
Signal Boost: K Orion Fray’s Prompt Call

K Orion Fray, who happens to be our attiker*, is hosting a prompt call on her blog, with a theme of Magic, Elves, and Faeries.

Prompting will give you a free 100-250 words; tips will produce continuations and go towards gas money for Ri to visit ri’s father next weekend.

This prompt call also serves as an introduction to the upcoming serial Quest to Karantiri.

Check it out and leave Rion a prompt!

* Attiker, noun, one who dwells in an attic. Specifically in our attic.

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Prompt Call(s) – Rix’s and Mine!

[personal profile] rix_scaedu‘s Prompt Call is still open until Tuesday her time. Go leave her 14 prompts! (or less. I’m just enthusiastic.

Of the awesome stuff from this call, I most recently enjoyed On the Edge of Disaster, set in the same universe as her Rensa stories, and Testing a Theory, which makes me want to write a crossover with her into my Science! ‘verse

Speaking of prompt calls!

I am taking suggestions for my August 18th Rabbit Safari call.

Current suggestions include:
Storms and droughts.
Lost or forgotten things.
Fight ALL the oppressions!Fuzzy? (the first thing that comes to mind with rabbit)
Skins and furs
Legacies and fate
herefore adventures and quests, possibly with furred people.

And why it’s a Rabbit Safari:
Here’s a sheet. And a sheet with Theocracy.

My grandmother gave me those sheets when my parents built their house; I was 5. That makes them thirty-one years old. And they’re in bad shape, but I love them.

My mother recently brought down my childhood bed, which now lives in the upstairs as a guest bed. And I want to redo that space (Which is currently a mess, as [personal profile] eseme can attest; the paneling goes every which way, there’s neither door nor blinds, the floor is industrial linoleum, and so on). Not a full redo, because that’s going to require ripping out the walls. That’s down the road several years. But enough to make it nice for company. New sheets & blanket. Curtains and blinds. Mom’s providing the door. A rug. Maybe a piece of art for the wall.

And the bunnies! I’m going to work around that sheet, even though I can’t really put it on the bed. Have a new pillowcase printed at Spoonflower, turn the old sheet into part of a stuffed bunny pillow, maybe frame one of the bunnies.

So, while my bedroom is giraffe-and-safari themed, this one is going to be bunny-safari themed. And if that’s a bit juvenile… well, it might be a kids’ room someday, too. 😀


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Character description and signal Boost

djinni is hosting ICON DAY 21!!

And for an icon request, #1 was Summer. Here’s her description:

Summer is younger, a sunny blonde; her hair is generally pulled back in a loose ponytail, strands falling in her face:

She prefers bright colors for her clothes, especially yellow, orange, and that bright colour in between those two. Simple clothes, probably a T-shirt like this – saying something clever- I like “Yes, and?” or, if smaller, “try.”

Like her siblings, her face shape is most like this picture here:; her skin is tan but not deeply so.

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All the Love! Linnnnks!

Read my story “The Wish Machine” (from the Aunt Family ‘verse) in this month’s EMG-Zine!

All the Addergoole Fanfic!!!!

[personal profile] clare_dragonfly wrote this story of Kayros and Vic.

[personal profile] kajones_writing created
these characters and then wrote
this story and
this story.

cluudle wrote this story set in the same general timeline as my current Boom ‘fics, staring Yoshi’s paternal half-brother Etienne.

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Tuesday, with FIRE!

First, a pretty Icon. Thank you, @inventrix!!

Second, guys, we MADE FIRE!! We finally got the wood-burning stove installed and MADE FIRE! There was some smoke and some mess but then fire happened! (the seam on the pipe popped but we got it put back together).

Remembering how to start a fire is, it seems, like riding a bike. You let the memory muscles take over and it works.

And, while our house is not at all set up to be entirely heated by the stove (It’s on the high end of a slightly-sloping downstairs, for one), it certainly helped, and we have lots of scrap wood & half a freecycled ruined barn and grapevine galore to burn, and that’s a lot cheaper (i.e. free) than heating oil/kerosene, which are stupid expensive.

Window is almost done. Next… painting the utility room (woo). 🙂 And the accessory parts of the bedroom.

Signals to Boost!

The Kickstarter is up for Plunge Magazine. Guys, I want to write for this magazine! Help make it happen?

Rix_scaedu wrote me a lovely erotic story , because she’s an awesome friend.

[personal profile] clare_dragonfly had an awesome Garden of Prosey! Read all the stories!

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Monday after Giddy Sunday

I’m into work stupid-early this morning because there’s, in theory, a VIP coming in at some point. On the other hand, I get to leave early too!

This weekend was awesome! Saturday was a lot of housework – finishing painting the trim, moving the old sink out of the utility room, that sort of thing – not as much painting as I’d wanted but still productive.

Sunday, we took a long drive (go to the bottom of the lake, turn right. Go to the top of the lake, turn left. Go over the top of another lake….) to a place called The Wizard of Clay that does awesome pottery and has for over 30 years (My parents have housewarming gifts from there).

On the way back, we hit a few wineries, including Four Chimneys, which is a teeny tiny winery with some really awesome wines. I <3 living in wine country!!

In other news…

[personal profile] ysabetwordsmith has posted some more poems from the fishbowl, including “The Leaning of Life”, from my prompt.

[personal profile] clare_dragonfly has posted some more fiction from her Garden of Prosy, including The Other Side of the Gate, from my prompt.

[personal profile] meeks has posted a sketch dump, including a sketch from my story “Creeped Right Out.”


[personal profile] anke is calling for prompts, with a theme of “horror or dark fantasy”

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I do believe it’s Thursday, Right?

Yesterday, a 70F day in mid-November, I stayed home sick (actually sick, but mostly a mild office cold I was trying to beat before it was no longer mild), wrote 3500+ words, over 2100 of which were for my Nanowrimo, and sorted the last of the apples.

I need to get back into the swing of house stuff before it’s too cold to do anything, but the plumber prospects are at least looking up.

Newest house weirdness: it appears that, sometime along the line, someone actually taped the drywall corners…

…wait for it…

…with masking tape. *facepalm*


[personal profile] ysabetwordsmith is taking ideas for future fishbowl themes here.

And if you have not yet read her epic Igor’s Creature, I strongly suggest you do so now. Right now. Go. I’ll be here when you get back.


[personal profile] meeks has worked her magic again, and it’s thematic to my nano!

Go see her sketch of Autumn, updated.
(and on LJ).


And Rix_Scaedu has two amazing new pieces up:
Tales Behind The Verses: Between Eighteen and Nineteen – Part 1 and Astrith.

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Wednesday morning after emergency Lowe’s run

I got a message from T. as I was about to leave work yesterday – “either you need to stop on the way home or we need to go out once you’re home.”

Seems the threshold to our house had died a messy death.

(This is amusing to me because I’m a big fan of Jim Butcher’s Dresden’verse, where the threshold is the word used for the magical protection of one’s own home, and something similar exists in Addergoole/Fae Apoc, where you cannot enter someone’s home without their permission).

But in this case, the wood under the metal and weather stripping and above the slab had disintegrated. Not nearly as magical, no demons, and we just needed some wood and a new metal threshold & weather stripping to replace…. which T. will be doing today.


[personal profile] meeks has uploaded a new detail view of Rin‘s picture 🙂 It’s the city! (Livjournal and Dreamwidth.

She’s also posted a new sketch on DW and LJ – to [personal profile] jjhunter‘s poem The Lamb’s Plea To Them Both, which is definitely worth a read.

[personal profile] ysabetwordsmith had her monthly Fishbowl yesterday (sorry for lack of boost; 1st/month is mad for me); of the poems she’s posted so far (which you should read), I think “The Funny Farm” is my favorite.

Aaannndd… (A little late, sorry) [personal profile] lilfluff wrote this story to my prompt – I’m eager to see more of this world!!

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Monday on a Tuesday

Wonderful weekend visiting friends, just now getting back into the swing of things.

Applesauce successfully canned. Freezing apples tonight or tomorrow.

Planning on doing Nanowrimo in a not-killing-myself sort of way (i.e., working on the story as my main but not sole project through November and December) – the first Autumn story ever.

Giraffe Call:

Updated the linkback incentive (LJ).

Working through to third prompts; if you haven’t left a second or third prompt, you have ’till I get to the bottom of the list again to do so. Then I move on to sponsored prompts/continuations.

DreamWidth – call for prompts here

LiveJournal – call for prompts here


EllenMillion is doing another free abstracts call for prompts today:
free prompted abstracts are now open!

This is a fundraiser for EMG-Zine, which is in danger of being canceled after the June 2012 issue. Free prompts are open during today’s window.

This is an awesome Begariad (Eddings) fanfic by [personal profile] recessional

[profile] kajones has posted a prompt call. The theme is Halloween, Samhain, Diwali, and Fireworks Night

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Already Wednesday, avec les pommes

Yesterday, we made applesauce.
Monday, we made applesauce and apple cake.
Sunday, we made applesauce.
Saturday, we got lost on an Epic!Quest! for apple cider.
Tonight, we will make applesauce. And maybe can it.
(the makeshift canner (our giant pot and a steamer rack from the Chinese food store) will hold 8 quart jars. Our next-biggest pot will hold about 8 cups of applesauce. So batches.)

There hasn’t been as much work on this house this week, but we got a Giant Order Of Stuff from Lowes yesterday (incl. the stuff for the closet, window molding, log rack supplies, door molding, drywall, insulation… and a chest freezer) so there will be Stuff to Do once again. Also, mudding and painting. This bedroom is taking a lot of mudding.

Read The Kiss, from [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith‘s mid-month Monster House Fishbowl, from my prompt.

Read a short Addergoole fanfic, by cluudle!!

Read Ghost Story, by Rix-Scaedu


And someone is trying square foot gardening & Lasagna gardening together!

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