Tag Archive | giraffecall: perk

Legacy Cat, a story of the Aunt Family for the Mini-Call

For Friendly Anon’s continuation prompt, after That Damn Cat (LJ), Bless the Cat (LJ), and Passing the Cat (LJ)

Aunt Family has a landing page here on DW and here on LJ

Elenora and The Cat regarded each other on what had been, until yesterday, Zenobia’s kitchen table.

“Well,” she said thoughtfully. “I have a cat.” And a house, and a legacy, and a title, and perhaps a decade or two in which to enjoy it. Zenobia had hung on for a ridiculously long time, out of, as she’d admitted, spite and, Elenora suspected, just a general cussedness of character.

But now Elenora was Aunt. She’d made certain the funeral was everything it should be, even if there were those who wanted to slide Zenobia into the dirt as fast and as deeply as possible; she’d made the arrangements herself, and paid the florist to make it look as if her family was mourning her in proper fashion.

And then she’d come to Zenobia’s house and, among all the things that had made it Zenobia’s and not hers, the detritus of a life, she looked at That Cat.

“Well,” the cat purred back at her. “I have a human. An Aunt. A witch, they say. Do I look like a witch’s familiar?”

“Not like that,” she laughed, risking her fingers by petting it behind the ears. “Like that, you look like a barn cat.”

“I have been, on occasion, a very good barn cat.” He leaned into her hand, his purring getting louder. “Much like you will be a very good Aunt.”

She smirked at him. “Fit the role you’re given, is that it?”

“What else has your family ever done, but slide into the roles that are open?” He nipped her fingers, delicately, not breaking skin. “There are things you should learn about the family.”


“Zenobia told you a fraction of what she knew, which was a fraction of what there is to know. It will get lost, if someone doesn’t know it. I can tell you where to look. I can tell you who to ask.”

“Why would you do that?” She busied her fingers with some of the knicknacks her Aunt had kept sitting on the table, disassembling a puzzle-charm.

The cat rolled onto his back, showing his white underbelly temptingly. “I just told you. Somebody needs to know, or the information is going to get lost. Your other aunts have almost all passed on. The diaries fade with age. If you do not know, to tell the one who comes after, then it will be lost forever – and that could be rather bad.”

“And you know, and won’t tell me yourself?”

“Won’t, can’t, don’t, shan’t,” the cat shrugged, and batted at the puzzle pieces. “There are things you have to learn for yourself. I can only point the way.”

She shook her head, and began reassembling the puzzle. It had two ways, it seems, that it could go together; Zenobia had picked the one that resembled a dragon.

If she twisted the pattern pieces correctly, however, it looked more like a unicorn. “So you’ll point the way…”

“And you’ll do what you want once you get there. Yes.” He dropped his jaw in a toothy grin. “This is what I do.”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/292478.html. You can comment here or there.

Giraffe Call – Having Rewarded Myself (Thank you!)

The giraffe carpet has been installed, and I finished painting the window this weekend, so, at some point, we can actually move into our bedroom

(If you are the kind person who stealth mailed me towels from Amazon.com: thank you very much! They match the shades in the bedroom!)

January’s Giraffe Call paid two unexpected furnace service calls (The first one was because the heating oil had gelled, which is not supposed to happen if they put enough kerosene in it. The other was a small but annoying part having failed). It also helped with a delicious Indian dinner (I had lamb, T. had goat) we had with our friends E.Mc & Abjuk.

The $240 goal for January was Delicious Cake and, so, for Valentine’s day and two days afterwards, T. & I had slices of a deep, rich torte from Wegman’s, our local mega-grocery-store and bakery.

Thank you for all of the wonderful things!!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/281789.html. You can comment here or there.

Linkback Incentive Story – Straw Poll

I have the following stories written and ready to post 50 words/time for the Giraffe Call:
The Trouble With Bongong Island, from Inventrix’s prompt “Bananas, Bifurcation, Belittling Bohemian butterflies.” 2111 words draft gentlemen adventurer tale
Keeping the Gods, a story of the fae apoc, or at least a rough draft thereof, from Shutsumon’s prompt “bacchanal, barbarocracy,bathykolpian.” 1400 words of cautionary fantasy
Holding the Ways, a microfiction of an unconventional funeral, 350 words.
Avarice – From haikujaguar’s prompt “Avarice. Anemia. And maybe… appetite.” 1038 words, a story of mixed appetites and dovetailing greed.
Sunday at the Grove – From clare_dragonfly’s prompt, this is a tender story of mourning and passing on. 900 words.

Or I can write something new, in your choice of setting. Opinions? Requests?

At this posting, linkback count stood at one, and I had not entirely finished writing the linkbacks from last month’s story.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/273356.html. You can comment here or there.

So Many Stories! What do you want a continuation of?

Behind the cut is a list of every story I have written so far for this Giraffe Call (January).

Rather than try to put them ALL on a poll, I’m going to ask you, first: which of these would you like to see continued? Then I will put all those on a poll 🙂

First Steps (LJ) The city remembers
The Dark Places, the Numbered Streets (LJ) – Ance seeks a real adventure. And finds it.
Recovering the City (LJ)
The Tuesday Map (LJ) Life in the BAELZ.
Souvenir (LJ) A little something from every city
Birth of a City (LJ) It started with asteroid miners…
Breaking Ground (LJ)
…On My Parade (LJ)
Down in Human Town (LJ)
Kirkevaren (LJ)
And Before That? (LJ)
Backstage (LJ), technically Big Trouble in Little China fanfic
The Snow War (LJ)

Fairy Town
Strange Neighbors (LJ) [After the Fairy Road (here on LJ)]
Loaves (LJ)
The Beggars (LJ)
City Holiday (DW)
Re-Blessing the Church (LJ)
Burning Summer Quest (LJ)
In Mr. Ting’s (LJ)
Mrs. Gent’s Lemonade (LJ)
Differences of Opinion (LJ)
The “A” Shelves (LJ)
Katydid’s Camp (and on LJ)

The Cracks
Through the Cracks (LJ)
“China is Here” (LJ)
The Dark of the City (Lj)
Up From the Cracks (LJ)

Unicorn Chase (LJ)
The Silver Road (LJ)

Origins of Smokey Knoll (LJ)
Planning Board Woes (LJ)
Home to Pixie Town ()
Exterminator (LJ)

Underneath (LJ) [Josie]
On the Subway

Shadow Rebellion
Evoloution (LJ)

a Growing Plan (LJ)

Further Exploration Reveals… (LJ)
“I said, Further Exploration reVEALS,” (LJ)

Bug Invasion
From the moment they breathed our air (Lj) after: Staying in the City (LJ) and Spooks vs. Bugs (DW)
It’s all in your Head (LJ)

Road Map To… (LJ), a story of Steam!Callenia
Stories of the City (LJ)

Lines of the City (LJ)
Laying the Foundation (LJ)

Tir na Cali
Tea with HER (beginning) (LJ)
Tea with HER (continuation) (LJ)
Tea with HER (continuation 2) (LJ)
Tea with HER (continuation 3) (LJ)
Tea with HER (continuation 4) ()
Tea with HER (continuation 5) (LJ)
Tea with HER (Completion) (LJ)
Window Shopping (LJ)
Down in Kitty Town (LJ)

Aunt Family
Midnight, Summer Solstice (LJ)

Fae Apoc
Scrounging for History (LJ)
Digging through History (LJ)
Delving in History (LJ)
Bringing Home History (LJ)
Singing down History (LJ)
Learning of History (LJ

Down in the Dark (LJ)
When the Gods Attacked (LJ)
Ending the Hunt (Lj)
In the Jam (LJ)
On the River (LJ)
These Walls Can Talk (LJ)
On the River (LJ
Step on my Tail (LJ)

Family Legacy (Dreamwidth)
When the Gods Attacked

Edited to add: that’s 55 separate stories, counting continuations as part of the original. And I’m not DONE with the January call yet!

And More Stories:
Mission to Paris (LJ)
Presented (LJ)
Paying the Rent (LJ) (Baram’s Jaelie and her Wish)
Fae Apoc:
Getting Over History (LJ)
Making New History (LJ)
Trusting in History (LJ)
Bug Invasion
Poison (LJ)

Fairy Town
Meeting Mr. Ting (LJ)
About the Want (LJ)
What You Need (LJ)
Guarding the Church (LJ)
Productive (LJ)
The Governors (LJ)
Right and Wrong (LJ)

(second edit. Added more stories, recounted, seems I was off by 10 last time)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/270141.html. You can comment here or there.

Mini-Giraffe Call: The Aunt Family

The Mini-Giraffe Call is CLOSED! Thanks to all that participated!

For the next 36 hours, leave your prompts on the Aunt Family ‘Verse.

The Aunt Family has a landing page here (and on LJ)

Because this is a mini-Call, there will be mini-perks!

* For every $10 donated, one prompter chosen at random will get an extra 500-word story
* If the call reaches $30, I will write a second prompt for everyone
* If you donate, as always, you had sponsored 100 words continuation on any Giraffe story for every $1US donated.

Also! Because my goal for this mini-call is to raise $$ for character art, I will take donations in art as well. Talk to me to discuss reasonable words-for-art rate.

(Dwolla account available on request)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/257100.html. You can comment here or there.

Ask-the-Characters session: Audrey (Dragons next Door)

She left her apron at home; the woman who steps into the interview chamber is coiffed, trench-coated, and pretty; when she hangs up the coat and fedora to sit down, she looks like a 30’s screen siren. Blond-brown hair falls in perfect ringlets. A tea cup comes to hand, and she smiles at the audience over it.

“I hear you have questions of me?”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/257021.html. You can comment here or there.

Giraffey Goodness!

Last Call on the poll for this weekend’s livewriting session:

If anyone has a suggestion for a live-writing program that isn’t Google Docs, I’m open to test driving something else.

Pick a character to ask questions of! Any character of mine in any setting!
(and on LJ)

Ask Kendra here (LJ)

Ask Rin here! (LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/256001.html. You can comment here or there.

Ask the characters 2: Rin

The shortish black-haired woman steps briskly into the room, the silk of her formal tunic and pants rustling so very softly. The lines of the tunic show off an athletic but womanly figure underneath; the bright colours go beautifully with her dark-tanned skin.

She perches more than sits on the high backed stool. “So,” she smiles. “You want to ask me questions. So ask?”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/255887.html. You can comment here or there.