Tag Archive | artist: rix

Giraffe Update and other calls – #promptcall

My Giraffe Call is still Open (and on LJ).

I have written to 8 of 10 prompters so far, and should have those prompts done by the end of day.

When I write to the last prompter, the Call is closed. So get your prompts in quickly!

We have a new donor but no new prompter so far. Send your friends over, too!

We’ve reached the level where everyone who donates gets a second story! $10 until the first livewrite!

In other prompt-call news:

to-conjure has a prompt call open! The theme is heroes and villains.

See a story written to my prompt!

and see [personal profile] rix_scaedu‘s Foreign Holiday, also written to my prompt!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/408717.html. You can comment here or there.

Signal Boost of Dooom – @Rix_Scaedu’s #promptCall

I’m a little behind in telling you how awesome Rix is.

From her last prompt call, she wrote me 8,000,000 awesome stories (approximately).

After the Fairy Tale, came from my prompt “Other gender role reversals.” Then she wrote
After The Fairy Tale II to my prompt “The Unwanted reward,” and then to my donation,
After The Fairy Tale III

Well worth a read!

I gave her a ton of prompts, so she wrote a ton of stories! Check out
Dealing With Demons
and, of course, more in her Rensa world:
An Audience, among many awesome stories.

AND NOW she’s doing it again!
Rix’s September Prompt Request is open!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/397871.html. You can comment here or there.

Prompt Call(s) – Rix’s and Mine!

[personal profile] rix_scaedu‘s Prompt Call is still open until Tuesday her time. Go leave her 14 prompts! (or less. I’m just enthusiastic.

Of the awesome stuff from this call, I most recently enjoyed On the Edge of Disaster, set in the same universe as her Rensa stories, and Testing a Theory, which makes me want to write a crossover with her into my Science! ‘verse

Speaking of prompt calls!

I am taking suggestions for my August 18th Rabbit Safari call.

Current suggestions include:
Storms and droughts.
Lost or forgotten things.
Fight ALL the oppressions!Fuzzy? (the first thing that comes to mind with rabbit)
Skins and furs
Legacies and fate
herefore adventures and quests, possibly with furred people.

And why it’s a Rabbit Safari:
Here’s a sheet. And a sheet with Theocracy.

My grandmother gave me those sheets when my parents built their house; I was 5. That makes them thirty-one years old. And they’re in bad shape, but I love them.

My mother recently brought down my childhood bed, which now lives in the upstairs as a guest bed. And I want to redo that space (Which is currently a mess, as [personal profile] eseme can attest; the paneling goes every which way, there’s neither door nor blinds, the floor is industrial linoleum, and so on). Not a full redo, because that’s going to require ripping out the walls. That’s down the road several years. But enough to make it nice for company. New sheets & blanket. Curtains and blinds. Mom’s providing the door. A rug. Maybe a piece of art for the wall.

And the bunnies! I’m going to work around that sheet, even though I can’t really put it on the bed. Have a new pillowcase printed at Spoonflower, turn the old sheet into part of a stuffed bunny pillow, maybe frame one of the bunnies.

So, while my bedroom is giraffe-and-safari themed, this one is going to be bunny-safari themed. And if that’s a bit juvenile… well, it might be a kids’ room someday, too. 😀


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/383582.html. You can comment here or there.

Prompting, writing, and words to my prompts!

[personal profile] rix_scaedu has written Worth the Trek to my prompt in her prompt call: Go give her prompts!!

Kiss of Judas has written Cup of Tea to my prompt! She and @Inventrix have started “Our Pens, Your Pennies; check it out and leave them a prompt!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/381149.html. You can comment here or there.

People Keep Writing Awesome Fiction, Rix_Scaedu Edition

Rix_Scaedu has been writing like the wind!

Origin Story is an awesome opening to a ‘verse, to one of my prompts

Night Call Out is a dark and intriguing tale.

Slow Mail made me giggle, which may not have been the intent (also written to my prompt)

And there’s More Rensa!!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/369531.html. You can comment here or there.