Not being on the computer much, that’s for sure!
State of Nano: As of this morning, I have written 45,378 on my Addergoole, Year 9, 1st Semester piece. That, with previously written material (over 11.5K words, wow!) brings it to 11 chapters and some mini-interludes, which means that I’ll finish 12 chapters in just over 50K. Hopefully by the end of the weekend.
State of the garden: we bought another pepper plant (shoshito) and another tomato plant (pear-cherry). Also a cilantro, finally.
The squash are having fun, stretching out finally. The onions are being onions, ditto the leeks.
I have bean sprouts! And pea sprouts! and radish sprouts! (The sort in the garden dirt; I also have sprouts growing in a jar in the kitchen).
And last night I started planting a bag of salt potatoes that had gone to sprout.
State of the everything else: T has been cleaning out the loading ramp that came with the house – essentially a dirt ramp framed in railroad ties. We plan to use it as a planting bed.
After we get the safe out of it. O_O
And the dresser is very nearly done! I have to decide if I want to sand, smooth, and then 4th-coat the top, the sides and drawers are done, and the knobs will get here this week.
And … that explains, I think, the lack of anything else lately. If I owe you Giraffe Words, I apologize. When I hit 50 K, I will start working on the giraffeyness again!
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Safe? XD
Safe! I really have to get a picture! Okay, we /think/ it’s a safe. It’s about 3 foot on one dimension, 2 feet on the other two. On its side, with four wheels. Metal. But they filled the dock (It’s 4 railroad ties high) (like these – ) with dirt, bits of old aggregate, rocks, and dirt, and there are heavy things holding down the wheels, so we can’t get it out.
your garden sounds exciting. way to go on the word count/novel progress.