The Weasel that Saved the Empire, a story of Reiassan for Patreon
“I’m looking for something new.” The Princess Orenienarena didn’t so much walk into Tailor Kentor’s store as she snuck in, a long fitted jacket covering up her imperial silks. It took the tailor a second glance to recognize her, her head covered in a thin scarf in the way of tradesfolk and her face bare of her customary jewelry.
She spilled a double handful of buttons onto the tailor’s counter. A glance told him they were hand-carved of stone and bone; a quick look with a loupe told him they were well-done. ”I am looking for something a bit more buttoned-up.”
Tailor Kentor frowned thoughtfully at the buttons and the Princess. Without looking, he batted his weasel Nagyar away from the pile of buttons. Nagyar, like all of his kind, was a notorious thief…
So I said…
At this rate, I shall start making up my own prompts and we'll be reading about complicated buttoning structures and weasel coats.
— Lyn Thorne-Alder (@lynthornealder) June 8, 2016
And Rix said…
@lynthornealder I know I'm not a Patreon contributor but may I officially request complicated buttons and weasel coats?
— Rix Scaedu (@rix_scaedu) June 8, 2016
And I was low on Reiassan prompts, so here you go. 3000 words: buttoning structures and weasels in waistcoats.
Become a patreon now and give me your own prompts! 🙂
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Goat-Mad, a Story of Reiassan – A Patreon Story
Author’s note:
June 2016’s Patreon theme is Reiassan, the fantasy-and-steampunk setting for my web-serial Edally Academy and for many other stories, listed here. A short description of the world can be found here on the Edally site.
The story below is set on the continent of Reiassan, in the nation of Calenta, at a time at least a century before Edally Academy is set.
~ ~~
“Can we have a goat now?”
When Latezya was nine years old, she spent every spare moment of her school break cleaning out the outbuilding behind her family’s home. Before her parents had bought the house, the old building had been a stable. Now that it was theirs, it served mostly as a junk room and home to the wild weasels that ran rampant through the city. Continue reading
Goat-Mad, a story of Reiassan for Patreon
“Can we have a goat now?”
When Latezya was nine years old, she spent every spare moment of her school break cleaning out the outbuilding behind her family’s home. Before her parents had bought the house, the old building had been a stable. Now that it was theirs, it served mostly as a junk room and home to the wild weasels that ran rampant through the city….
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The Tea Wars, a story of Rin & Girey, reposted for Patreon
This story re-energized my interest in Reiassan. Written to a prompt of eseme‘s (“something about tea”), it hits on a quiet moment in the journey of Rin & Girey.
Rin & Girey are, of course, the protagonists of the will-someday-be-a-novel, Into Lannamer, the beginnings of which sparked this whole setting in the first place.
Originally Posted July 17th, 2010.
Tea-time was one of Rin’s favorite rituals, one of the few gentilities that remained to her after years at war. On the trail, it became even more precious – a welcome relief from the saddle, a pause to fill her stomach, the kick in the tea that would keep her awake until it was time to camp.
She brewed the tea herself…
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Goat Diplomacy, a story of Reiassan in the early days, up on Patreon
“They burn dung.” The junior ambassador to the Ideztozhyuh hissed it out in a horrified whisper. “They’re burning goat waste in those horrid little stoves, Angirie!”
“They do.” The senior ambassador didn’t share his associate’s horror; indeed, he was smirking. “And they drink the fermented milk of their nanny goats, and they wear underthings made from spun goat wool. They boil the hooves down for a kind of gelatinous stew and they wear the horns as jewelry. They’re goat-riders, Hanzio. What did you expect?”
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Protected: Goat Diplomacy – A Patreon Story
Rin & Girey’s Campsite, Updated
The Cartographers’ Guild does a monthly Lite Mapping Challenge, so I took my Five-Minute Map sketch and … made it better.
Not perfect, but better.
And then I had a small panic attack, and then I submitted it.
It’s one of Rin & Girey’s campsites, early in the story.
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Landing Page: Reiassan
The two largest (and only surviving) nations on the continent of Reiassan have been at war, on and off, for centuries, gobbling up all smaller nations in their wake. Now, in the 20th year of Emperor Alessely, the Northern nation of Callenia has conquered the Southern nation of Bithrain.
In the aftermath of the war, one healer in the Emperor’s Army, a woman named Rin, has taken as a captive a Bitrani soldier. Although she calls him Girey of Tugia, and has convinced him to do the same, her prisoner is the surviving heir of the deposed-and-soon-to-be-executed King of Bithrain. Now she is bringing him home, across the long mountainous countryside to the far northern Callanthe capital city of Lannamer.
Reiassan is a fantasy story with romantic elements. The still-very –new Steam!Reiassan is set quite some time in the future in the same country, and is a steampunk setting.
NB: The setting is constantly evolving. While the stories are in the process of being edited for the e-book, the versions here on livejournal/dreamwidth will have some setting inconsistencies – horses v. goats, etc.
Temporary add-on landing page here.
Places to start
Abduction For the Rin/Girey story, with an LJ login.
Coming Soon (LJ), a trailer for the Rin/Girey story
Sword (LJ) – sets the tone of an earlier era
Discovery (LJ) – for the Steam/Edally era
Edally Academy
Test Synopsis: Rin & Girey Novel (No Xpost)
Rin/Girey Stories include:
Abduction – Rin & Girey meet
Packed Up – they begin their voyage
First Night (LJ)- Donor Perk
1st Night Pt2 (LJ) – Donor Perk
Relics – the next day on the trip – – available in Tales for the Sugar Cat
Case of the Crankies
Talking to the Children (LJ)- Donor Perk; Rin’s side of “Case of the Crankies.”
Escape 1 (LJ)
Escape 2 (LJ) [these 2 a donor perk]
In the Wrong River ((did not x-post)
Hurt/Comfort (LJ) {Beta/Donor}
In Context – visiting old friends – available in Tales for the Sugar Cat
Unexpected Hello (LJ), still in Ossulund
Not. Jealous. (LJ)- still, still in Ossulund
Furlough (Lj) and yet still in Ossulund.
Bed-Warmer (LJ) – what IS she going to do with him?
Being Brought In (LJ)
Baths (LJ) – timeline not totally certain here
Enemy – who is the enemy, anyway?
Meat of the Matter (LJ)
Bare Bones (LJ) [Beta]
Skeleton Key (LJ) [donor perk]
Ambush (LJ [Beta/donor]
Ghosts of Memory (LJ) Girey ponders
TeaTime – a conversation over tea
Heroes – after a bad morning – available in Tales for the Sugar Cat
Holiday – a drabble on downtime
Pause in the Journey – another drabble, on thinking about their route
View-Point – two days out from Lannamer
untitled – rained in
Crossing Into Lannamer
Bridged, on the bridge into Lannamer. Sponsor for $20
Identity (LJ Link), on the streets of Lannamer.
Wedding Plans (LJ Link), right after Identity
Revelation (LJ) – Donor Perk
Is This a Kissing Book? (LJ) – Donor Perk; they Kiss!
Menagerie (did not x-post) (probably not canon)
Back Way (LJ) (Donor Perk)
“Come to Bed” (LJ)
In Bed (LJ), after “Come to Bed” [Beta]
Morning After (LJ) [Access-list only]
Virginity/Celibacy (LJ), a drabble.
Under Scrutiny (LJ)
(3 day gap to be filled here)
Dressing (LJ)
Mother Knows… (LJ)
Encountering Dad (LJ)
Further Discussion Follows (LJ)
Of the world but not of Rin & Girey:
In the Past (the War-Torn Era)
Sword (LJ)
The Empress Who Would Be Goat-Wife (LJ)
Mighty Sword (LJ Link), from an earlier era of Callanthe
Giving up the Ghost (LJ)
Carrying the Spirit (LJ) (also in an earlier era)
In the Present (the Peacemaking Era)
A Myth of Reiassan
Skill & Dreams
The Enemy’s City (LJ
Ask the Character: Rin (LJ)
Wild Horses (Lj)
Coming Soon (LJ), a trailer
In the Future (the Steam Era)
<a href="”>Planning
Husbands and Wifes (DW) [Beta]
Road Map To… (LJ), a story of Steam!Callenia
Linkback and Donation Incentive story (LJ)
Edally Era, “Discovery” (2 storylines)
Discovery (LJ)
Discovery Part II (LJ)
Part III (LJ)
Part IV (LJ)
Part V (LJ)
77 Words (LJ)
Part Fnarg (LJ)
Part Shnarg (LJ) – Psychometry
Edally Era – in Edally
Light a Candle for me (on Patreon)
History (LJ)
Kids and Kids (LJ)
Snow and Snowshoes (LJ)
Fire (LJ)
The Dairy Case (LJ)
posers and Fakes (LJ)
Waste (LJ)
Plunder! (LJ)
Art and Needle-Art (Also Maps) (LJ)
Meals (LJ)
Eating (LJ)
Knife, Sword (LJ)
Tent and Goat, Pot and Blankets (LJ)
Saddles (LJ)
Names and Conlanging (LJ)
Callenan poetry, a brief treatise (LJ)
Read rix_scaedu‘s ongoing fanfiction series, set in Edally era. The first story is here; the tag encompassing all of them is here.
meeks‘ picture of Rin and her riding goat – and two details:
A draft map of Reiassan is discussed here.
History of Reiassan notes – part the first (LJ)
Worldbuilding: The Trip (LJ)
Icons by djinni:
The Author, in Rin-era Calenyena clothing.
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Friday’s Five-Minute Map (give or take): Edally Academy
This is a rough top-down view of Edally Academy, done by tracing dimes (see this tweet) because I don’t keep a compass at work.
I’m really enjoying #FridayFiveMinuteMap, and I encourage everyone to join in!
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