Since I Finished a Bingo in Ladies’ Bingo…
Now Taking Suggestions for hc_bingo!
Suggestions can either be a generic prompt like “Bites, okay, what about an animal attack in Fae Apoc… a /wyvern/ attack?” or specific like “Restrained: Amrit and Mieve.”
(Except not those two because nyaaah)
near death experience | runaways | dungeons | restrained | body image issues |
toothache | loss of vision | dub-con | destruction / natural disasters | [forgiveness] |
[forced to participate in illegal / hurtful activity] | [burns] | WILD CARD | secret allies | abuse |
[on the run] | [bites] | [family] | [trapped together] | [archaic medical treatment] |
hypothermia | drowning | [isolation] | [homesickness] | [betrayal] |
Filled | [Prompted] |
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Family: Deborah & her sisters and cousins.
Betrayal: Aunt Family/What got Uncle Willard banished? Archaic medical treatment: Aunt Family/There’s gotta be one in there somewhere, still useful — and likely thoroughly unpleasant — in the age of modern medicine. Homesickness: Dragons Next Door/Cousin Artemisia at, um, for lack of a better word, college. Runaways: Aunt Family/Why did Robbie end up in the barn? I desperately want dub-con to be related to dubstep, but I know it isn’t. Doesn’t prevent me from wanting it.
I admit that I’ve wanted to try to write something that involved both dubcon and dubstep.
… I encourage you to count that as prompted, though I fear the result.
Isolation: Willard. On the run: Belinda and/or the dweomer she didn’t kill. Forgiveness: Jin and/or Jimmy and/or Bianna apologize for an … enthusiastic teenage error and recruit some adult help to set things straight.
Hypothermia: the kirkavare rescues someone from the weather. (Vaguely prompted by Strange Things and Stranger.) Loss of vision: Something with Aston Tyler — not his loss of vision, but maybe his singing as comfort for someone dealing with loss? Unreliable second sight? (Still want to go on that walk with Andy and Cary, but I don’t think that fits this call.) ETA: Maybe Katydid’s don’t-look-too-close way of getting things done?