I have just wrapped up a major project and am looking to wrap up Edally in a few weeks (This book; then a break before Saydrie’s book).
I am thinking of doing another Giraffe Call, and taking some feedback I have gotten that the live-writing-feel is often good.
So it would go something like:
The Call opens when I wake up on X day. That’s all I write to that day, as long as there are prompts. I write to prompts I get from the first 16 people/the first 16 prompts.
Tipping assures a second ficlet for tipper, and tipping thresholds ($25? $20?) carry the writing on for a second/third/etc. day – possibly with new themes each day, possibly the same theme throughout.
As always, tipping could also buy continuations, although I might stick with my 2-cents-a-word normal rate just to not be writing forever and ever amen.
Thoughts? Also, theme suggestions?
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