The June call was surprisingly popular for a mini-call!
Theme: Reiassan
21 stories written.
10 total prompters, 0 new
5 people donated a total of $60, 0 of which were new.
$60 of donations were left unclaimed.
I have drawn six names from the random-number hat. The following people please collect a 500-word continuation on any of the stories from this call:
If you have donated and not already claimed your donation words, please leave a comment telling me what you would like!
And the Summary:
The Call On DW (LJ)
Earlier Eras
The Goat-Bride (LJ)
Contemplating the Gods (LJ)
Run for It (LJ)
Rest Between Runs (LJ), after Run for It
“Modern” Era
Rin & Girey
(On the) Offensive (LJ)
Ch2: Strangers (LJ)
Hand-Shaking (LJ)
Wild Horses (LJ)
Mid-Rainy Festival (LJ)
Mid-Heat Festival (LJ)
Pride (LJ) Bithrain during the time of Rin & Girey
Rub a Coin (LJ)
Steam Era
Weaving a New Way (LJ)
Every Gift (LJ) (after Road Map)
Building the Wedding-House (LJ)
Neighbors (LJ)
East into Blue (LJ)Linkback, Prompting, & Donating incentive story!
Goat-Riders, Stone-Riders (LJ)
Goatless (LJ)
Dirigible (LJ), after Goatless
Callenian Poetry, an Excerpt (LJ)
This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.
(On the) Offensive?
I am unsurprised. 😀
😛 “Something in the first Rin and Girey book.”
Can I put my 500 words into either “East into Blue” or the Rin and Girey book?
Certainly! Do you want to see where I get with your remaining words on East before deciding if it goes there or the book?
Yes please.