Tag Archive | artist: mcahogarth

Weekend, with flea market and semi-relevant links

We went on a field trip Sunday!

So, we drove up to nearly where Sam grew up – about 3 hours, the northwest corner of the state, inasmuch as NY has corners. There’s a rather big flea market there, that does a monthly EVEN BIGGER flea market. And we got stuff! Specifically, a picnic basket, a hand-held/hand-operated sewing machine, and a loaf pan of pumpkinyness. Total spent: $16.

And then we got REALLY GOOD ice cream and then we went to a Hyatt’s (art supply store) and a BBQ store and… then we drove home and fell over. Good day, all in all.

  • Some Fun links I’ve encountered:

  • Do you Pinterest? I have three newish boards you might find interesting:

    • Addergoole Changes, which, you guessed it, has art depicting potential Changes for Addergoole and the fae apoc ‘verse. (Changes, if you don’t follow the setting, are the physical ways in which Ellehemaei (fae) are different from humans.) There’s a lot of Mermaids; I’d love to see some other suggestions if you find things.

    • Thimbleful Thursday collects all the little graphics I’ve made and posted so far for the Thimbleful Thursday & Tell-me Tuesday prompts

    • Reiassan Inspiration is a combination of garb and cultural references, brightly-colored clothing, and brightly-colored rest-of-the-world. Also braids, and there really ought to be some goats there. Again, please feel free to suggest anything you come upon that might be Reiassan-y.

  • Speaking of MCA Hogarth, if you have not checked out her Candy-Colored Kickstarter, you have just about three days to go for the neon goodness that it is.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1153214.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Links of Awesome, Friday Edition

The Kitchn: Advice for Eating on a Very Tight Budget

(we ate lots of rice and beans, and “splurged” on condiments when they were on sale. To this day you can see that echoed in our condiment selection, which is, ah, extensive).

Via M.C.A. Hogarth: Russian Scientists Build Monument To Honor Lab Rats

Now I want to read Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH again…

And FROM MCA Hogarth: Now Available: Not in Need of Quests, a Men in Fantasy Coloring Book!

You have GOT to look at this! It’s beautiful!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/809067.html. You can comment here or there.

10-Second Review: HaikuJaguar’s From Spark to Finish: Running Your Kickstarter Campaign

For Christmas, Best Friend Ever gave me (Among other awesome gifts to be discussed elsewhere), From Spark to Finish: Running Your Kickstarter Campaign, by [personal profile] haikujaguar.

I have read this book from cover to cover in the last two days, and I am newly enthused about running a Kickstarter campaign! It’s, as expected from The Three Jaguars, no-nonsense, friendly, straightforward, and useful.

How useful, of course, we’ll have to see when I try my own Kickstarter campaign. But I’m getting very excited.

Thanks, again, Micah, for sharing your spark with the rest of us.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/464204.html. You can comment here or there.

The Three Jaguars: Art, Business, and Not Enough Coffee – the Comic is Live!

What the subject says 🙂




3 Jaguars is a clever, informative, and engaging look at the business, art, and marketing of free-lance art. Definitely worth a look.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/440367.html. You can comment here or there.

The Three Jaguars Webcomic Kickstarter!

Guys, if you don’t already know that haikujaguar is awesome, you’re seriously missing out.

But her newest Kickstarter project is just absolutely wonderful!

Three Jaguars Web Comic!

A beautiful how-to on small art business – in cartoon jaguar form! Go check it out!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/419137.html. You can comment here or there.

Tuesday Morning, Still full

Yesterday for dinner we had a sort-of-goulash made from tomatoes Mom left when she visited, and apple crisp made with apples from our tree. There’s a sense of happy homeyness about that that I love.

I patched T’s jeans the other day, and I’ve been looking up canning and other food-preservation. It makes me feel like I’ve come full circle. Which (along with a conversation with cluudle) has brought me to a thought I had in college, a magazine I wanted to publish.

The ideas are a little vague after *cough cough* years, but, loosely – a sort of practical Mother Earth News / Foxfire / different ways of doing things. Both how-tos and, if I get brave enough, histories and interviews.

If I were to do something like that, what sort of thing would you be interested in reading about?


haikujaguar posted a call to cover artists so that she can begin a list of cover-artists-for-hire.

Autumn’s story written to comments/linkbacks/donations to Meeks’ sketch of Autumn is still hanging out there, waiting for more love.


http://simplyrecipes.com/recipes/making_grape_juice/ Grape Juice! (we have a lot of grapes)

http://www.etsy.com/listing/53092763/yarn-wreath-felt-handmade-door?ref=sc_2 I love argyle. I may have to make this.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/138477.html. You can comment here or there.