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Defekisal was running.
This was not an actually common experience in Kisal’s life, because when you did things right, you didn’t have to run.
But luck had not been with Kisal today, and so it was time for pounding sandals on flagstones and the terrifying feeling when fingers almost caught on the back of a tunic.
There was another tunic under that one, just in case, but it was a blow to pride to get caught, on top of the ridiculous pride-ding for getting made in the first place.
Kisal skidded under a fence. If they ever fixed that fence… but the fence-owner was a Sister and wouldn’t repair it unless the Guard or the Magistrate forced her to. Which they might; Kisal had to remember not to run this way again for a while, and tell Podefemide to avoid it too. Femie got made a lot more often than Kisal. Something about the way she looked at people; she couldn’t quite hide the challenge in her eyes.
The fence wouldn’t hold the guards for more than a couple seconds, but that was all Kisal ought to need. She grabbed a rain-gutter at just the right spot and swung herself upwards. There was more than one reason to stay slender and keep in good shape, and throwing oneself bodily up onto a shed roof was one of the best. She slid down the steep roof, caught the flagpole, and hurled herself over the next fence.
Her shoulders ached, but she was nearly away now. She ducked into the nearest temple – a lowercase-T temple, the sort that were safe but only allowed on suffrage by the big-T temples – and dropped the outer tunic into the donation bin it had come from. The rag tied over her hair became a belt that looked far nicer when turned inside out, and a wash at the charity fountain cleaned the dirt and make-up off of her face.
The back door of the temple held a selection of scarves; she dropped three gold walek in the bin and wrapped one around her waist as a skirt, the other around her head for a pretense at modesty.
She meandered down the road, stopping at a vendor to buy a posod-fruit and pass on a message. The Guard hurried by her, never even noticing her.
Kisal picked up another old tunic at the next temple down the road and went back to work.

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