Tag Archive | edally

Prideworthy – a story for Patreon


Headmaster Baarbaarbaar looked at the Tower.  Barely fifty years old, it had stood with the name of the third Head of School for that entire time.

Next to him, the Head of the Martial school looked on thoughtfully.  “Do you think it’s appropriate?”

“I think
” Baarbaarbaar spoke slowly, letting the thoughts circulate.  “I believe that we have always put the names of our most prideworthy graduates at pertinent places in the school.  And now that we have the Towers for each school, it makes sense to let their names, too, change with the pride of the school.”

”  Allizh was a staid and placid-seeming woman who thought slowly but with great deliberation.  “This is the sort of thing that War house is proud of, yes.  BUt is it the sort of thing that the Academy is proud of?” Continue reading

Request for Help with an Offer of Bribe

I’m starting on Edally Book Three (Working title: The Broken Bargain) and, well.

Edally has a huge cast.

A really, really big cast.

It’s a school, after all.

But I have a hard time remembering them all!

I have the beginning of this: http://www.edallyacademy.com/cast-and-crew/alphabetical-list/  An alphabetical list of the characters in Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 10 of Book One.

What I would like from you:

a list of characters appearing in any given chapter in Books One and Two and, if description, the description given.

If you have it: a house affiliation and the chapter name/number to their first appearance would be awesome.

What I will give you in return: 

a brief fic (100 – 500 words) including from one to all of the characters in that chapter.

What I’m going to do:

Put together a wiki of all the Edally characters ever.  Hopefully.
(More bribes are available if someone wants to help me do all of that, too.)



If you choose to do this, please check-in here so that we don’t have duplicate content.


Book I


Book II



(Thanks to Solace and Thnidu for their helpful comments!)

Looking for Themed Edally Filler/Guest Stories: The Winter Festival

Hello all,

I’m thinking of having a Winter Festival on Edally – that is, a week (or two) of guest fic covering Tienaabaa’s festival, the festival that takes place in midwinter.

Tienaabaa is the deity of the blue – mind, water, sky, cold. They are the deity of invention, of thinking, of philosophy. Their festival is at the coldest time of the year, and often involves showing off new creations or inventions, ice sculptures, snow castles (depending on your climate~) and feasting on stored foods, especially those that will only store through half the winter and not all of it (They’re practical people, the Calenyena). Gifts are hand-made in some way, never bought.

Is anyone interesting in writing a/several guest fics? Wordcount should be between 100 and 5,000 words, it should be set in Reiassan in the Edally era, and it should involve the Festival of Tienaabaa (Tienebrah).

We’ll probably make this concurrent with our festival of winter, feasting, and cold, so the last week of December.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1205294.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Posting Schedule

I’ve been trying – with some success – to keep my postings to some sort of schedule. I thought it might keep me on track if I posted said schedule here.

I may be off by up to a day on any given post.

Edally Academy
Weekend blog post

Patreon “Bonus” post – a flashback, something I missed from the month before, or just a story not yet posted for the month

Edally Academy
Buffy fanfic (or Buffy Fanfic)

Patreon – alternating weeks story & serial until serial is caught up
Throwback Thursday: a fic from “today in xxxx”, with commentary.

Edally Academy
Narnia Fanfic into Valdemar

Of course, other fiction will be posted as finished/as whim hits/as commissioned/etc.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1107235.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Landing Page: Edally Academy

Getting into the legendary Empress Edaledalende Academy of Higher Learning at Ileltedez was just the first step; what will Tairiekie do now that she’s here? How will she and her new teammates get along, and how will they cope with teachers and staff that just don’t like them?

The Angry Aetherist posts Wednesdays; any week Paypal Donations reach $20, there will be an additional chapter posted on Sundays.

You can find the whole story on EdallyAcademy.com.

The Angry Aetherist

Chapter One (and on DW) Welcome to the Academy
Chapter Two (and on DW) Welcome to House Akaizepennen
Chapter Three (and on DW) An Introduction to Aether
Chapter Four (and on DW) Discovering the Power Structure
Chapter Five (and on DW) Into Threes, Nines, and Eighteens
Chapter Six (and on DW) New Friends and New Teams
the story continues on EdallyAcademy.com.

The Prequels

Getting Ready (Tairiekie) (and on DW)
Getting Ready: Saydrie (and on DW)
Getting Ready: Enerenarie (and on DW)
Almost There: Saydrie (and on DW)
Almost There: Tairiekie (and on DW)
Tairiekie a Year Earlier (LJ)

Character notes

Enarienarie (LJ)
Saydrie (LJ)
Instructor Getalréta (LJ)
Iesovyenyie (LJ) (Taikie’s Roomie)
Gaikvya (LJ) (Taikie’s Roomie)
Kotnelbyotke and Ledryainryie (LJ) (Enrie’s roommates)


Inter-universal Women’s Day: Empress Edaledalende (LJ)
Broader Education (LJ)- Kaatetzie
Top Of Class, Bottom (LJ) – Lielbyim (an older student)

Naming Rights Auction (and on DW)

Edally Academy is part of the Reiassan setting in the Steam Era.

Draft Map of the School


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/766265.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Friday’s Five-Minute Map (give or take): Edally Academy

This is a rough top-down view of Edally Academy, done by tracing dimes (see this tweet) because I don’t keep a compass at work.

I’m really enjoying #FridayFiveMinuteMap, and I encourage everyone to join in!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1102970.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Inter-universal Women’s Day: Empress Edaledalende

for [personal profile] clare_dragonfly‘s prompt here. Written last week and then forgotten in Written?Kitten!.

“This can’t be right.” Edaledalende leaned down from her saddle to study the map. “They’ve got us boxed in? When we have bridges here and here,” she pointed, “and a pass here?”

“The problem is, Kalƍkāt Lady Edaledalende, that our bridges cannot hold the weight of our soldiers and our pass is not large enough.”

“And our engineers didn’t think about this?”

The adjunct coughed. “We don’t have any engineers in this unit, Kalƍkāt Lady Edaledalende. There weren’t any available.”

“Well then.” Edaledalende pursed her lips. “We should do something to fix that. But first, we have to win this battle.”


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1077907.html. You can comment here or there.

Read Rix_Scaedu’s “Legacy” and “Legacy 2”, set in Reiassan in Edally Era

Rix_scaedu has written Legacy and Legacy 2, set in my Reiassan setting during Edally Academy (Steampunk) era.

This came out of a backchannel conversation after this conlang post on underwear in Reiassan, and it gives a lovely picture of life in other parts of Calenta.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1021089.html. You can comment here or there.

Sayings to translate into Calenyena, mostly a note to myself

From a previous draft of Rin & Girey:

A border is written in blood on the heart and on the mind. -Old Cālenyen saying

If you allow the rain to slow your passage, you will never leave your tent. -Old Cālenyen saying

After a war-season, we look for friends in the faces of strangers, and for enemies in the faces of our friends.

When uncertain or angry, close your mouth. Keep it closed until you are certain, and calm. – From the book of Reiassannon
When uncertain or angry, stab forth. Ride the fire of anger until you are certain, and calm. – From the book of Veignevar
When angry, study the anger, then find where it leads. When uncertain, find the core of the uncertainty, and study it until it vanishes. – From the book of Tienebrah

Do not question why the goat you are given as a gift only has three legs. – Old Cālenyen saying

Sleep is a gift, but, like all gifts, it has its flaws and its price – ancient Calenyen saying

From Edally:

If the fingers are working, the mind is free to breathe

If You Call It a Fish, People Will Expect It to Swim

Some Fish Swim Best in the Air

When making war, first make tea

Hit First, Reassess, Hit Again

A Bond Reforged is Thrice as Strong

Sometimes the weasel just gets away

You can offer the goat the river, but a stupid beast will still chose the puddle

When the World is Shaking, Do Not Stop to Rebalance Your Saddle-Bags

The Brightest Fire Does Not Always Burn Hottest

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1020501.html. You can comment here or there.