The call for prompts is now OPEN!
I am now taking prompts on the theme of “Weren’t you going to write…?” Leave one or many prompts, and I will write (over the next month) at least one microfic (150-500 words) to each prompter.
This month’s theme is a little different; it’s an attempt to knock some of the balls out of my rafters (where they get stuck when I have too many balls in the air). Did you hear me say “I want to write about…?” or think I should write more on a story? Now’s the time to bring it up.
Need ideas?
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This discussion of my queue
Prompting is free! But Donations are always welcome.
If you have donated, I will write to one extra prompt of your.
In addition, for each $5 you donate, I will write an additional 500 words to the prompt(s) of your choice.
If I get two new prompters or one new donator, I will write a setting piece (setting chosen by poll).
At $30 in donations, we’ll get take out.
At $40 in donations, I will post an additional 1000-2000-word fic on the subject of the audience’s choice.
At $50, anyone who donated $7.50 or more will have a copy of “Alder by Post” mailed to them if they wish
At $70, I will write two extra 500-word continuations – chosen by prompters picked by random number generator
At $75, we will upgrade our wheelbarrow to an AWESOME CARD
At $100, I will write three extra 500-word continuations – chosen by prompters picked by random number generator
At $130, I will record a podcast of an audience-choice story and post it for everyone to read.
At $150, we’ll upgrade the awesome cart to awesome-cart-with-sides and be able to haul EVERYTHING!< Also I will release an e-book of all of the fiction written to this call.
If I reach $200, I will hold a mid-month Call on a single setting of the readers’ choice. Everyone who tipped will get wordcount-and-a-half
For more information on Giraffe Calls, see the landing page.
Donate below
Art by Djinni!
I also take payment by Dwolla
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