Okay, I guess you shouldn’t let me listen to Imagine Dragons’ Thunder anymore.
This is 100% self-indulgent and I have no idea what timeline it fits in, or anything but that it’s well after the founding of Cloverleaf but before Cya decides it’s time for a new project.

There was a god at the gates of Cloverleaf — floating a little above the gates, to be accurate — and he was declaiming in a loud and booming voice that he was the god of thunder.
The Guard force did not laugh at him, mostly because they had been trained to be polite to visitors, but when the mayor of Cloverleaf arrived, she had no such training and no such manners.
She looked the would-be God up and down — somehow managing, although he was hovering above her position on the wall, to make it look like she was looking down on him. “Boy, you want to be a god of thunder? You have no idea what you’re dealing with.”
She smiled. She had already put a lock on his powers while she walked up here, and she found it was fun to be able to posture a bit.
“Here in Cloverleaf,” she informed the would-be god, “we have the Lightning.”
It needed a proper power chord intro, because she was rock and roll and not anime. One of the far guards indulged her.
Guitar music screamed from nowhere. Someone handled the percussion.
And, as if on cue, Leo arrived.