I’ll fill this in as time allows from the below list, but this is my allbingo card for the “Finish It” challenge… number THREE (ah-ha-ha-ha)
Clarisse (II) | B is for Beryl and her Boys (V) | Floatsam (V) | How The Family Does things (V) | Over the Wall (V) | Heroes (III) |
Where Do Unicorns Come From? (V) | Duty (VI) | Rumors about the Family (IV) | Bianna (I) | The Enemy’s City (III) | Take Me (II) |
Exhaustion (IV) | Carrying the Spirit (V) | Road Map To…. (I) | Bless the Cat (IV) | In the Attic(IV) | An Argument of Magic (II) |
Cumhai & Begley (III) | Change (I) | Abrelle: Shifting(III) |
Linguistic Tricks (IV) | Far Weston (III) | You’d Better Watch Out (VI) |
Packing (II) | 9 (III) | Charming (VI) | Boy troubles (IV) | 24 (VI) | 19 (I) |
30 (VI) | 12 (VI) | 2 (II) | 1 (I) | 25 (I) | 20 (II) |
working on | completed | next | Partial Finish |
At any point, I may sub out one of these for another suggested one or something else I need to finish.
The numbers (those that remain) correspond to the list below. This was arranged from the allbingo public card, your suggestions, and Random.org’s list randomizer.
The Roman numerals are another way of getting a bingo – do, say, all of the (I) instead of a line or a square or such.
see links here – http://aldersprig.livejournal.com/1197753.html
The List
1 Mikary: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/507478.html
2 Aetheric Cleansing.
3 Abrelle: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/480486.html
4 Rumors about the Family.
5 Where Do Unicorns Come From?.
6 Duty.
7 Road Map To….
8 Clarisse http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/565158.html
9 The Cat’s Paw.
10 Linguistic Tricks.
11 B is for Beryl and her Boys.
12 Willard: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/543285.html
13 We met Bianna, since Jin talked to his friends about bringing her up with Jimmy.
14 An Argument of Magic.
15 The Enemy’s City.
16 Boy Trouble, which is rather skew from the previous.
17 Carrying the Spirit.
18 Charming.
19 Rin’s parents, and Rin’s father, and …
20 Shahin and Emrys
21 Heroes
22 In the Attic.
23 How The Family Does things.
24 Fifty Years.
25 Space Accountant: A Reason – and Accidental, and bunking arrangements, etc (Genique got Married?)
26 Take Me (which I realize was thwarting then, and I don’t know if it’d be less so now).
27 Cumhai & Begley
28 Bless the Cat.
29 Over the Wall
30 Trash and Treasures.
31 Change.
32 Packing: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/461258.html
33 Far Weston.
34 Exhaustion.
35 Shenanigans. (There are multiple snippets without immediate followups, but it’s mostly all one thread.)
36 You’d Better Watch Out.
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1185712.html. You can comment here or there.
<skuffles feet><tries to look guilty> <gives up, makes grabby hands> ALL THE STORIES! <looks guilty again>
Don’t be guilty! I mean, you’re not, but there’s also no reason TO be guilty.
<squees quietly for “in progress”> Going to do the IV bingo?