kelkyag asked for Agriculture words — domesticated plants and their fruits. I got a brief start on that!
Food! Always important.
We already have belenuza, potato-parsnip (or earth-apple) and Lok, meal.
The first grain found by and eventually cultivated by the proto-Calenyena was barley: toppot, /tōp ‘pōt/ a word whose origins are lost in time. Later came wheat, tuz, /təz/ originally toppot-tuz. Tuz is a word that meant pale and can still be found in the word datuz, meaning “an unhappy surprise;” a pale-making.
Rice was borrowed from the proto-Arrans, the west-coast people, along with the name, corbin –> korbin
The long-grained black rice-like grain that was found on Reiassan was called Reiassannon’s Rice, voRiesa korbin.
And if you’ve noticed I slid in a possessive, you’d be correct.
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Om nom nom. So if belenuza is an earth-apple, which part is just apple?
Neither part! See here – It’s… a rather odd loan word, looking back at it.
‘Tis! So is there a word for apple? Do they have apples?
DunnO! That’s a really good question.
Is the prefix /vor-/ or /vo-/? Prefixes could be exempted from the CVC rule, and it would make very good sense morphophonologically.* *Another term. It refers to the interactions of the sound structure of words and the forming of words from smaller components, such as the mashings of those double consonants when they are forced into neighbor-ness by compounding. My dissertation was titled “Phonotactics and morphophonology in American Sign Language”.
(…in American Sign Language? Fascinating!) (I spent my college years – mind you, not my actual class time – at RIT, which houses NTID. I have a fondness for ASL). and vo- was what I was thinking. Glad it makes sense!
Oh, good!
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