It’s World-Building June! So I’m building Worlds! Aerax/Expectant Woods over on Patreon, and Bear Empire and a new thing here!
It’s also June WorldBuilding – so we’re getting two sets of prompts.
Here’s two posts this week!

9. What are the religions and cosmology of your world?
Within the Bear Empire and in several of the nations surrounding it, the primary religion – and the one that is supported by/considered part of/supporting the state – is a totemic faith of sorts. The nation of the Bear considered Mother Bear to be their guardsmen, protector, and guide; the Lynx people still consider Sister Lynx as theirs, and so on.
It is the belief or at least a tenet of this faith that the Bear is the ancestor of the Bear people, the Fox of the Fox people, and so on. This sits in the realm of pre-history with the story that the totems came here because their prior land was too crowded.
I mention Priests of Axes and temple of Axes in my story. So, let’s see.
The options are: Axes is the name of the Bear in a certain aspect.
Axes was meant to be Axis, and it refers to the pole.
Axes are the weapons of choice of the Priesthood of the Bear, and so the casual name for them is the Priesthood of Axes.
I like that third one the best.
Cal Questions
21- What do people in the society consider basic necessities? What resources do they take for granted?
Stone. Stone is definitely taken for granted.
Granite, even.
Stone, and wood, and water – clean water – and the very thin underlying force of magic which powers things most people don’t even think about (like the Bear-stone bracelets and other Bear-stone items). All those things are in abundance in the Empire of the Bear. As is, ah, natural refrigeration.
Basic necessities include: Shelter-and-heat, bread-and-salt, mittens-and-boots. In some parts of the country, it is considered a grievous sin to deny anyone who asks any of these things; in others, it’s considered an equally grievous sin to ask. In both places, if you ask and it is given, or if it is given freely without asking, a bond has been formed that neither can break. In three seasons out of four, lack of any of them can kill you, and in the fourth, lack of the bread and salt might still kill you.
Close behind in necessity: The support of your totem. The knowledge of your kin-group. Knowing who has your back in a fight and having at least two people who will.
This is one reason marriages are often tripartite.
Questions? Thoughts? Tell me!