Lanugary Day 9: beginnings of Derivational Morphology

Turning things into other things!

(Derivational morphology)

because Whispers Drop started out with a very small vocabulary (for plot-based reasons), it is very heavy on suffixes and prefixes to derive more meaning from one word.

For examples:

shef is cat
fena is to slink

“process or state” -orf
That would, technically, be “slinkage” or “the process of slinking across the hall, WHY did I pick slink?

fenorf, slinkage.

And, ah, cattiness, the state of being cat (because this is a noun, it is a prefix) For(f)shef, forshef

When moving a -VLC suffix to prefix, repeat the ending C in the beginning. If it is prefixing (a rule here that includes sh and other awkward sounds), remove the ending C in the prefix.

And there, we have one derivational morphology!

I can get /days/ out of this.

Which is good, because I’m way behind.

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