Tag Archive | febcreate

February is World Building Month. Day Four: Faerie Apoc

[personal profile] piratekitten has declared February world-building month.

Every day in February, I will answer one question about any one of my settings.

The question post is here, please feel free to add more questions!

The fourth question comes from [personal profile] lilfluff and is for the Faerie Apocalypse

After the apocalypse what has happened the former ‘blindness’ that kept regular humans from noticing the fae. Did it go away for good? Just temporarily weakened? Never really went away and people only noticed because of how blatant the Returned were being?

For a reference to the Blindness of the Gods see here.

First, what is/was The Blindness of the Gods?

The colloquial expression is used to describe the fact that true humans – and those Faded with very very thin fae blood – cannot see Ellehemaei for what they are. Mask up or down, these people see only a human; their mind rewrites everything else to fit within a normal world.

It was lain in place when the Gods left this world, back in the late BC’s. It was meant as a protection for humans – if they could not see the strangeness, the gods reasoned, they could not be intimidated, bullied, or awed into following those fae that remained as gods, as leaders, or as masters. It also served to protect the fae; even a god can be taken down by angry enough, clever enough, humans, especially in a group. Their descendants, especially the young ones, could be taken down with comparatively no effort.

Because it only had sporadic effacacy on mixed-blood humans, and because someone could be entirely human except this ability to see unMasked fae for what they were, the fae tended, as a whole, to remain Masked when in mixed company, even before the war.

The sundering that brought the departed gods back to Earth also broke this blindness. And this time, there were no older, authoritarian gods to put it back. After the Return, the Blindness of the Gods was entirely gone, and fae who wished to hide (most of those who wanted to survive!) had to rely on their own Masks.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/656585.html. You can comment here or there.

February is World Building Month. Day Three: Addergoole

[personal profile] piratekitten has declared February world-building month.

Every day in February, I will answer one question about any one of my settings.

The question post is here; feel free to add questions!

The third question comes from [personal profile] lilfluff and is for Addergoole

Do the Nedetakaei have anything even vaguely similar to the Addergoole school?

To be honest, the Nedetakaei are far less established in my head than the Shenera Endraae. That being said… here goes world-building.

The Shenera Oseraei do not have an overarching organizational structure even as much as the Shenera Endraae do; instead, the exist in small groupings – the Elf Queen, seen In the Hall of the Elf Queen, is one such.

Side track: some people go Nedetakaei, some are raised that way.

Second side track: thanks to [personal profile] rix_scaedu for much of this in terms of ideas and planning.

It is very likely that the Nedetakaei have several small "military schools" where they train their young; filial attachment or piety is not common among the Children of the First, as their primary and, indeed, only loyalty is supposed to be to their ruler, their King or Queen or Regent (until that ruler is overthrown, of course). Such schools would do well in indoctrinating the young in the mentality necessary to claw your way to the top of the pile and, of course, to ensure the next generation.

One caveat: while the Nedetakaei have halfbreeds, they also hate them. No school of theirs would involve a halfbreed breeding program.


The Ellehemaei fall into two political groups:

One call themselves the Shenera Oseraei, the Children of the First. They call the other group Ashanevai, which means monkey-fuckers.

The other group call themselves the Shenera Endraae , the Children of the Law. They call the other group Nedetakaei, those who have forsaken their Names, which also means those who have forsaken the Law.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/655763.html. You can comment here or there.

February is World Building Month. Day Two (Yesterday): Aunt Family

[personal profile] piratekitten has declared February world-building month.

Every day in February, I will answer one question about any one of my settings.

The question post is here

The second question comes from [personal profile] lilfluff and is for The Aunt Family

How unique is the family? Are there other such families out there?

In the universe the Aunt Family exists in, there are other people who can manipulate power; it tends to run in lines and so there are definitely other bloodlines that exhibit power.

If you look at Estate, one of the founding stories of this ‘verse, Ruan is dealing with her Aunt Tansy:

Her Aunt Tansy hadn’t been, as they say, The Aunt – she was a paternal aunt, for one thing, totally not the right sort, and Ruan’s Aunt Elenora was still alive and well – but the family tradition seemed to hold anyway.

In addition, the family tree that includes Evangaline and Ruan goes back many, many generations, and it has not been uncommon for the family to split, especially if there are two young women with a great deal of power and both the inclination and ability to become an Aunt.

Is there another bloodline that carries the power through a single unmarried, childless woman in each generation? I find it unlikely, but possible. The reasons this particular family chose to carry the power that way are murky, lost in the annals of history and the books in the back of Evangaline’s attic, but it was a choice. There are likely lines who have chosen to carry it through, say *cough* Uncles.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/654645.html. You can comment here or there.

February is World Building Month. Day One: Planners ‘verse

[personal profile] piratekitten has declared February world-building month.

Every day in February, I will answer one question about any one of my settings.

The question post is here

The first question comes from [personal profile] lilfluff and is for the Planners ‘Verse

So it looks like they got started from family discussions after the panic of 1873. But how much was simply saying, “That worked well, we should keep doing that,” and how much was an actual organized effort to build something that could hold people together should civilization collapse.

When the Planners first began, their plans were very small-scale: they wanted to keep their family and their close associates safe through any collapse. They were intent on being the survivors, not necessarily in rebuilding a world.

What grew out of that was a combination of factors:

* A growth of target – they grew in number as they recruited new members, as their children grew up, married, and stayed close.

* A growth of technology – as technology improved, the “basics of survival” grew and grew – running water, modern medicine, transportation, and so on. In order to maintain that level of comfort, greater and greater infrastructure and education was needed.

* A growth of horror – the Cold War era led to the concept of “The End of the World as We Know It,” the belief in a global catastrophe. that left to a wider scope of planning as the focus could no longer be on the survival of the family; it had to be on the survival of the species if, in truth, the family was to survive.

All of this snowballed from “we’ll be comfortable through any small crisis” to “we are the supply and information depot for the post-apocalyptic world.”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/652783.html. You can comment here or there.

February: World-Building Month

[personal profile] piratekitten has declared February world-building month.


here’s a landing page with most of my universes on it.

I will take the first 28 questions (before February, no more than 4/person and no more than 5/any given ‘verse) about setting and answer 1/day for the entirety of February.


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/642264.html. You can comment here or there.