I’m just not feeling Episodes, the camp nano project I’ve been working on – I mean, I was having fun with it, I think I’ll have fun with it again, but right now? No. Not at all.
Options include:
* Keep trucking on it. (ick)
* Write "and other projects" and count all wordcount in April toward my 40K goal (Seems like cheating)
* call it a split month, as I’ve done before, and do 15K words on Addergoole: Book two complete rewrite (this is the one I’m leaning towards).
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/706378.html. You can comment here or there.
Split month sounds like the way to go to me!
If Episodes has put itself into hiatus, then write something else. *Addergoole?* *Sticks head up and looks around.*
Do the rewrite. 🙂
Sounds definitive to me! 🙂
I think it would be helpful for you to feel like you’ve finished something that’s out there and complete in itself. This is my perception. I could be wrong!
No, I agree. Thank you.
Writing *something* is the important part. I’m a fan of “flip a coin and see if I want to argue with the outcome”, m’self.