
2018 Writing – Not Really Much of a Review

I’m back to work, back awake, and looking at my numbers for 2018.

I put a copy of my summary sheet up on google docs if anyone is interested – 

In short, I divide my projects up into “For Money” (things written specifically for money-making directly, like something written for submission to an anthology or stuff written for Patreon, commissions, etc.), “For Audience” (stuff written with intent to post it or to draw in audience), and “For Fun” (Stuff I write because I feel like writing it at the moment).

Those fell at 21% / 58% / 21%, which is pretty much where I like to have them, though I’d love “for money” to get higher, of course.

My meatiest project was “Nathan Stories”, a novel I’m writing for/with/at the encouragement  of Cal, at 10% of my total words; “Continuing Stories”, which would be the stuff I post here, was more than that at 13.7%, 102,431 words total.

Patreon weighed in around the same amount as Nathan, at 10% as well, although that’s a jillion tiny projects in one.

After that came Eva Novel and OtStrange, two of the novels I’m working on, and Edally Academy.

And that’s a year, folks!



Advance Notice: 10K Livewriting Day

Hello all!

On December 26th, from approx. 8 or 9 a.m. ’till the same in the p.m. (Eastern time)*, I am going to open up a google doc (or something similar) and start writing.

I’m going to be aiming for 10,000 words.

I will be working primarily on one of my two current novel projects, probably OtStrange/Found Down Below  (this is a cyberpunk fantasy romance adventure), but I will also spend time working on all of my current projects, including

  • Funerary Rites, The Hidden Mall, Haunted House, and Running in the Bear Empire, my four weekly-posted stories
  • things for Patreon
  • The Rural Fantasy Aunt Family novel The Family Power

(I don’t focus well 😉

I’ll also probably be taking prompts.


* does the whole world use those names and if so, how did North America get the NA-centric names like Pacific, Central, Eastern?

NanoWriMo Skip Week

Where’s all the content, Lyn?

It’s in three documents for NaNoWriMo, that’s where 😉

Skip week this week.  Have a few snippets of what I’m working on.

(Green is described as being “days where you did exceptionally well.”  Yellow isn’t described, but those days I wrote less than 1667 of NaNoWriMo-logged words but was still above the Nano Daily Goal overall)

“I am your Aunt!  I am your elder.  And if you cannot be polite to your elders-”

“Then I imagine I’ll have trouble at work, yes.”  Eva smiled crookedly. “I told you I’d look into the Matthews and I will.”  Sometime this decade, for sure. “I assure you. You might ask Aunt Antonia about Cosette and see if she has any insight.  There’s not all that much she knows, but she might – what’s the phrase – there might be something she doesn’t know that she knows.” Continue reading

Giraffe Call: “WTF?!?”

Short version:

The theme is “WTF??!??”.

Leave as many prompts as you want.

If you tip $3 or more, are a Patreon at the $3 or higher level, or if another prompter tells me they came here from your signal booster, I WILL write to at least 1 of your prompts.

All others will be written as mood, time, and inspiration permit.

In addition: for every $3 you tip, I will write 200-400 words continuing the prompt-call story of your choice.

The WTF?!? Prompt Call

Here at House Thorne, we are in the middle of renovations to the second floor (“attic”) of our cape cod-style farmhouse.

We’re turning what was two knee-walled attic spaces (unfinished) and two separate “rooms” into one large room, ripping out all of the insulation, and replacing it with blown-in closed-cell foam.

Which, because our house is 150 or so years old, will require adding in framing at almost every step!

This is looking – framing, insulation, drywall, and flooring –  to be approximately a $12,000 project.

My goal is to pay for 5% of that from Patreon funds and 5% from this prompt call.

To that end, I am asking you to leave prompts to the theme “WTF”, and, if like what you read, to leave a little money in the WTF jar.

You don’t need to tip!  All prompts are welcome.  But tipping will guarantee that I write your prompt, AND get you more words.

In addition:. The more tips we get, the more things EVERYONE gets:

$50 – Cat Picture, probably with dirty paws.

$75 – 1/8 of the way there! – I will post a picture of the author in her first home renovation project (age 5)

$100 — and every hundred thereafter — Mr. Thorne will write a piece on some portion of the “wtf” in the house.

$150 – 1/4 there! –  I will post a photo essay of some particular “wtf” area of the home & its renovation

$225 3/8 there! – I will find one more photo of the author in her first home renovation!

$300 – halfway there!  I will pick three tipping/Patreon readers to receive one 100-300-word continuation of their choice.

more rewards to come!

For “what is a prompt call?” or “Why Giraffe?” see here

Housekeeping – Patreon

I am slowly copying my Patreon fiction posts to WordPress for better archiving and so they show up, at least those in a particular ‘verse, in the landing pages.

What I have moved can be found here –

Patreons have the password(s); there will be one for each year, just so that they do eventually change.

When I remember, I will make sure that those that Aren’t locked on patreon also aren’t locked here.


Gentlefolk: It is Kaijune!

I invite you to leave me prompts (image, word, concept, all three) about kaiju!

I last did this as a Patreon theme back in June 2017, so it seems fitting to revisit it now.

Anyone can prompt!  Stories will generally be 250-500 words and can always be continued for a tip.

(Tips, at the moment, are going in the “finish the bathroom and the attic” fund, as our bathroom is still missing walls).