Tag Archive | edally: aetherist

Landing Page: Edally Academy

Getting into the legendary Empress Edaledalende Academy of Higher Learning at Ileltedez was just the first step; what will Tairiekie do now that she’s here? How will she and her new teammates get along, and how will they cope with teachers and staff that just don’t like them?

The Angry Aetherist posts Wednesdays; any week Paypal Donations reach $20, there will be an additional chapter posted on Sundays.

You can find the whole story on EdallyAcademy.com.

The Angry Aetherist

Chapter One (and on DW) Welcome to the Academy
Chapter Two (and on DW) Welcome to House Akaizepennen
Chapter Three (and on DW) An Introduction to Aether
Chapter Four (and on DW) Discovering the Power Structure
Chapter Five (and on DW) Into Threes, Nines, and Eighteens
Chapter Six (and on DW) New Friends and New Teams
the story continues on EdallyAcademy.com.

The Prequels

Getting Ready (Tairiekie) (and on DW)
Getting Ready: Saydrie (and on DW)
Getting Ready: Enerenarie (and on DW)
Almost There: Saydrie (and on DW)
Almost There: Tairiekie (and on DW)
Tairiekie a Year Earlier (LJ)

Character notes

Enarienarie (LJ)
Saydrie (LJ)
Instructor Getalréta (LJ)
Iesovyenyie (LJ) (Taikie’s Roomie)
Gaikvya (LJ) (Taikie’s Roomie)
Kotnelbyotke and Ledryainryie (LJ) (Enrie’s roommates)


Inter-universal Women’s Day: Empress Edaledalende (LJ)
Broader Education (LJ)- Kaatetzie
Top Of Class, Bottom (LJ) – Lielbyim (an older student)

Naming Rights Auction (and on DW)

Edally Academy is part of the Reiassan setting in the Steam Era.

Draft Map of the School


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/766265.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Light a Candle for me, a story of Edally Academy, is up for Patrons

Light a Candle for Me

In Calenta, there was an old tradition – born out of a much older story, and that itself born out of an ancient event – that you did not count the dead as gone until the cold season had passed without them returning to life…

(read on…)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1030862.html. You can comment here or there.

Interludes in Edally: What should I put in ’em?

The Missing Treaty will have informational interludes every 6 chapters, much as The Angry Aetherist did: http://www.edallyacademy.com/category/story/interludes/informational/

These included subjects like:
* what meals are like at Edally
* A brief history of the school
* What the dorms look like.

I asked earlier if anyone had anything they wanted to know about Edally; I’ll expand the question here:

Is there anything you’d like to know about Edally or about Reiassan, the greater world Edally is set in?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/976258.html. You can comment here or there.

Edally Academy: The Angry Aetherist Epilogue


“Considering the nature of your discoveries…” House Monitor Libkazaari was not smiling, and she was dressed in funeral red to honor Talmizhaab, but she was not frowning, and she did not seem displeased. “Well, I would not say they are good discoveries, but I would say this gains you a little leeway in punishment.”

read on…

And thus ends Edally Academy: The Angry Aetherist!

I’m sorry about the delay, guys; I fell into a (metaphorical) hole for most of April and am only now climbing out.

Do you want more Edally? If so, I can oblige. My plan would be as thus:

I’d take two months to write at least a large portion of the next story.

I’d begin posting on Wednesday, July 8th and post every week on Wednesday.

During the 2-month hiatus-of-writing, I would post a short piece every other week, detailing the trio’s adventures – and their friends’ adventures – between Angry Aetherist and the next book.

What do you think?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/934655.html. You can comment here or there.

wrrr wrrrr rewind… Edally Academy Chapter 29 is up!

Chapter Twenty-Nine – When the World is Shaking, Do Not Stop to Rebalance Your Saddle-Bags

“You did, didn’t you?”

“Here.” Lusnyoot shoved the wrench into Tairiekie’s hand. “Fix it and stop asking questions.”

read on…

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/913877.html. You can comment here or there.

Broader Education, a story of Edally Academy

This story comes some time before There Are Lessons You Only Learn in Pain, Chapter 20 of Edally Academy.

It is written in reply to [personal profile] inventrix‘s suggestion to this request for questions, after the successful Domain Name Fundraiser.

Kaatetzie watched the problem children – his private name for them, although Pelnyen called them something similar – exit his class, the three of them thick as thieves again. Kaatetzie knew what would happen if he asked them about their tiff: Tairiekie would jut out her chin and tell him “We are supposed to be a team. That is what we were assigned to do.”

Pelnyen hadn’t been the only one to complain. Libkazaari had, as well, presumably taking it up with Kaat because he taught Mechanics. Other teachers had mentioned this trio in particular to him. Kaat found it amusing – and just amusing, because every student, especially every first year student, was trouble in their own special way. Edally was built to foster trouble.

Kaat watched the trio leave, Taikie and Enrie and Saydrie, and watched his own problem trio enter. Kyevtyieptes – Kyev – Lizhvaa, and Opegrikpeggno – Pegpeg. They were laughing. They were always laughing; the problem was that often what they were laughing about was some other student’s misfortune.

“Did you see the way his face squinted up…” Pegpeg twisted his own face up. “Like he’d never even heard of it?”

“Well…” Lizhvaa spoke slowly, carefully. “Coming from the far North, he probably didn’t, I mean, when I-”

“Can it, Liv. Nobody wants to hear it.” Kyev cut their teammate off with the wave of his hand.

“But I do.” Kaat did not normally get involved. Today, he was feeling capricious. “Lizhvaa, what happened?”

Lizh was probably not going to thank him for this. Kaat felt a little bad about that, but the look on Kyev’s face was priceless.

Lizh coughed. “Nothing, sir. Just kids talking.”

Of course it was. Sometimes, the three-teams worked well together. Saydrie, Enrie, and Taikie were an example of the best the system could create. On the other hand, sometimes the three-teams just made everything worse. Pegpeg, Kyev, and Lizh exemplified that far too well.

Kaat considered what they were saying, and then turned to his chalkboard. Lizhvaa didn’t want to speak up, but maybe he could. “When I was a young student, first come to school…”

Some of them were interested. Some were not. Kaat remembered what it had been like, to be their age, to be as sure of everything and as nervous about it all. He brought himself back there as he told them his story: coming down from the far North, where it was always cold. The trees that grew up there, that he missed. The river, and how loud it was. The clothing everyone wore, where everything he owned had fur on it.

Kaat wasn’t going to get through to Pegpeg, nor to Kyev, but either they would grow and change or they would flunk out. It was possible Lizh had potential, and it was to her, and to the other students who listened, that Kaat talked.

It wasn’t anything to do with Basic Mechanics, but that didn’t matter. If there was one thing that Edally focused on, it was a broad base of education. Kaat met Lizh’s eyes, and broadened horizons just a little further.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/908305.html. You can comment here or there.

Wanted: Reviews for Jumping Rings and Edally Academy

Jumping Rings/Inner Circle
is on Web Fiction Guide here
and of course, its website is here

Edally Academy
is on Web Fiction Guide here
on Muse’s Success here
and its website is here.

And I need reviews! Reviews drive traffic, they get people interested in the story, and they help with the rankings on both sites (still working on getting Jumping Rings up on Muse’s).

What’s more, reviews count as $5 towards a second weekly chapter – three reviews for Edally, and I’ll post another chapter. Ditto for Jumping Rings. And, yes, I’ll count a review written for one site and copy-pasted into the other as two.


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/822516.html. You can comment here or there.