3Cx1d9bTxCjBz4EWTILcY/edit?usp=sharing
In short, I divide my projects up into “For Money” (things written specifically for money-making directly, like something written for submission to an anthology or stuff written for Patreon, commissions, etc.), “For Audience” (stuff written with intent to post it or to draw in audience), and “For Fun” (Stuff I write because I feel like writing it at the moment).
Those fell at 21% / 58% / 21%, which is pretty much where I like to have them, though I’d love “for money” to get higher, of course.
My meatiest project was “Nathan Stories”, a novel I’m writing for/with/at the encouragement of Cal, at 10% of my total words; “Continuing Stories”, which would be the stuff I post here, was more than that at 13.7%, 102,431 words total.
Patreon weighed in around the same amount as Nathan, at 10% as well, although that’s a jillion tiny projects in one.
After that came Eva Novel and OtStrange, two of the novels I’m working on, and Edally Academy.
And that’s a year, folks!