Tag Archive | edally

Edally Web Page: I Still need your help!

I’m working on listing the cast for Edally – everyone who appears in every chapter.

That’s a lot of people.

What I could use from you: Grab a chapter/Interlude (Claim here first to avoid duplication of work) and list all the named characters in it.

For every chapter done, I’ll write you 250 words about… whatever Edally/Reiassan related words you want, although preference given to things at least tangentially related to Edally (rather than, say, more Rin/Girey).

The first of the stories can be seen here, if you want to know what you’re getting.

And if you think I’m offering up a lot of bribery, between this and my request for reviews, well… you’re not wrong

Chapter 1 – Claimed by Capriox
Chapter 2 – Lilfluff
Chapter 3- Claimed by Capriox
Chapter 4 – Claimed by Rix

Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Interlude: In the Onadyano Tower Dorms
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 – thnidu

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/811313.html. You can comment here or there.

Edally Academy is on Muse’s Success!

Listing Here

For every reasonably-long review (at least 50 words) posted on Muse’s Success, I will release a 250-word demifiction about the school or the world it is in.


if we get three reviews by Sunday, I’ll release a chapter early!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/806166.html. You can comment here or there.

Edally Academy web page up & suggestions wanted:

The Edally Academy has a web page!


And, now that it’s up, I’m remembering that Project Wonderful wants 100 (30) pages before they let you have ads on the site.

Which means, since I have 8 chapters and 2 interludes up, I’d like to add a few short metafiction pieces, outtakes, descriptive scenes, worldbuilding lists, whathave you.

They shouldn’t be more than 250 words a pop, so they’re easy enough to do, but I could use some suggestions.

Alternately, do you think any of the demifiction listed here: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/781726.html might be useful to readers of Edally who aren’t familiar with the world as a whole?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/804759.html. You can comment here or there.

Edally Academy: Getting Ready (Saydry)

“It’s almost time. Do you have everything?” The soldier was looming in the doorway to Saydry’s parents’ house. “Remember, the winters are much colder in the North. You’ll need warm clothes, mittens, boots.”

“He has everything.” Saydry’s mother stood watch over his valise and his trunk as if the soldier was going to steal them – which, in a sense, he was. “He has been well-prepared.”

“I doubt that.” The soldier had the typical Northern look: long nose, long black hair, sun-browned skin. He also had what Saydry was beginning to believe was a typically Northern disdain for everything Southern.

“Mother, what if…” Saydry swallowed.

His mother patted his shoulder. “Be brave, my son. I have faith in you.”

Edally Academy is coming soon!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/650146.html. You can comment here or there.

Edally Academy: Getting Ready (Tairiekie)

“Do you have everything packed?” Tairiekie’s mother dropped a handful of dresses on top of Tairiekie’s luggage. “I thought you might want something for a formal event; they had a few of those when I was in school.”

“Thank you.” She folded the dresses carefully into her luggage. It was already almost full to the seams, but one more dress probably wouldn’t throw it over the limit, even one as heavy and ornate as this one.

What sort of formals did this school even have?

“And you have all your tools? I brought a spare wrench…”

“Thank you.”

“And your books?”

“I have everything.” She shoved the satchel closed. “It’s almost time.”

Edally Academy is coming soon!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/647593.html. You can comment here or there.

Fill the Tower – bid on my auction

Bid Here

and part of my upcoming webserial, Edally Academy: the Angry Aetheist, will forever be named after you or your choice of character.

Mechanics and Engineering House

“My parents knew them.” Tairiekie wasn’t trying to brag; it was just on her mind. “[NAME HERE], the one they named our House after. I heard it had something to do with [STORY].”

“Are your parents upset? If they went to school with [NAME HERE], then they probably knew all their exploits. Probably did something with them, too.” Taikie’s roommate Iesovyenyie leaned forward. “I heard it was pretty intense, too. What [NAME HERE] did.”

What did [NAME HERE] do? bid here to tell me!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/619740.html. You can comment here or there.

Auction Item: Student Cameo

The student and friends stepped out from between the buildings just as Tairiekie was walking by. “…but then there was that problem in Philosophy. I think the instructor hates me.”

From the uniform, they were in [INSERT HERE] House, and from the cut of it, they weren’t a new student.

“Come on, [NAME HERE], you’re blowing it out of proportion. Instructor Pelnyen doesn’t hate you. He’s just…”

“Instructor Pelnyen,” the third of the group filled in.

“See?” Tairiekie murmured to Enrie. “It’s not just me.”

Or maybe [NAME HERE] is having trouble with Art class, or maybe they’re fighting with another student. Maybe they’re homesick.

You tell me! Bid here to name and describe this characer.

My naming rights auction – main post here is still going strong. Don’t you want to be a part of my world?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/618158.html. You can comment here or there.

Auction Item: Head of Mechanics House

The Head of the Mechanics’ and Engineers’ House stood at the front of the hall; it was the first day of classes, and Gaikvya was standing in a crowd with Pizhraa and Kelmoor, her teammates, staring at the person on the dais.

“Welcome to Mechanics and Engineering.” [NAME HERE]’s voice boomed across the hall. “Where you will learn the basic building blocks of not only the world, but of society itself.”
Gaikvya put a hand over her mouth. [NAME HERE] was impressive, true, but every Head of House today had sad something similar.

Of course, she was in this House, so she was a little more favorably inclined towards [NAME HERE].

Tell me all about [NAME HERE]! Bid here to name and describe this characer.

My naming rights auction – main post here is still going strong. Don’t you want to be a part of my world?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/617149.html. You can comment here or there.

Auction Item: Any House (Former Name)

“Who’s that?” Topzetryien pointed at the painting on the wall; the stairs of the dormitory tower were lined with portraits, but several were larger than others. This one, this one had a place of honor and a frame a handspan wide, gilded and trimmed and carved in scrolls and faces.

“Oh, [NAME HERE]?” Dimyezze was in her fifth year at Edally and had appointed herself tour guide for the first-year students. “The Tower was named for [HIM/HER] originally, back in the day when it was just towers. Sometimes you’ll still catch people calling the House [NAME] House.”

“What did [NAME HERE] do?”

What did [NAME HERE] do? You tell me! Bid here or here.

My naming rights auction – main post here is still going strong. Don’t you want to be a part of my world?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/616825.html. You can comment here or there.