Tag Archive | campnano

Camp Nano: Help me Plan!

Okay, so I’ve been tossing an idea around for ages and I’ve decided (it was @inventrix’s fault 😉 to make a go at if for April CampNano.

Basic idea: Every Crime Procedural, every Medical Show, every Serious Detective Show (maybe not those; I don’t watch those) seems to go through a series of episodes – there’s The Bondage Episode, the Furry Episode (Bones combined those into the pony play episode), the little people episode, the wrestling episode (Bones, again, combined those into little people wrestling), the Hoarders episode… and so on.

What I need:

A list of episodes.

A cast, or ideas about a cast.

A hook. I’m thiiiinking it’s urban fantasy, but not absolutely certain.

Ideas for takes on those types of episodes.


(Eta: looking at writing either 4-10,000-word episodes or 8-5,000-word orrr 6-6,667-word episodes, at least to begin with.)

(Eta2: @pritchmr – this is a cool webiste with tons of TV tropes http://designthroughstorytelling.net/periodic/ )

Episode Idea List
computer hacker
government conspiracy
non-government conspiracy (Illuminati)
crazy house party gone wrong
missing child
serial killer
Buried treasure
supernatural problem is actually a frame-up
[Supernatural] critters gone rabid/feral
– Something that started or happened a long time ago (e.g. something triggered by someone trying to retrieve the loot from a famous crime, or finding a dead body long after the death and having to figure out what happened)
– What looks like a murder turns out to be an accident in the end.
cross-cultural misunderstanding gone horribly awry
operating in unfamiliar territory (possibly not useful for such a short run)
lying to protect the actual guilty/responsible party
being from some other world

Urban Fantasy Episodes Idea List
The Werewolves
The Fae

Cast Ideas
the nerdy one,
the pretty one,
the sassy/snarky one,
the pragmatic/”brawn” one,
the smart but quiet one.
Kid genius (Shut up, Wesley!) – why not a girl kid genius for once? Need not be obnoxious.
unstable personality in some way
roll “the pretty one” and “the brawny one” togther into the rogue/acrobat/cat burgler; have the obvious combat heavy be a gunbunny or spellslinger.
the pet or mascot
the “pet” is the mentor.
the student/apprentice with common sense the teacher lacks.
the charismatic one (sometimes overlaps with the con man?).
the anti-bureaucrat (the one who can find records and cut red tape).
the nosy reporter.
the one who has a fling-of-the-week
the steady couple (trio, …)

UF Cast Ideas
a witch/wizard,
a vampire,
a werewulf or an ordinary human who turns into a werewulf at some point,
an ordinary human,
someone in a mentor role

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/696410.html. You can comment here or there.

Camp Nano – Last line of July

“What I believe Cecily meant, Fernley, if you would be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt…?”


I wrote 43,933 words in July, over my stated goal of 43,500 words but under my 50K true goal.

Back into the saddle! This story was planned at 52K flat and will probably be 54,000!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/559997.html. You can comment here or there.

Camp Nano – Last line of last night

It was more than a shout. It shook the floor. It shook the walls.

Cecily kept running, so Fernley kept running.

“Knock. It. OFF!”


42,343 words
7,757 to go

At this rate, I will finish… on August 3rd.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/557823.html. You can comment here or there.

Camp Nano – Last line of the weekend

“She’s really not going to lend you to the asshole. You know that, don’t you?”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.”


40,230 words
9770 to go (4770 to reduced 45,00-word goal)

at this rate I will finish on 8/3 (reduced goal finished on 7/31)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/557464.html. You can comment here or there.

Camp Nano – Last line of last night

“After all, I can do anything I want to Mark now.” He sneered her name. “Not like I can get her pregnant.”

39,397 words
10,603 to go

At this rate, I will finish on August 2nd

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/557086.html. You can comment here or there.

Camp Nano – Last line of last night

Sigurd was stirring, his expression beginning to actually shift like he was aware of the world. Unfortunately, so was Cyan.


32,972 words
17,028 left to go

At this rate, I will finish by 8/2/13
but I’m slightly less behind (3702 under par) than I was yesterday (4109 under par)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/555312.html. You can comment here or there.