I finished writing Hidden Mall!!!
58,500 words (Exactly, how weird), 97 chapters – gotta finish SCHEDULING it, of course, but it’s DONE WRITING.
The first draft. The one I posted.
And then
Then I can start working on cleaning it up to sell as an ebook!
But do you know what this means?
(other than those things above)
That you’re starting a new thing or picking an old thing back up?
Also it does mean I can come up with something or pick up something old!
It’s not the first thing you’ve finished!
It might be the first ‘verse you’ve finished?
It might be! It still feels shiny and new!
You pick up Kael’s Tower again?
Oh I like this one. I’d forgotten about Kael’s Tower, would look forward to that.
I’m thinkin’ about it! It needs some big deleting.