Oops… catching up!
Two Chapters!
Chapter Fifteen: Being Childish
Nimbus woke the next morning from a sleep sounder than she could remember having. Her hands tingled slightly at the poultices Cartwright had wrapped around them, but most of the pain was gone, and she had slept long and heavily in the leaf-down bed.
Chapter Sixteen: The First Man Down the Stalk
Cartwright had moved this and that around while they packed up, such that Nimbus now found her pack more comfortable to carry while she was fairly sure she was carrying more than she had been. They walked along under the shade of Aereaxera, the birds and lizards chirping at them in the early-morning haze.
Originally posted Oct. 31, 2012
November, Year 11 of the Addergoole School
(This is a prequel to the Baram’s-Elves stories)
“Going to celebrate Thanksgiving?”
The girl who worked the desk at the shop was chatty, always chatty, even with Baram. He shrugged at her. He didn’t bother smiling. Nobody thought it was friendly.
It’s not really a recipe, more of a formula, so I’m offering it here free.