Tag Archive | edally

WeSeWriMo Week 4 progress

I got caught up!

First line of Wednesday:
Enrie looked at her notes. She’d written it down…

Last line of today:
“I like the world you live in. Can I join you there sometime?”

2443 words and 5 chapterlets/interludes, bringing the total to 8328 words & 16 chapterlets!

My WeSeWriMo 2015 Progress So Far in Chapters:
16 / 18 completed!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/977564.html. You can comment here or there.

WeSeWriMo Week 3 progress

I’m not caught up but this week I got the right number of chaptersections written!

First line of Wednesday:
Enrie rolled her eyes at Riensin. “I’m feeling fine…”

Last line of today:
The line on the Coffee Treaty was gone.

2128 words and 4 chapterlets, bringing the total to 5885 words & 11 chapterlets!

My WeSeWriMo 2015 Progress So Far:
65.39% completed!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/974890.html. You can comment here or there.

WeSeWriMo Day 3 progress

First line of Today:
Tairikie, Enrie thought, was sulking.

Last line of today:
“And very, very nice sayings. Thank you.”

1095 words and 2 chapterlets down, bringing the total to 3267 words & 6 chapterlets!

My WeSeWriMo 2015 Progress So Far:
36.3% completed!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/968759.html. You can comment here or there.

WeSeWriMo Day ?2? progress

First line of …Wednesday…:
“Well, that was fun.” Tairikie was bright and smiling as they left Biological Systems.

Last line of today:
“It will be done, Instructor.”

1118 words and 2 chapterlets down, bringing the total to 2172 words & 4 chapterlets!

My WeSeWriMo 2015 Progress So Far:
4 / 18 completed!

It took me 3 days to get that far, but I did it!

It’s not been a great week for writing…

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/967263.html. You can comment here or there.

WeSeWriMo Day 1 progress

First line of today:
Enrie could think of any number of things that she’d rather do than take the Biological Systems test. Climb a mountain alone without ropes or crampons.

Last line of today:
“I overheard something interesting last night.”

1054 words and 2 chapterlets down, bringing the total to… 1054 words & 2 chapterlets!

My WeSeWriMo 2015 Progress So Far:
11.71% completed!

(I know that the idea of WeSeWriMo is to be ambitious; for me, getting this done while not falling behind on other obligations IS ambitious.)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/966641.html. You can comment here or there.

Edally Academy – Doing WeSeWriMo

So, I am doing WeSeWriMo this year in hopes of getting The Missing Treaty ready to post before I turn 40.

I set a reasonable goal: 9000 words, 6 weeks of episodes – 2 1000-words writing sessions a week (the fifth week has one session; it’s a short week).

I’ll be keeping you apprised of my progress. Let’s see if we can get Enrie in as much trouble as we got Taikie in!

540 / 9000 (6.00%)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/965989.html. You can comment here or there.

World/Character-Building Fun Prompt Call – Dragons Next Door, Addergoole/Doomsday, Reiassan/Edally

I had so much fun writing the four world/character/storybuilding stories yesterday that I want to do more! 🙂

But I’m still really busy with Sekret Projeckt. 🙁

So! No promises I’ll get to any of these, much less all of them, but here goes:

For Addergoole/Doomsday/FaeApoc, Dragons Next Door, or Reiassan/Edally, ask me any world/character building question that can be answered in fiction form.

For example: How did Akatil end up at Addergoole (I’ve already answered that one, short form), Where did Aud go to school? (another one already answered ;-)… I think you get the idea.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/915765.html. You can comment here or there.

Broader Education, a story of Edally Academy

This story comes some time before There Are Lessons You Only Learn in Pain, Chapter 20 of Edally Academy.

It is written in reply to [personal profile] inventrix‘s suggestion to this request for questions, after the successful Domain Name Fundraiser.

Kaatetzie watched the problem children – his private name for them, although Pelnyen called them something similar – exit his class, the three of them thick as thieves again. Kaatetzie knew what would happen if he asked them about their tiff: Tairiekie would jut out her chin and tell him “We are supposed to be a team. That is what we were assigned to do.”

Pelnyen hadn’t been the only one to complain. Libkazaari had, as well, presumably taking it up with Kaat because he taught Mechanics. Other teachers had mentioned this trio in particular to him. Kaat found it amusing – and just amusing, because every student, especially every first year student, was trouble in their own special way. Edally was built to foster trouble.

Kaat watched the trio leave, Taikie and Enrie and Saydrie, and watched his own problem trio enter. Kyevtyieptes – Kyev – Lizhvaa, and Opegrikpeggno – Pegpeg. They were laughing. They were always laughing; the problem was that often what they were laughing about was some other student’s misfortune.

“Did you see the way his face squinted up…” Pegpeg twisted his own face up. “Like he’d never even heard of it?”

“Well…” Lizhvaa spoke slowly, carefully. “Coming from the far North, he probably didn’t, I mean, when I-”

“Can it, Liv. Nobody wants to hear it.” Kyev cut their teammate off with the wave of his hand.

“But I do.” Kaat did not normally get involved. Today, he was feeling capricious. “Lizhvaa, what happened?”

Lizh was probably not going to thank him for this. Kaat felt a little bad about that, but the look on Kyev’s face was priceless.

Lizh coughed. “Nothing, sir. Just kids talking.”

Of course it was. Sometimes, the three-teams worked well together. Saydrie, Enrie, and Taikie were an example of the best the system could create. On the other hand, sometimes the three-teams just made everything worse. Pegpeg, Kyev, and Lizh exemplified that far too well.

Kaat considered what they were saying, and then turned to his chalkboard. Lizhvaa didn’t want to speak up, but maybe he could. “When I was a young student, first come to school…”

Some of them were interested. Some were not. Kaat remembered what it had been like, to be their age, to be as sure of everything and as nervous about it all. He brought himself back there as he told them his story: coming down from the far North, where it was always cold. The trees that grew up there, that he missed. The river, and how loud it was. The clothing everyone wore, where everything he owned had fur on it.

Kaat wasn’t going to get through to Pegpeg, nor to Kyev, but either they would grow and change or they would flunk out. It was possible Lizh had potential, and it was to her, and to the other students who listened, that Kaat talked.

It wasn’t anything to do with Basic Mechanics, but that didn’t matter. If there was one thing that Edally focused on, it was a broad base of education. Kaat met Lizh’s eyes, and broadened horizons just a little further.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/908305.html. You can comment here or there.

Domain Name Costs MET! Thank you!

The Domain Name Fundraiser reached $40 – covering my costs for domain names.

That’s also FOUR stories.

So tell me, what do you want to know about the worlds of Edally Academy and/or Inner Circle?

For Edally, could we have something from the older students’ point of view about the first years?
For Inner Circle, something about their Change?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/898046.html. You can comment here or there.

Domain Name Renewal Time – Help Requested


It’s the time of year where I renew http://www.edallyacademy.com/ and http://jumpingrings.com/ (Which is being difficult at the moment), which ends up being… slightly more than the two serials have earned in tips since I started posting them.

If you’ve been enjoying either serial and have the wherewithal, please put a tip in the Author’s cup:

For every $10 raised, I’ll write an story, answering in character a setting-relevant question, asked by y’all and picked by reader poll. I.e., a targeted bonus story.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/894478.html. You can comment here or there.