Tag Archive | conlang

Lanugary Day 9: beginnings of Derivational Morphology

Turning things into other things!

(Derivational morphology)

because Whispers Drop started out with a very small vocabulary (for plot-based reasons), it is very heavy on suffixes and prefixes to derive more meaning from one word.

For examples:

shef is cat
fena is to slink

“process or state” -orf
That would, technically, be “slinkage” or “the process of slinking across the hall, WHY did I pick slink?

fenorf, slinkage.

And, ah, cattiness, the state of being cat (because this is a noun, it is a prefix) For(f)shef, forshef

When moving a -VLC suffix to prefix, repeat the ending C in the beginning. If it is prefixing (a rule here that includes sh and other awkward sounds), remove the ending C in the prefix.

And there, we have one derivational morphology!

I can get /days/ out of this.

Which is good, because I’m way behind.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1046759.html. You can comment here or there.

Languary Day Tomorrow: A start on conjugation


Now I have to Drop the Drop!

Which means I had to figure out that “present continuous” tense existed.

I have nuba, which is the root for drop.

Without figuring out all of the conjugations at the moment, -othe is the ending for:

Continuous present tense, third person singular.

But the whispers are plural!

Okay, then -othed.

the -a on nuba goes away, and you get Nubothed ˈnəb ō ˌthed

We’re going VOS so:

nubothed ssussusser

Whispers Drop

Edit: I said VOS, I thought VOS, and then I wrote it SV. Sign. Fixed.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1043362.html. You can comment here or there.

Languary Day 7: Plurals

If you’re following this, you may have noticed that I’m fascinated by plurals with grammatical number.

So in making a plural to make the words Whispers Drop, I decided to make several plural forms.

-er is the most commonly used, and indicates a generic plural.

-ara indicates part of a group, “those four students,” for instance.

-ore indicates all of a particular thing.

And here’s another thing to add in!

Whisper is ssussu.

To make this plural, we’ll repeat the first consonant (in this case the only consonant): ssussusser.

(Rule, courtest [personal profile] thnidu: “When pluralizing, if the word ends in a vowel copy the first consonant onto the end before adding the ending.”)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1043120.html. You can comment here or there.

Languary Day 6: Whispers Drop

Okay, I want to name the language:

Whispers Drop

But this means I need to make:

1. Verb conjugation

2. pluralization

3. the words for whisper and drop

Okay, starting out easy:

ssussu, the first word in my gibberish, is Whisper.

nuba is going to be some form of drop

Okay, got that done. I’ll do the next part tomorrow!

runs off

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1042883.html. You can comment here or there.

Languary Day CAUGHT UP! Start on grammar

Questions from Zompist’s Language Construction Kit

This is a work in progress and also a learning exercise. I don’t have all – even most of – the vocabulary, so pls. be patient.

Also, it’s a worldbuilding exercise at the same time…

Is your language fusional, agglutinative, or isolating?

I think I’m going to go with fusional, in part to try something utterly different from Caleyen. It also gives me the option of moving one of the dialects to analytic or agglgglgluglug… *cough* Agglutinative.

How do you form inflections?

…Not sure yet!

I’m /thinking/ prefixes. It suits the way the sentences feel to me. But on the other hand, I’m fonder of suffixes for comprehension. That could be because English is my first language and I’ve only studied romance languages….

After a bit of research: Suffixes it is! Mostly.

Side note: Negation appears at the sentence’s beginning or end, depending on context. That really goes in the Sentence order post.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1041683.html. You can comment here or there.

Languary Day “4”: Orthography

Okay, this is probably how I will write these in the Roman alphabet.

b, t, d, ph (ɸ), f, th, ss*, sh, h, pf, ch(/x/), [still-not-sure-I-have-a-J], r, l, m, n

* I could totally do this as “s” but I like the visual susurration of the double s.
** This is a very fricative language. I felt like it.

That was easy.


uh u
oe(oo) o
ah(ae) a
eh e
ee ea
ih i

Alphabet…. I’m still considering style, much less actual letters. And numbers. Since it’s a real-world system, they may use arabic numbers.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1041282.html. You can comment here or there.

Languary Day… Three: Word Order & Magic

Sentence order for Whispers is
Verb Object (Object adjective) (adverb) Subject (subject adjective)
subject is the portion most likely to be dropped, as in Spanish, if it is clear from verb conjugation.

This appears to be the order – or close to it – that I like for magic-using languages.

Which leads to a note – unlike Old Tongue (The magic language in Fae Apoc/Addergoole), Whispers is not a Magic Language in and of itself. One CAN do magic in other languages (and some groups not mentioned here yet do). It’s just that the Institution and its subgroups primarily use Whispers in their often-highly-ceremonial magical practices.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1039963.html. You can comment here or there.

Languary Day Two: Phonotatics, Feet, and a bit of history

Conlang didn’t get picked in yesterday’s rotation, so I’ll start with yesterday’s post today: phonetics and feet.

Note: Everything in Language of Whispers is subject to lots and lots of change, as it’s a work in progress. For instance, I’ve already added two more consonants.

I’ve been playing with zompists’s generators. What I’ve decided is that the Language of Whispers is, ah…


With CV being the most common syllable construction.

Certain consonants do not start a word – r, l, ch.

I’m still working out consonants that just don’t go together; I’m sure there’s actually a rule there. jl in that order, pd, tp, ssr.

English leans towards iambic foot (In very rough generalizations, no need to pedant on this one ;-); Whispers leans towards trochee and dactyl feet.

The origins of the Language of Whispers are lost in the deep, dark annals of history. There are those, especially in the secretive reaches of the Institution, who believe that the language was first spoken to mankind by demons or by angels. Since most of the Institution doesn’t believe in demons, this is considered more of a fanciful belief than a real one.

Over the centuries, the language has shifted – three separate dialects, various loan-words, and so on – and has suffered heavily from disuse at times. Only in small, hidden enclaves is it spoken as a casual language, and thus it often ends up using loan words for everyday items.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1038516.html. You can comment here or there.

(need an Icon) #Languary Day One: Rough set of Phonemes

The Language of Whispers (Working Name) – Working Phoneme Set

The Language of Whispers has what we can call Liturgical Whispers, a working language used for texts and ceremonies, as well as at least three modern dialects: Heretical, Rebel, and Institutional, which include some phoneme shifts in each.

This may not be a complete list, as it only has 22 11 consonant sounds and 5 vowel sounds. But it’s a start.

I based the set off of a gibberish language I’ve used from time to time.

ssuhssuh nuhbahr nuhchuh nihbah nuh sseedush…

labial labiodental dental alveolar alv-pal velar glottal
stops (p)b t d

fricatives f(v) θ ð ss sh

affricates pf ch j
approximants   l

nasals m n

Added a couple when I made it a table; they’re in bold. Dialectical differences are in parentheses.



This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1036445.html. You can comment here or there.

Last Lexember Word: Birds

[personal profile] anke asked for birds.

I already have kahger a hunting bird of prey and kyahg, a nuisance scavenger/carnivore bird

There are, of course, dozens and dozens of birds. But I’ll pick out one for fun.

Tiez is a bird, in general – winged thing, feathers, lays eggs.

TiezLibbaa is a songbird.

And TiezLibbaa Ekondonkee-rul, Ekondonkee’s songbird, often called the tiez-kon, is a bright blue songbird who nests in the northern reaches of the continent. They are known for springtime song, and a family of them nested in the tent of the warlord Ekondonkee, who has since been forgotten except in the name of the bird.

/’tēz lib ‘bä ‘e kōn ‘dōn kē ‘rəl/

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1035795.html. You can comment here or there.