Tag Archive | bingo

Finish It! Bingo Card

I’m filling this in slowly from the below list, but this is my [community profile] allbingo card for the “Finish It” challenge.

Rin’s parents, and Rin’s father, and …
Carrying the Spirit.
Arisse and Chress (V) Take Me (V) The Hazards of Magic (V) Fated (III) Edally (α)
Robbie meets Radar (V) B is for Beryl and her Boys.
How The Family Does things (IV) Fifty Years. (I) King(maker) Cake.
Aetheric Cleansing. (II) Novella(α)
You’d Better Watch Out. (IV) Rin & Girey (V) Unicorn-Chaste (I) Discovery (IV) The Enemy’s City (IV) Æ is for Ash. (II) Landing Pages (3 big) (α)
The Portal Closed (III) Bjorn (I) Mikary (III) Over the Wall (IV) The Cat’s Paw. (III) Far Weston. (VI) Ghost Story I(α)
Daxton and Esha (II) Jin (III):
Hostage Situation
A Locked Chest is Locked for a Reason (VI) Wild Card(IV) Legacy Cat (VI) Charming (I) Kickstarter(α)
The Strength (VI) Shahin and Emrys (VI) Unicorn Strokes (II) Gremlins/Junie’s kidnapping (I) Aetheric Cleansing. (I) Three Glass Beads, Peacock Blue (II) Submission(α)

working on completed next Partial Finish

At any point, I may sub out one of these for another suggested one or something else I need to finish.

The numbers (those that remain) correspond to the list below. This was arranged from the [community profile] allbingo public card, your suggestions, and Random.org’s list randomizer.

The Roman numerals are another way of getting a bingo – do, say, all of the (I) instead of a line or a square or such.

see links here – http://aldersprig.livejournal.com/1197753.html

The list
1 Gremlins
2 Unicorn Strokes.
3 Mikary: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/507478.html
4 How The Family Does things — at resting point/chapter break, but there could be more.
5 Robbie meets Radar, discussed in comments.
6 B is for Beryl and her Boys.
7 Unicorn-Chaste.
8 Rin’s parents, and Rin’s father, and …

9 Jin and the hostage situation: how did he nab the guy long-distance, and what fallout came from it to Jin or anyone else?
10 Over the Wall
11 Carrying the Spirit.
12 Shahin and Emrys
13 Fifty Years.
14 Æ is for Ash.

15 King(maker) Cake.
16 Wild Card.
17 Rin and Girey, and more Rin, with research.
18 A Locked Chest is Locked for a Reason.
19 Charming.
20 Three Glass Beads, Peacock Blue.
21 Fated.
22 The Enemy’s City.

23 Take Me

24 Legacy Cat.
25 Aetheric Cleansing.
26 Space Accountant: A Reason – and Accidental, and bunking arrangements, etc (Genique got Married?) – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1092113.html

27 The Portal Closed.
28 Discovery.
29 The Hazards of Magic.
30 The Strength.
31 Bjorn: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/566245.html
32 Daxton and Esha
33 The Cat’s Paw.
34 You’d Better Watch Out.
35 Arisse and Chress
36 Far Weston.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1103171.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

“Finish It?” – Some Suggestions

I’m trying to put together an all_bingo “Finish It” card here.

It was pointed out to me that I have far, far too many unfinished stories to sort through.

So I started looking through the second page of my more, please tag: here

This is just a few suggestions of things someone has said “more, please” to that I have not finished. I will add to it as I find time.

Stranded in Winter – Autumn is stuck in town in winter
Space Accountant
A Reason – and Accidental, and bunking arrangements, etc (Genique got Married?)
Matchmaker, Matchmaker – Sabine didn’t intend to collar Holles. But…
About That… Fridmar in an unexpected possibly-romantic situation with a student? i.e., Lyn is not great at consistence.
Bracken, her first year
Deaths in the Faerie apocalypse, a side note
They Were Over – Forrester runs into her former Keeper
Together/Again twins!

Aunt Family
Then and Now – Radar and his kitten
The Strength – and other stories of Deborah

Romance was never this convenient to handle – Mark Faine, Mark Faine, Mark Faine. How many of him are there?
Falling From Grace – …not sure what to say about this one.
this one didn’t get a more please but it could use one.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1101968.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

AllBingo – “Finish It?”

okay, guys, there’s this – http://allbingo.dreamwidth.org/63531.html

So, much in the spirit of rix_scaedu‘s recent “More Character please” prompt request and “More Story please posts, I’m offering this:

Tell me what you want me to finish/work on

Give me 30 things (6 are for me to pick) – with URL if available – that need to be/you want to be completed/continued/furthered, and I will add them to my bingo card, to be worked on over the next 2 months.

If I get more than 30 (I accept this is entirely possible), I will put them all on a list and randomize out the first 30, or pick and choose ones I like, as I see fit. edit OR make a bigger card…

Edit again: See this post for an ongoing list of suggestions

The List

Daxton and Esha (3? votes!)
Arisse and Chress
Kidnappers in “Dragons Next Door.” (3? votes!)

Bjorn: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/566245.html
Clarisse: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/565158.html
Willard: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/543285.html
Shahin and Emrys
Tilden: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/525842.html
Mikary: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/507478.html
Abrelle: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/480486.html
Packing: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/461258.html
Cúmhaí : http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/453665.html
Space Accountant: A Reason – and Accidental, and bunking arrangements, etc (Genique got Married?) – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1092113.html

[[Links for the below list here – http://aldersprig.livejournal.com/1197753.html?thread=5487545#t5487545 ]]
The Cat’s Paw.
B is for Beryl and her Boys.
Boy Trouble, which is rather skew from the previous.
Charming. (Okay, several of these are in related threads …)
The Powers that Be. (Missing from landing page.)
Midnight, Summer Solstice.
How The Family Does things — at resting point/chapter break, but there could be more.
Family and Cocoa and/or Warm Visions and Warm Family (missing from landing page).
Heroes (and earlier branches).
An Argument of Magic.
In the Attic. (Possible relation to previous?)
Aetheric Cleansing.
Trash and Treasures.
Bless the Cat.
Legacy Cat.
You’d Better Watch Out.
Wild Card.
Rumors about the Family.
The Strength.
I Am No Aunt.
King(maker) Cake.
The Hazards of Magic.
Three Glass Beads, Peacock Blue.
A Locked Chest is Locked for a Reason.

Space Accountant:
Shenanigans. (There are multiple snippets without immediate followups, but it’s mostly all one thread.)

Reiassan (all out of order):
Fifty Years.
Rin and Girey, and more Rin, with research.
Rin’s parents, and Rin’s father, and …
And Edally and stuff, but I’m pretty sure you’re on that already.

Things Unspoken:
Linguistic Tricks.
Æ is for Ash.
Rodegard — and Esedora.

Links for this list here – http://aldersprig.livejournal.com/1197753.html?thread=5492153#t5492153
Other Reiassan:
Carrying the Spirit.
Skill and Dreams.
The Enemy’s City.
Road Map To….

Links for this list here – http://aldersprig.livejournal.com/1197753.html?thread=5489593#t5489593
One more From Aunt Family that’s more a vague suggestion than anything actually unfinished: Robbie meets Radar, discussed in comments.

The Portal Closed.

Unicorn/Factory – Cleaning House/Observing

Links for this list here – http://aldersprig.livejournal.com/1197753.html?thread=5491641#t5491641
More Unicorn/Factory:
Take Me (which I realize was thwarting then, and I don’t know if it’d be less so now).
Far Weston.
Where Do Unicorns Come From?.
The Silver Road.
The Unicorn Bride Rebellion.
Unicorn Strokes.

And links for this list here – http://aldersprig.livejournal.com/1197753.html?thread=5491385#t5491385

Dragons Next Door threads:
Juniper kidnapped, though I’d also like to see a resolution with teams A, B, and C as well — especially if one of them decides to go gremlin hunting instead.
Over the Wall left off in the middle of the discussion, just as it was taking (yet another) interesting turn.

Jin and the hostage situation: how did he nab the guy long-distance, and what fallout came from it to Jin or anyone else?
We met Bianna, but we haven’t seen her since Jin talked to his friends about bringing her up with Jimmy.

Autumn] – no specific story chosen yet

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1098281.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Thinking about creating a new bingo community – feedback requested

Because of a variety of systemic problems I’ve had with [community profile] kink_bingo over the years, most of which I really feel are “it’s not them, it’s me,” I’ve been thinking about creating my own sexytimes and kinkytimes type of bingo community.

If you would have an interest in participating:

* What sort of prompts would you like to see? Specific prompts? Categories?
* What sort of prompts do no Definitely Not Want?

* How about achievements?

* And, as a community, are there things you’re rather see/not see?

As an example, if I create a bingo community, it will not be “fanfic with orgfic tacked on;” I’ll try to make the language & rules include both original fic & fanfic (It’s a small thing, but it frustrates me endlessly).

So what about you?

Also, what should I callll it?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/882868.html. You can comment here or there.

Trope Bingo!

My [community profile] trope_bingo card, because Rix had an idea and I like it

1 2 3 4 5
1 accidental marriage:
The Tod’cxeckz’ri Paper Part I
mama didn’t raise no criminal rivals to lovers caffeine failure annoying sibling
2 kidfic secret child presumed dead monster is a mommy telepathy/mindmeld
3 the food poison incident kiss to save the day WILD CARD retail therapy au: steampunk
4 amnesia au: daemons sex pollen obnoxious in-laws screw the money i have rules!
5 empty nest animal transformation au: apocalypse deal with the devil day at the beach

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/878993.html. You can comment here or there.

Ladies’ Bingo Card

This is my [community profile] ladiesbingo card!

[community profile] ladiesbingo is a challenge for fanworks about relationships between women.

Please feel free to leave me suggestions for any square (either extant characters/settings or generic prompts); I’ll italicize squares that have suggestions and link completed stories.

Race Against Time Sudden Danger Sleeping arrangements Death Myth / Fable
Truth or Dare Genderswap Patterns Temporary Lodgings Crackfic
Sex Work / Hooker AU Sufficiently Advanced Technology Wild Card Androids and robots There’s a first time for everything: First times
Thank God it’s Friday… Again: Time Loops Possessive Behaviour Funerals and Wakes Kidfic / Babyfic Evening
That Moment (incident / chapter / episode) in detail Something Breaks / Malfunctions Contemporary AU Factories and other Industrial Spaces Warm Blooded / Cold Blooded

Edited to add: this list of (some of) my named female characters might help.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/799663.html. You can comment here or there.

Demifiction Bingo Card…color me intrigued

[personal profile] ysabetwordsmith created a demifiction bingo card. Color me intrigued.

Magazine Article Note on Photo Educational Bookmark Pamphlet or Brochure Book Cover Text
Flyer Music Album Cover Secret Coded Message Propaganda Bill
Note from Teacher Fortune Cookie Message WILD CARD Postcard Missed Call
Email Movie Poster Advertisement Sign TV Show Blurb
Movie Review Product Package Text Blog Post Graffiti Newspaper Article

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/743687.html. You can comment here or there.

I have Gone Bingo Mad

au: crossover [au: space] locked in [au: alternate gender norms] [ hurt / comfort]
bets / wagers [unrequited love / pining] [ bodyswap] [ wingfic] [mind control]
matchmaker [ chosen family] [FREE

[telepathy / mindmeld} [ coming out (of the closet)]
trapped in a dream [ transformations] [road trip] [au: fantasy] [power dynamics]
au: college / highschool [fork in the road] [ presumed dead] [meet the parents / family] [futurefic]

So [community profile] trope_bingo gave me a card…

As always, I WILL write the first prompt; after that, I’ll write at least one Bingo going out from that prompt and after that I’ll write as the mood hits or as I’m commissioned to continue.

Note: although this is primarily a fandom bingo, I’m writing original fic for all, because this is me. Trope Bingo’s Definitions.

My January Card, My December Card, and a couple bonus rounds are still open, too. I’d better get writing!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/637047.html. You can comment here or there.

100-word stories

My card lives here and on LJ.

Story: For All Time
Prompt:Foolish Wishes 750A(French)
Setting: The Aunt Family
Warnings: Paradox

Story: Cherry Blossoms
Prompt: Cherry Blossoms
Setting: Stranded World
Warnings: grief

Story: Accident
Prompt: Accidental Marriage
Setting: Space Accountant
Warnings: none

Story: Gone Rummaging
Prompt: Rummage Sale
Setting: none
Warnings: None

Story: Treacherous Sister
Prompt: The Treacherous Sister
Setting: The Aunt Family
Warnings: treachery

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/659327.html. You can comment here or there.

Bingo Row – 5-100-word stories from the Generator Card

My card lives here and on LJ.

Story: For All Time
Prompt:Foolish Wishes 750A(French)
Setting: The Aunt Family
Warnings: Paradox

Story: Cherry Blossoms
Prompt: Cherry Blossoms
Setting: Stranded World
Warnings: grief

Story: Accident
Prompt: Accidental Marriage
Setting: Space Accountant
Warnings: none

Story: Gone Rummaging
Prompt: Rummage Sale
Setting: none
Warnings: None

Story: Treacherous Sister
Prompt: The Treacherous Sister
Setting: The Aunt Family
Warnings: treachery

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/659327.html. You can comment here or there.