
Who are you In Edally Academy?

For a little fun, I’m going to go back to something I did a long time ago:

What would your name be in Calenyen?

But more than that, what student would you be in Edally?  What house would you be in?  Talk to me, and we can come up with your Edally/Reiassan name and student!

Here’s one version of Clare’s:

and @rixScaudu’s

Want more?

Edally Academy Houses II

Every one of the nine houses of Edally Academy has its own tower (which serves as a dormitory and social area), its own classroom building, its own uniform colors, and its own sigil.

Kaarson House covers Economics and Agriculture: the business, as their current Head of House has said more than once, of living and then of thriving.

Their uniform is fully in the realm of Rienaasanun (Reiassannon in the Bitrani): neutral brown, forest green, and grass green adorn these student of life and the living.

Their sigil is a parsnip, Reiassan’s signature starch crop, a stubborn root that will grow anywhere, even on the side of a mountain, and which can survive most of the natural predators to such things; the parsnip is crossed over the horns of a goat, the animal which serves the Calenyena as meat, milk, and wool source as well as serving as a riding beast.

Bapzhoom House houses those who wish to learn about anatomy and medicine.  This school has existed from the very first days, and its uniform being almost entirely in the realm of Mindfulness. Tienaabaa (Bitrani: Tienebrah), the deity of mindfulness and change, cold and thought, is still a matter of some dissension among various groups.  After all, Rienaasanun is the deity of healing… Continue reading

– Conlang for Patreon

We’re still in the month of Names, which Edally is good for.  But I’m going to do something a little different.

A couple years back, I turned several of my friends’ and readers’ names into their Calenyen versions, but Eseme was offline during that era.

She chose a colorful bird, so here we go.

A noun isn’t going start with an E in Calenyen; not unless it’s one of those that are Beyond the definition of Use — the sky, the sea, the mountains, the moon, the sun.

Now, a word coined first in Calenyen wouldn’t start with the se- sound, either. Continue reading

Edally Story 1 – Come Down Sometimes

Chapter 1-5, Book One: Dairnikkindo and Biemnyon

“Biemon!  What are you-”  Dairnikkindo’s voice was a hiss against the night air.  “Did you do enough last year?  You’re going to get expelled!”

“You know I’m not going to, Dairdo-dairkin,” Biemnyon teased.  He was making no attempt to lower his voice.  “I have the best grades in the school right now.  And I won the Mechanics competition just a week ago.  I think I’m entitled to a little fun.”

“A little fun, sure.”  Tired of craning her neck, Dairnikkindo swung herself up to a second-story window frame to look up at Biemnyon.  Ever since he’d pulled his stunt last year, he’d been incorrigible, irrepressible, and absolutely without any concern in the world for his future.

Since he’d thrice asked Dairnikkindo to share that future with him, she thought perhaps he might have some thought for it, but no, he was climbing the Philosophy Tower.  Again.
And what was more, she realized, as she squinted into the moonlight at him, he was using one of her Devices to do it.

“You might have won the Mechanics competition,” she hissed, “but we both know why.”

“You know that they’d say you were a sore loser, too, if you said anything.”

“Biemnyon.”  Dairnikkindo stood up on the narrow ledge, her own Device gripping the stone carefully.  “I would think very carefully about what you just said.  If you truly think that that is why I said nothing, then you have no right to ever again ask me to add your name to mine.”

She was furious, and she knew that it showed in her voice.  She didn’t care.  The nerve of that man!

And just like that, he slid halfway down the building, so he could look down at her.  “You’ve turned me down three times, Dairdo.  Three times, that’s one for each god.  Common wisdom says that if you say no in the face of all the gods, that you’ll never say yes.”

“Well, considering you’ve never paid much attention to common wisdom in any other situation, I don’t know why you’re bothering now.  Biemnyon, I have said no because you have not yet shown me what you want a future to look like.”  She dropped down to the ground in two bumps, moving like a spider against the wall.  “When you figure it out, let me know – and then you can ask me in the face of all three gods, and you can see what I say then.”

She walked away before she could look at his face, before she could turn and take it all back or yell at him some more.  He was going to have to grow up eventually – or he was going to have to be a perpetual child, but without her.  She didn’t know, yet, which was more likely; she didn’t know yet what she’d do if he chose not to grow up.

Hanging him by his toes from the top of the Engineering Tower, though, definitely was starting to look appealing.


So Solace went and gave me two Books of all the characters, and thus is getting all the Edally ficlets ever. 

This one takes place when Taikie’s parents are still in school. 


Edally Academy Houses I – colors and sigils – written for Patreon

Every one of the nine houses of Edally Academy has its own tower (which serves as a dormitory and social area), its own classroom building, its own uniform colors, and its own sigil.Kyokyoenet House (Kyoket*) is the martial house.

In modern days,  this school is sometimes thought to be useless, a redundancy in times when there is only Calenta filling the whole continent.  Still it remains, and classes in tactics, combat, and strategy are an essential part of every Edally student’s eduation.

Their colors are navy, orange-red, & red, red being the color of Veignevar/Viegnevaar, whose realm is  blood, fire, violence, death, and the hot season.  Their sigil is the sword, the leaf-blade gladius-type weapon that every Edally student learns at least basic proficiency in.

House Akaizepennen (Akaizen*) covers Mechanics and Engineering. Continue reading

Baarbaarbaar – Conlang for Patreon





In Tuesday’s story, we have a character named Baarbaarbaar.

This is pronounced, in my head, like you started saying Barbara and got stuck.

(“Nanny Ogg knew how to start spelling ‘banana’, but didn’t know how you stopped. (Witches Abroad, Terry Pratchett)

Someone on Mastodon asked me about the etymology, so I needed to come up with one!

First I found:

baar: he/she (person pronoun)

But I do not think someone is going to name their kid They-they-they (or he-he-he).

So I kept thinking.  And I found (in my head):

we had the word baarbaan, horizon, which became baarbaanbaar, a name, which then became Baarbaarbarr *nods*

(Adding “person” or “them” to the end of a name isn’t common, but repeating syllables is.  So in this case, I think what happened is that you had BaarBaan, and to differentiate it from the word horizon, they repeated a syllable again.  BaarBaanBaar. And then you have someone mishear it and you end up with Baarbaarbaar).

In Edally era, names are not commonly given for their direct meaning, but in Baarbaarbaar’s time, that may have been different.  And indeed, as the Head of Edally Academy, it would be good to be one who looks forward, toward the horizon.

For more about Calenyena, see the Reiassan landing page here:

Prideworthy – a story for Patreon


Headmaster Baarbaarbaar looked at the Tower.  Barely fifty years old, it had stood with the name of the third Head of School for that entire time.

Next to him, the Head of the Martial school looked on thoughtfully.  “Do you think it’s appropriate?”

“I think…” Baarbaarbaar spoke slowly, letting the thoughts circulate.  “I believe that we have always put the names of our most prideworthy graduates at pertinent places in the school.  And now that we have the Towers for each school, it makes sense to let their names, too, change with the pride of the school.”

“But…”  Allizh was a staid and placid-seeming woman who thought slowly but with great deliberation.  “This is the sort of thing that War house is proud of, yes.  BUt is it the sort of thing that the Academy is proud of?” Continue reading

Request for Help with an Offer of Bribe

I’m starting on Edally Book Three (Working title: The Broken Bargain) and, well.

Edally has a huge cast.

A really, really big cast.

It’s a school, after all.

But I have a hard time remembering them all!

I have the beginning of this:  An alphabetical list of the characters in Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 10 of Book One.

What I would like from you:

a list of characters appearing in any given chapter in Books One and Two and, if description, the description given.

If you have it: a house affiliation and the chapter name/number to their first appearance would be awesome.

What I will give you in return: 

a brief fic (100 – 500 words) including from one to all of the characters in that chapter.

What I’m going to do:

Put together a wiki of all the Edally characters ever.  Hopefully.
(More bribes are available if someone wants to help me do all of that, too.)



If you choose to do this, please check-in here so that we don’t have duplicate content.


Book I


Book II



(Thanks to Solace and Thnidu for their helpful comments!)

War Prize

Written sort of adjacent to Inspector Caracal’s prompt. 

This is set in a earlier era of Reiassan than Rin/Girey and definitely earlier than Edally, although really we see almost no markings of era in the story.  


They had been walking for four days.

At first, Gianci had preferred the walking.  It had to be better than sitting in a prison tent waiting to die.  It had to be better than being dirty and sweaty, fighting on the front lines because he’d pissed off the wrong person in High Command.  It had to be better than dying with a Callenni spear through his gut, the way he’d watched Tierri die, the way he’d thought he was going down when that tiny dark soldier had hit him with something in the gut. Continue reading