I have just wrapped up a major project and am looking to wrap up Edally in a few weeks (This book; then a break before Saydrie’s book).
I am thinking of doing another Giraffe Call, and taking some feedback I have gotten that the live-writing-feel is often good.
So it would go something like:
The Call opens when I wake up on X day. That’s all I write to that day, as long as there are prompts. I write to prompts I get from the first 16 people/the first 16 prompts.
Tipping assures a second ficlet for tipper, and tipping thresholds ($25? $20?) carry the writing on for a second/third/etc. day – possibly with new themes each day, possibly the same theme throughout.
As always, tipping could also buy continuations, although I might stick with my 2-cents-a-word normal rate just to not be writing forever and ever amen.
Thoughts? Also, theme suggestions?
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1122272.html. You can comment here or there.
*dancing in happy anticipation over in the corner here.*
So I take it you like the idea? Any ideas for themes?
Do you want/prefer concepts or worlds?
Oh, hey, LJ never told me you answered this!! Concepts, please
Love, lust and obsession. Drama queens and divas. Green thumbs. Impossible ideas.
It was a pleasure. 🙂
<joins happy dance>
*grin* *repeats questions* Themes? Ideas?
It sounds like you have some interesting new structure ideas already. Unless strongly directed otherwise, my prompt-like things are likely to overlap heavily with finish it! requests. Do you want that, would you rather be doing new or standalone stuff …?
Good question! I don’t mind the overlap; I’m enjoying tidying up loose ends or at least tying them into new knots. I’m also thinking of a reward for a) brand-new prompters and b) the person who signal boosted them in. Because this is as much if not more about building new audience as it is just bringing in some cash money. 😀
I had to remind myself that YKINMKATOk is not a prompt-call theme. (https://schmevil.dreamwidth.org/312784.html)
It’s a prompt theme if you want it to be, but I will probably sit that one out, or ask about the Smiths or something “helpful”. :}
I do try to not go so far afield that I alienate my regular readers/commenters 😀
I am probably not typical of your readers. Huh. Have you ever done a survey-of-readers?
I am not sure I have a typical reader, because people who read frequently run from “ick romance ick sex ick” to “please the dubcon/noncon moar pls more explicit pls.” What sort of survey-of-readers?
Vague fuzzy notions of something like ‘s “which novel(s) should be next in queue” questions go here. I’m not sure what data would be useful, and have little sense of your audience other than LJ&DW commenters. Maybe that was not a useful suggestion.
Ah! Well, I go by a combination of comments, the monthly theme polls, and feedback such as Twitter and e-mail. 😀
My first thought for a giraffe call is giraffes, because I am a dedicated literalist when there’s a bad joke to be had. And now that I’ve got that nagging bit pried out of my head, some other more random ideas: * Underwater exploration (maybe a fjord) * Summer ritual celebrations * The end of a dying town * What’s on the other side of…?
Ah, but it’s a call for giraffe-print carpet! (or it was originally 😉 ooh, I could have fun with these. Thanks! I’ve added ’em to the post here – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1125758.html and they will be in the poll, probably later tonight.