There’s something about the city, something about its old roads and its older churches. Something about its people, its goblins and its fairies. Something in the water, maybe.
There’s something that leeches magic into the world, something that makes even the most banal events a little more special – sometimes a little more creepy.
Featured on Patreon September 2016!
Best places to begin:
The Fairy Road or
Re-Blessing the Church
- The Fairy Road
- Kirkevaren
- Strange Neighbors
- Loaves, a story for the Giraffe Call @Rix_Scaedu
- Burning Summer Quest, a story for the Giraffe Call
- The Beggars… a story of the Fairy Road for the Giraffe Call
- City Holiday, a story of the Fairy Town for the Giraffe Call @EllenMillion
- Re-blessing the Church
- In Mr. Ting’s
- Katydid’s Camp, a story of The Fairy Town for the Giraffe CAll
- Mrs. Gent’s Lemonade
- Differences of Opinion
- The “A” Shelves
- Meeting Mr. Ting
- About the Want
- Guarding the Church
- What You Need
- Reaching out for the Congregation
- Spring, a story of Fairy Town for the Giraffe Call
- To the Gate, a story of Fairy Town for the April Giraffe Call
- Eggshells and Lineman’s Hopes
- Faries in the Church
- Excerpts 8, 9, 10
- Shoot the Moon, Pow, Bow
- Newcomers, a story of Fairy Town for the Giraffe Call
- The Stories Tell… a story of the Fairy Town for the Giraffe Call
- Moving in, A story of Fairy Town for the giraffe Call
- Six Sins and One, a story of Fairy Town for the Giraffe Call
- The Church in the Park, a story of Fairy Town for the Giraffe Call
- Worldbuilding Day 18: Fairy Town
- Born of a Fish, a drabble of Fairy Town for the Random-Bingo
- Give and Take, a story of Fairy Town for the December OrigFic Bingo card
- Wise Mushroom, a story of Fairy Town for the Giraffe Call
- Old Stories and old Fates, a continuation of Fairy Town (More-please)
- Strange Things and Stranger
- The Bishop Speaks, a story of FairyTown
- Blood on the Stone
- Planting some Good
- Over-eaters’ Anonymous, a story of Fairy Town for Patreon Patrons
- Stone Soup and Other Gifts
- The Wise Mushroom… Helps, a story of Fairy Town for Patreon Patrons
- Tootfiction/Thimbleful Thursday: Nest Egg
- The Cats’ Ways – a story of Fairy Town for Patreon
- The Cats’ Ways (Patreon)
- Catalog People
- Helping Hands I
- Community Service
- Time Passes
- Ladies Who Garden
- Weird
- A Voluntary Offering