Three Word Wednesday is a once-weekly 3-word writing prompt.
The three words are breeze, mellow, tickle. This is set in the Rin & Girey world, before View-Point
Pause in the Journey
Girey was either still asleep, or faking it well, but the day was too nice, the sun streaming in through the tiny glass windows; Rin couldn’t stay abed any longer. She glanced again at her captive, who was, for the first time since Ossulund, sleeping comfortably and solidly, with a smile on his face. Let him rest. They would be into Callanthe civilization soon, and there would be no rest for either of them.
She slipped on her outer qitari but left her shoes and hose off. The weather was unseasonably mellow, and she wanted to enjoy it. She opened and closed the door to the way-station as quietly as she could, and stepped out into the sunlight; for the first time she since and Girey had started on their trip, she was alone.
The grass was growing, as it often did in the wet season, so quickly you could almost see it growing, and the breeze was warm, bringing a current from the sea that smelled, however faintly, of salt-water and fish. But it hadn’t been raining all that much in the last week, and the ground didn’t squish beneath her toes, so she walked out onto the small yard, kept well-cropped by visitors’ goats, as theirs were doing now, and let the wind tickle at the back of her neck and the grass tease between her toes.
It was nice to be going home, she had to admit, and yet, at the same time, terrifying. What would she do with him, her staid, grumpy Bitrani prisoner, when they were in Lannamer? What would she do with herself? The war was over, and the mopping-up stage would have far less need for healers, so she’d been given her release. She was no longer part of the Emperor’s Army, except in the most formal sense. She wasn’t a student anymore, and, though she could have gone back to the University, she didn’t think Girey would be happy there. That left palace life, and politics, or putting on the guise of a wandering healer, and taking to the roads again.
She thought through that one for a few minutes, her face tilted upwards to the sun, her hands out flat to the breeze. She could do it, and Girey would likely be all right with a small wagon and a box-bed (a long wagon, of course, for his stretched-out height, but they could still do with two goats). No one would think to look for the missing heir of Bithrain in an itinerant healer’s wagon. Nor would they look for an heir of Callenia there. It would be just the two of them, and her clients. Just the two of them…
…a flea chose that moment to bite her, and she swore softly. The palace, at least, would have more regular baths. Baths, and beds that would fit her captive. The day no longer looking quite as beautiful, she headed back into the way-station.
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I think that’s a nice plan. I mean, a vardo with goats is still a vardo! I do like these two. I hope they get a good ending, one that makes them happy. I’m worried they will get sucked into Palace Life and ruling the country. One typo: She opened and closed the door to the way-station as quietly as she could, and stepped out into the sunlight; for the first time she since and Girey had started on their trip, she was alone.
*grins* thanks. 🙂 I think they get a happy ending. I’m sort of writing a romance story here, after all.
Yay! We know I like romances. I do think life in a vardo would suit them. I’m not sure either would like court politics, but they may surprise me. Girey would like that more, I think.
I think you’re projecting a bit. Girey, I think, wouldn’t like vardo life one bit. He doesn’t like being on the road.
Point. Though I nearly did get there – he’d like court live better than she does. Though maybe not, depending on how different the courts are. *grins* Girey has also complained less and less about the travel as time goes on, and more about the culture of her people. Which may be a harder thing for them to overcome as a couple. (erm, have they had sex? It’s hard to tell.)
Now /I’m/ not getting comments! I think Book Two shall be about their time at court, and how they adjust. She IS an heir, after all, in the convoluted system. T. and I are figuring out the continent they came from. I should make more notes. They haven’t had sex. They only cuddle the once, in front of the fire, in the story after View-Point.
I thought so, about the sex, but could not tell in this getting-up scene. Whee, book two!. I am wondering how the convoluted system of inheriting came about. There does not seem to be a lot of farmland on the continent. I find it a bit surprising that people are able to support that many children, or that the monarch have that many. It’s a lot of people to support. Most kings and queens of Europe worked for an heir and a spare (along with however many girls turned up in the effort), right?
I don’t know that much about kings & queens in Europe, truth be told. They actually can’t support that many children; part of the backstory is/will be that the wars are in part due to population pressure, as magic allows extended lifespans before farming science/magic catches up. Starvation is occasionally a problem.
Ah, that makes sense then. I was amazed at the numbers of children involved, but if the civilization is sort of driving itself to ruin with procreation, it makes sense.
They’re sort of still procreating at the level you do when you’re trying to build up a civilization / kids might not survive to adulthood.
Ah. Kind of where the US and a lot of countries are right now – life expectancy has outpaced tradition. 🙂
Disturbing bunnies! I do see the resemblance.
*giggle* I thought it was appropriate.
It was. Though how I missed what Trix picked up on, I have no idea.
You were distracted by the kids? You’re often distracted by excessive fecundity in my settings 🙂 (that, and abduction, I might have a minor fascination with…)
You do, both. Ha, and I did notice! See? Whee, book two!. I was just not all capital letters. And then distracted.
*smile* I Heart you hardcore, sister mine.
*grins* Also, thank you for all the cool writing. Reading your stuff is a lot of my free time. I have figured out why this stack of books over there is still unread…
*purrs* That is the most awesome praise I have gotten in a long time.
There’s going to be a book two?? THERE’S GOING TO BE MORE THAN ONE BOOK! YAAAAAY
*grin* First there has to be a book One.
Good point. YAAAAAAAAAAAY! httpightdress-chemise-lingerie-set-sz-610-p-9860.html httpants-pajamas-size-small-retails-6800-p-2073.html httper-shoes-size-us-85-p-5232.html