Map – A preview

Originally posted on Patreon in March 2019 and part of the Great Patreon Crossposting to WordPress.

This is one of my current (as of March 2019) works in progress, a map made in MS Paint.

Complete with compass rose.

And a little bit of ad-hoc nation-building:


In the language Skwu, the native language of a very small ethnic group which now rules the eastern coast, the nation is called Ñouyiweppu /ˌɲɔjɪˈwɛppʊ/  – which means bowl.

Nobody is quite certain why it is called bowl, as the nation is not particularly bowl-shaped, but what they do know is that the Nape /nap-pe/ (meaning something like we are – who rule this nation are enigmatic, complicated, and very often irritated by linear thinking.

(why several of their borders are straight lines* is likely because they must share those borders with other people, and because those neighbors have found that very clear lines are needed to fend off the Nape.

(language seed from –  Seed for this language: 2289758632760337 )

* to be shown in the political map upcoming


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