We went on a field trip Sunday!
So, we drove up to nearly where Sam grew up – about 3 hours, the northwest corner of the state, inasmuch as NY has corners. There’s a rather big flea market there, that does a monthly EVEN BIGGER flea market. And we got stuff! Specifically, a picnic basket, a hand-held/hand-operated sewing machine, and a loaf pan of pumpkinyness. Total spent: $16.
And then we got REALLY GOOD ice cream and then we went to a Hyatt’s (art supply store) and a BBQ store and… then we drove home and fell over. Good day, all in all.
Some Fun links I’ve encountered:
Via @Dahob: Off-the-grid office — I wants, so much.
Via YsabetWordsmith: Little Free Pantries, an offshot idea of little free libraries.
Via MCA Hogarth most recently: Magnificent Goat Portraits. Which reminds me…
Do you Pinterest? I have three newish boards you might find interesting:
Addergoole Changes, which, you guessed it, has art depicting potential Changes for Addergoole and the fae apoc ‘verse. (Changes, if you don’t follow the setting, are the physical ways in which Ellehemaei (fae) are different from humans.) There’s a lot of Mermaids; I’d love to see some other suggestions if you find things.
Thimbleful Thursday collects all the little graphics I’ve made and posted so far for the Thimbleful Thursday & Tell-me Tuesday prompts
Reiassan Inspiration is a combination of garb and cultural references, brightly-colored clothing, and brightly-colored rest-of-the-world. Also braids, and there really ought to be some goats there. Again, please feel free to suggest anything you come upon that might be Reiassan-y.
Speaking of MCA Hogarth, if you have not checked out her Candy-Colored Kickstarter, you have just about three days to go for the neon goodness that it is.
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1153214.html. You can comment here or there.