Worldbuilding Month Day 4: Powers in the Stranded World

March is Worldbuilding Month! Leave me a question about any of my worlds, and I will do my best to answer it!
This Fourth one is from [personal profile] inventrix:
Stranded: are there styles of strand-working that are not represented by the Seasonal Siblings?


Next question?


Letā€™s see. Autumn is reading the connections, Winter is smoothing them, Spring is tangling things, and Summer doesā€¦ little charms, which are really either smoothing, tangling, or making a connection.

In addition, weā€™ve seen a star mapper – who honestly is a combination of reading connections and interpreting potential connections. Like a life adviser with cheat codes.

Thereā€™s also Severers, snippers. Those are – well, they might not be bad people, but itā€™s a bad power. It eliminates connections, as the name would suggest, cutting them off.

Thereā€™s Binders. Thatā€™s different from what Autumn does; itā€™s the power to actually tie a connection where one wasnā€™t before. (Autumn can strengthen a connection with the right ritual). Tattercoats is a type of binder, knotting people to his will.

There are people who do many variations on the powers of the seasonal siblings as well – a psychic is a star mapper, a curse is what Summer does, and so on.

There are people who can bend the Strands to provide them with energy – not a good idea in the long run – to hide themselves from view by moving sight along other paths, to protect places or people by charming them with a smoother path or a firmer roof.

And there are people out there who can just grasp the edges of what the Strand-workers are doing, but canā€™t do any of it.

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