
Addergoole Still Wants You!

I’ve posted three new Addergoole Bonus stories for the “Addergoole Wants You” comments-to-fic promotion. You can find them here.

I’ve still got slots open – just one more 250-words-for-a-comment (with bonuses!) option, but 15 more at decreasing wordcount after that. And, of course, every subsequent comment gets you more words.

If you DO leave a comment, make sure to tell me what you want your words to be about. [personal profile] thnidu, what would you like your words on?

Check out the new Addergoole page, tell me how lovely it looks, and help fill out its comments section. 🙂

In the meantime, I’m going to be over here, doodling Old Tongue (the original Fae Apoc Language), looking at neanderthals, and thinking about bookbinding…. doot, doot…

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Addergoole: the Original Series – No Apple for Teacher

This story is written for Clare K. R. Miller‘s request, thanks to the "Addergoole Wants You" comments-for-fics promotion.  It follows Useful, itself one of the stories in the Addergoole-50-years-later stories following Retirement and Retirement 2.

Rozen was not sure about teaching…

(Read on: )

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Addergoole Wants You! (To leave comments)


I have almost finished migrating all of Addergoole: The Original Series to WordPress, here:

But with the slow death of the old forums and moving to the new site… it looks sad. It wants comment-love.

So I’m going to bribe you, the readers, to leave comments.


The first 20 people** to leave comments* on the new Addergoole site ( may request any Addergoole or fae-apoc based short-short stories:

The first 5 commenters will get 250 words
The next 5 will get 100 words
The next 5 will get 50 words
and the next 5 will get 25 words.

Each additional comment after your first will increase that wordcount by 10%, up to 500 words.

Leave a note here with your requested story. Stories will be posted within the next 2-3 months, as time permits.

* A comment, for the purposes of this post, must be at least 10 words long, excluding typo-finds, and must be relevant in some way to the post you’re commenting on. No credit for spam!

** This option will remain open for three weeks, or until I have 20 commenters, whichever comes first.

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Grasp the Nettle – a ficlet of Addergoole Yr10 for the Summer Giraffe Call

Written to [personal profile] chanter_greenie‘ prompt here to my Summer Giraffe Call Round 2

The hallways had been loud and dark all morning. Circia had hidden in her room with her plants and her Biology homework and tried to ignore it. There’d been one time where someone pounded on her door, but she’d shouted “go away,” ignoring the pounding echoing in her head, and nobody else had bothered her.

Now it was nearly dinner time, and Circia found herself both hungry and craving sunlight. Sun was hard to get around here, but if she could make her way to the grotto… Tigg had enjoyed showing her the broad indoor garden, walking her around it, telling her all about the plants. He was a nice guy, if a little too intent on visiting her every day. She wondered if it had been him knocking on her door. Well, he was just going to have to learn about the word “no.”

She hardly noticed the thistles trailing like vines behind her, or the way they wrapped the outside of her door. Somehow, they seemed natural. And, once she had made it into the grotto, it seemed natural that they, like her, would reach up for the sky and the strange indoor sunlight.

When they found her in there, several hours later, Tigg was still complaining of the swelling in his hands. “Isn’t the saying ‘grasp the nettle?’”

Circia barely heard him. Her feet were deep in the dirt and her prickers had all settled into place. The fake sun was warm enough on her face, and she could feel the whole grotto through her vines.

She opened her eyes slowly, to find Professor Valerian, Professor Fridmar, and Tigg staring at her. “I think I’ll stay here for a while,” she informed them sleepily.

The professors, in turn, studied the prickly vines Circia had woven around the carnivorous trees and strange plants that made up the grotto. “Yes. I think you will,” Professor Valerian agreed. Tigg’s whining aside, she thought no-one here would want to grasp this nettle, let alone firmly.

“Poor Regine,” she murmured to Fridmar, as they left Circia to her sun and her dirt. “And poor your students. They do so hate it when they come with natural weaponry.”

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A Chance

Written to [personal profile] chanter_greenie‘s prompt here to my Summer Giraffe Call.

It was not technically a prison. Even if it had been, Aodh did not think he’d mind. He had sunlight and fresh air, a stone house that did not catch fire, and copies of as many books as he wanted to read. He had teachers working with him patiently on his still-unreliable fire powers, and, more importantly, people helping him create Workings that protected his own body from the results of his flames.

He didn’t think he could leave, but Aodh did not mind all that much. He remembered too well what happened when his power got out of control.

Still, when Luke came walking up the lane, Aodh found himself tensing. He resisted the urge to run and hide; there was nowhere he could hide from Luke; there was nowhere he could really hide from anyone, if they really wanted to see him.

Luke was accompanied by three younger-looking men. As they came closer, Aodh saw that one of them was tall, over eight feet. One of them had gills and a green tint to his complexion. The third had a tail, tucked around into his front pocket. All three were carrying large bags and wearing plain black clothing.

“Hey, Aodh. These three would like to talk to you for a few minutes.” Luke stepped back. He wasn’t scowling; he’d been scowling for months. But he wasn’t smiling, either.

The one with the tail stepped forward and offered a seven-fingered hand to shake. “Hey, Aodh, I’m Conrad. I hear you can get pretty hot.”

Aodh shook the hand, a little surprised. Most people didn’t want to talk to him. “I can, uh. Yeah.” He winced. He could melt steel when he focused, but sometimes that meant his control of his protective Workings failed him. “Yeah.”

“We’ve got some monsters we need to kill, and it seems like extreme heat is a big weakness. Think you could help us?” His smile was self-disparaging, but Aodh noted he held himself much like Luke did, and he had a series of scars below his chin, running down under his shirt.

Aodh swallowed. “Is this the, uh.” He didn’t have a TV. Televisions didn’t survive around him. “The… war?”

“Yeah.” Conrad’s smile slipped away. “It is, and we could use all the help we could get.”

Aodh looked down at the ground for a minute. “I could help? Really help?”

“Man,” Conrad admitted, “you might be our only hope.”

It was going to hurt, a lot. But nothing would ever hurt as much as those first few months. “I’ll do it.”

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Damage Control

Written to [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith‘s prompt(s) here to my Summer Giraffe Call.

“Come on.”

“I didn’t mean to…” Krešimir winced ruefully at the hallway. It was sopping wet, but only because Mirembe had summoned up a storm. Under the water, it was charred, the panelling falling off the walls where it wasn’t just gone. “I really didn’t.”

“Come on.” Luke’s hand was firm on Krešo’s shoulder and he had started to walk away. Krešo didn’t really have a lot of choice except to follow the gym teacher-slash-security officer — or lose his shoulder, which didn’t seem like a lot of fun.

He trotted along, although he couldn’t help but look back at the wreckage he’d made every few moments. “I’ll help fix it. I can pay for the damages, maybe? Get a job at the Store? I didn’t mean to make a mess, that’s all. I just…”

“Akatil will fix it.” Luke pulled Krešo down into a hallway he’d never seen before, tucked between the Director’s office and the dining hall. It was dark down here, cramped-feeling. Krešo swallowed nervously.

“I, um. I can really help?”

“Look, kid.” Luke pushed a door open that hadn’t been there a moment ago. Sunlight streamed inside. “It’s a fire power. Being sorry for it is like being sorry that you’re breathing. It’s self-defeating and ridiculous.”

“So… you’re not mad?”

“I’m angry. I’m not mad at you. Come on.” His hand seemed gentler now as he steered Krešo out into a wide meadow. “You need to get control of your powers.”

“I know, I know! I keep trying, but then every time someone spooks me…” He stopped. Luke was smiling. He was the scariest thing Krešo had seen — either in or out of school — and he was smiling. “…What?”

“I saw what happened when she ‘spooked’ you. I’d say she deserved it, wouldn’t you?”

Krešo swallowed. “I mean… Professor Pelletier….”

“Professor Pelletier didn’t see the whole thing. I did. It’s fine to… ha… let off steam when someone is being an ass. You’ve just got to learn to do it intentionally. Here.” He gestured at a stretch of grass with a couple scraggly-looking trees. “Let loose.”

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Friday 5(ish) Minute Map & Sketch – Addergoole’s Village

In the setting of Addergoole, beyond the school, there is a little Village, described variously as “out of a Normal Rockwell painting,” “Small Town USA”, and “far too quaint.” It leads out to residential areas, where some people – parents, former students, staff – live, and where lady Maureen’s creche for, to be frank, unwanted children live.

I did a very sketchy elevation of the outside-facing part of the Addergoole-school part a couple weeks ago:


And then today, while in training with a bit of time, I did a bit of “five-minute” mapping of the Village itself and a sketch of part of it.

It is based in part on my memories of Spencerport, NY, Brockport, NY, Canandaigua, NY, and other nearby towns.

P.S. The library says “Falk Memorial Library.”
P.P.S. Click to embiggen.

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Addergoole (The original Series) Is…

Addergoole is a story about three couples coming together, with varying degrees of manipulation, coercion, and mind control – and varying degrees of affection, attraction, and romance.

It is a story about three teenagers finding out about magic – and about how that magic relates to them. 

It is also a story about just how awful magically-powered teenagers under minimal supervision can be to one another. 

It’s a story about choices, and the times when the only good choice is still awful.  It’s a story about learning new things about the world around you, and learning new things about yourself. 

Addergoole is dark contemporary fantasy, and it earns every single one of those titles. 

(Pondering new descriptions for an old series…)

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Give me Ideas… short Addergoole: YEar 5 fic

Hey, Addergoole fans! I need some ideas for short side fiction!

Consolidated from three tweets, looking for three separate-but-related things:

Addergoole year 5 – the original series. First week (showing up through 1st dance). Give me a character to write a side story about, pls.

what kind of addergoole: year 5 story could I fit on a postcard while still having it a discrete piece of fiction?

Need some what-if situations for Addergoole. What if a student []… What if they Change []… What if they find out…[] Looking for students that illustrate or exemplify Addergoole, essentially.

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#ThrowbackThursday: 2012

May 12, 2012: My “Call of Nature/Origins & Creations” Giraffe Call.

And I wrote two throwbacks: the origins, or some of them, of Baram:

“Monster.” The witch twisted in Barypos’ arms and spat in his face. “Monster. Cretin. Beast.”

He lay his knife at her throat. “Soldier.” Her language wasn’t his, but they were close enough, and a warrior learned what he had to, fighting in these lands that weren’t home. “Father. Son.” He shrugged in apology. “I fight where I have to.”

“You killed my husband. My son. My baby.”…

continue reading “Cursed”

… and the Aunt Family’s houses…

“Here.” Carrie and Thomas glanced at each other, and then back at the land, and nodded.

“The road’s almost here, it won’t take us much to bring it this far. We’ll put the main house right on the road, and then we can build two more there and there,” Carrie pointed down the road a ways, “and a small place over there.”

“Woah, woah.” Thomas grinned at Carrie. “The small house is for your sister, then? Sarah? What are the others for?”

continue reading “Building the Homes”

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