Tag Archive | edally

First and Last Words: Yesterday

First Words: “Well, one doesn’t normally feel their looks, do they?”

Last words: “That’s funny?” Saydrie finally asked.

I wrote 2209 words yesterday, bringing my total to 38,857
My daily average is 3238.

At this rate I can still finish on Nov 16th!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/600566.html. You can comment here or there.

First and Last Words: Yesterday

First Line:
“And girls? I saw that Saydrie wasn’t the only one swinging punches.”

Last Line:
“I don’t feel tubular.”


Yesterday, I wrote 4,018 words (although the last 208 were footnotes),
Bringing my total to 36,348 (out of a goal of approx. 54,000

My average/day is 3331.6; at this rate, I will finish on Nov. 16th

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/599730.html. You can comment here or there.

Enrie Prologue for Edally Academy

“Now, remember, Enrie, you’ve got to get good grades at the Academy, and you can’t goof off the way you did at the provincial schools.”

Enerenarie’s mother fussed with Enrie’s braids, the lay of her vest, the way her shirt sleeves sat, and, finally, with the triple poof of her skirt. Enrie held still for it, because there was only so much you could do when Diplomat Arezhlyiarezha decided she was going to do something.

“Be respectful to your teachers, keep the pranks to a minimum and, by all that the Three oversee, do not light anyone on fire. We had to finesse more than a few things to get you into this school, and you need top marks at Edally to see you through into a Diplomat position.”

“But what if I don’t want to be a Diplomat? What if I want to be a sailor, or an Engineer, or a courtesan?”

She watched her mother’s mouth pinch, her father’s chest rise as he drew in air, the way her mother reached for the long dangles of her sleeves as if getting ready to do something strenuous. She waited until they’d built up a head of steam, and until she could tell they were just about to blow… and then she laughed.

“Relax, relax. I understand my situation; I know I have to do well here and not set anyone on fire.” She imitated her mother’s tone with the ease of practice – and a large number of hearings of that particular phrase to boot. “And I certainly, absolutely, with no doubt know that the choice ahead of me is to be a Diplomat, or some very rich man’s very attractive way to add a vowel to the beginning of his children’s names.” Which did not sound that fun to her – even less fun than the other options. “After all, what else do surplus royal cousins do?”


“There’s no use sugar-coating it, Arezha.” Enrie’s father was so much more practical about these things. “Enrie knows what the score is.” Instead of more lectures, he hugged her. “Do well, daughter. I know you can.”

And that struck home more than any lecture. Enrie coughed to hide a sniffle. “Yes, yes, of course.”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/599105.html. You can comment here or there.

First and Last Lines of the Weekend

Saturday was technically a skip day…

First Line of Friday
“No, not really.” Saydrie shivered. “It’s cold all the time.”
“It gets colder.”

Last Line of Sunday:
“No, ma’am. As I said, they were being unbearably rude to my teammates, so I made them pay.”

3,427 words on Friday
1,631 on Saturday
4,483 on Sunday

Bringing my total to 32,630 and my daily average to 3,263.

At this rate, I may finish on the 16th!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/598407.html. You can comment here or there.

Nanowrimo – First and Last Lines

First Line of Yesterday: “Ha. Yes, Enerenarie, Tairiekie is a very good student, and very clever, of course. But she is still, in the end, a first-year Pupil.”

Last Line: “Well, you’re not used to the weather here.”

(I know. But I was really tired)

3,808 words, bringing the total to 23,089

Nano Par for yesterday: 11,667. My Par: 14,000. My walking goal: 21,281

(the walking goal is 2000 above the total the day before)

At this rate, I will finish on Nov 16th
Except I have a skip day on Nov. 9th, so I’ll finish on Nov. 17th 😉
(and it’s going to be longer than 54000, I’m afraid)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/597673.html. You can comment here or there.

Nanowrimo – First and Last Lines

First Line of Yesterday: The closest building was the Arts Hall, so they took the stairs down off the roof, into the center of the building, and out through the side door towards the Mechanics Building.

Last Line: Enrie was standing up. Why was Enrie standing up?

(better but I wanted to get to 4000): But that being said, if you vent it that way, you’re going to have an explos…oh.”

4002 words.
Bringing the total to 19,281 words.

Average/day of 3213 and a half words.
At this rate, I will finish on Nov 16

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/597180.html. You can comment here or there.