Tag Archive | giraffecall: summary

Giraffe, Etc. Summary

The Mini-Call is up! (and on LJ) Prompt on the Aunt Family series!

Since the last summary (and on LJ), I have written:

For the January Giraffe Call:
And Before That? (LJ)
Backstage (LJ), technically Big Trouble in Little China fanfic

Fairy Town
In Mr. Ting’s (LJ), after Burning Summer Quest (LJ)
Katydid’s Camp (and on LJ)

Tír na Cali
Tea with HER (continuation 5) (LJ)
Tea with HER (Completion) (LJ)

Fae Apoc
When the Gods Attacked (LJ)
Delving in History (LJ)
Bringing Home History (LJ)

Bug Invasion
From the moment they breathed our air (Lj) after: Staying in the City (LJ) and Spooks vs. Bugs (DW)

Non-Giraffe Writing included:

Addergoole Yr9
Moving On (LJ), Ahouva & Basalt
Damn List (LJ)
[personal profile] clare_dragonfly wrote this story of Kayros and Vic.
[personal profile] kajones_writing created
these characters and then wrote
this story and
this story.

Addergoole: Boom
Meeting the Family (LJ) (a chat log)
Roleplay Log (Cya/Cabal, posted by cluudle)
Cleaning Up (LJ), One month later
cluudle wrote this story set in the same general timeline as my current Boom ‘fics, staring Yoshi’s paternal half-brother Etienne.
Legacy (LJ) – several years later

Tir na Cali:
Wrong Brother? ()after “Can we be that Close?” (no xpost). [Donor Perk]
Cali-Novel Ch17-most (LJ) [Beta]

Aunt Family:
Read my story “The Wish Machine” (from the Aunt Family ‘verse) in this month’s EMG-Zine!

And I’ve asked you, and asked you to ask me:
Pick a character to ask questions of! Any character of mine in any setting!
(and on LJ)
Ask Kendra here (LJ)
Ask Rin here! (LJ)
Ask Audrey Here! (LJ)

The donations reached an AMAZING $246!

Thanks to everyone who participated!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/257500.html. You can comment here or there.

…and the children waved multicolored banners!… (Giraffe Update)

The January Giraffe Call (and on LJ) has reached an unprecedented $241.31!


This means we’ve reached the ask-the-characters Chat Session donation level!! (hrrm. Now I have to figure out how to do that! 🙂

It also means I get delicious cake (mm cake).

I’m writing like the wind, too, getting through prompts as quickly/reasonably as I can! We may have some backlog… O_O

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/254924.html. You can comment here or there.

Giraffe Summary! Read the Crazy Fiction! Answer the Many Questions

Since our Last Summary (LJ)

I have written for the January Giraffe Call (and on LJ):

The Cracks
The Dark of the City (Lj)

Origins of Smokey Knoll (LJ)
Planning Board Woes (LJ)
Home to Pixie Town (LJ)

Fairy Town
Strange Neighbors (LJ) [After the Fairy Road (here on LJ)]
Loaves (LJ)
Burning Summer Quest (LJ)
The Beggars (LJ)
City Holiday (DW)
Re-Blessing the Church (LJ)

Fae Apoc
Digging through History (LJ), after Scrounging for History (LJ)
Down in the Dark (LJ)

Tir na Cali
Tea with HER (continuation 2) (LJ)
Tea with HER (continuation 3) (LJ)
Tea with HER (continuation 4) ()

I have written for the December Call (perks & commissions):
Commissions from Last Call:
So. (LJ) Between Years 28 & 29
So I’ve Started Out (LJ) after “Some Say Life.”
Nice Guys (LJ) After “Changed.”

Princesses, Knights, and the Huntsman (LJ)

Strand-Workers and Strand-Working Organizations (LJ

I have written not for any Giraffes:
Addergoole: Boom
Mother-Son Bonding (LJ)
Kept du Jour/a> (LJ)
“Are we killing this one?” (LJ)
Addergoole Yr9
Consequences (DW) Addergoole Yr 9, Ceinwen & Thorburn

Hurt/Comfort (LJ) [Donor perk]


Tangling isn’t just a walk in the park (LJ) Spring & Lance [Donor Perk]

And I asked you more questions:
Mini-Call Poll (DW) (what time should I hold a livewrite for the Mini-call?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/250528.html. You can comment here or there.

Summary-Like Update thing! See all the pretty Fiction! Answer all the Questions!!

The Giraffe Call is closed (and on LJ), but if you only left one or two prompts, please feel free to go add another 1 or 2.

Since the last update, I’ve posted several requests-for-feedback:
What do you want to know about my Settings? (LJ) (Stranded, Reiassan, Dragons)
Mid-month mini-giraffe-call poll (LJ) (what & When?)
Pretty Icons (LJ) discussion on possible February Giraffe Themes

I’ve posted three pieces from the last call:

Under Scrutiny (LJ)
Encyclopedia Draconic: A Survey of Reproduction Methods (LJ)
Teasers (LJ) Arundel, Sylvia, Porter

Two non-Giraffe pieces (in payment for an icon from @inventrix):

Separation Anxiety (LJ) Boom!/RP timeline/ Cynara
Parting Advice, and Mother Bears (LJ)

And seven more Giraffe Pieces:

Further Exploration Reveals… (LJ)
“I said, Further Exploration reVEALS,” (LJ)

Tir na Cali
Tea with HER (beginning) (LJ)
Tea with HER (continuation) (LJ)

Road Map To… (LJ), a story of Steam!Callenia

Fae Apoc
Scrounging for History (LJ)

Family Legacy (Dreamwidth)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/241891.html. You can comment here or there.

The Giraffe Call is still open! Last chance to prompt until the next time!

The Giraffe Call is Still Open (and on LJ)! It will stay open until this evening.

Also, if you have prompted but only left one or two prompts, please feel free to leave a couple more! We’ve gotten to the incentive levels where everyone gets at least 3 prompts written to, whether or not they tipped!

At $211, we are just $29 from reaching the next incentive level, where I will hold a chat session with characters! (At this level, I’ll almost have paid off the carpet as well as the furnace bill!)

Claim your words! If you have donated to this call, or to any call, you can ask for $x100 words continuation on any story posted here!

Back to writing!

Linkback Incentive Story (and ON LJ)
Summary so far:
First Steps (LJ) The city remembers
The Dark Places, the Numbered Streets (LJ) – Ance seeks a real adventure. And finds it.
Recovering the City (LJ)
The Tuesday Map (LJ) Life in the BAELZ.
Souvenir (LJ) A little something from every city
Birth of a City (LJ) It started with asteroid miners…
Breaking Ground (LJ)
…On My Parade (LJ)
Down in Human Town (LJ)
The Cracks
Through the Cracks (LJ)
“China is Here” (LJ)

Unicorn Chase (LJ)

Origins of Smokey Knoll (LJ)
Planning Board Woes (LJ)

Underneath (LJ) [Josie[

Shadow Rebellion
Evoloution (LJ)

a Growing Plan (LJ)

Further Exploration Reveals… (LJ)

Donate below

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/237788.html. You can comment here or there.

Giraffe Call Early Wednesday Update

The Giraffe Call is Still Open (and on LJ)! It will stay open until this Friday evening, or until I’ve written one prompt to ever prompter, whichever comes first.

Monday morning we reached the $201 goal – our furnace bill is paid for! (also, there will be another single-setting Call near the end of the month) At $211, we are just $29 from reaching the next incentive level, where I will hold a chat session with characters!

Claim your words! If you have donated to this call, or to any call, you can ask for $x100 words continuation on any story posted here!

Back to writing!

Linkback Incentive Story (and ON LJ)
Summary so far:
First Steps (LJ) The city remembers
The Dark Places, the Numbered Streets (LJ) – Ance seeks a real adventure. And finds it.
Recovering the City (LJ)
The Tuesday Map (LJ) Life in the BAELZ.
Souvenir (LJ) A little something from every city
Birth of a City (LJ) It started with asteroid miners…
The Cracks
Through the Cracks (LJ)
“China is Here” (LJ)

Unicorn Chase (LJ)

Origins of Smokey Knoll (LJ)

Underneath (LJ) [Josie[

Shadow Rebellion
Evoloution (LJ)

Donate below

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/235734.html. You can comment here or there.

Giraffe Call Monday Update

The Giraffe Call is Still Open (and on LJ)! It will stay open until this Friday evening, or until I’ve written one prompt to ever prompter, whichever comes first.

Guys, I’m really excited at how close we are to the $150 incentive level! I’m bouncing up and down – and, I confess, I’m kind of curious to see if we can make it to the $201 level as well (not in the least because of the furnace bill, but I want to see how I handle a second Giraffe Call in a month, too). 😉

As a reminder – if you donated to this call, or to any call, you can ask for ($x100) words of continuation on any story posted here. Several people from the December call have not yet claimed their words.

Back to writing!

Linkback Incentive Story (and ON LJ)
Summary so far:
First Steps (LJ) The city remembers
The Dark Places, the Numbered Streets (LJ) – Ance seeks a real adventure. And finds it.
Recovering the City (LJ)
The Tuesday Map (LJ) Life in the BAELZ.
Souvenir (LJ)
The Cracks
Through the Cracks (LJ)
“China is Here” (LJ)

Unicorn Chase (LJ)

Origins of Smokey Knoll (LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/233806.html. You can comment here or there.

Giraffe Call Third Week Summary

And I’m finally done with all the microfic prompts!

If you donated, you may request continuations of stories, 100 words for every dollar donated (preferably spread out no wider than in 50-cent increments). Yay more stories!

Summary Two (LJ)
First Week Summary (LJ)

The Call (LJ)
The Linkback Incentive Stories (LJ)

What I wrote in the last week:

The Leftover Gift (LJ)
In Any Verse (LJ) 2 AU stories of Ty & Jamian

Fae Apoc
Extraction Team (LJ)
‘Ware Fairy Gifts (LJ) Tom looked at the knife the girl had given him…

The Gift Fairy (LJ) “The job fairy ain’t going to come give you a job.”
I Want to Tell a Story (LJ) It wasn’t what Miss Kelley was expecting to hear from her students.

Tir na Cali
Secret Santa (LJ)
Belated Yule Gift (LJ), after “Everything”

A Christmas of Melancholy (LJ)

And the entire Call:

In Any Verse (LJ) 2 AU stories of Ty & Jamian
Truth, Beauty (LJ)
The Leftover Gift (LJ)
Peace, Quiet, and the Null (LJ) to [personal profile] inventrix‘s prompt (year ??)
Let Nothing Ye Dismay (LJ)
Always wanted a Pony (LJ)
Goodbye for Now (LJ)
Trojan Gift (LJ) [personal profile] wyld_dandelyon‘s prompt, Addergoole Yr9, Sylvia and Garfunkle
Birthday Present (LJ), Year 9, to cluudle‘s prompt
You’d better watch out, you’d better not… (LJ) to [personal profile] lilfluff‘s prompt, set in the post-apoc of Addergoole, with former students.
Throw out a Line (LJ) [personal profile] jjhunter‘s prompt, after “You’d Better Watch Out”

Fae Apoc
Extraction Team (LJ)
‘Ware Fairy Gifts (LJ) Tom looked at the knife the girl had given him…
Warning Buzz (LJ)
Enlightenment (LJ)
Myrrh (LJ)
Up Shit Creek (LJ), to Rix_scaedu‘s prompt

The Gift Fairy (LJ) “The job fairy ain’t going to come give you a job.”
I Want to Tell a Story (LJ) It wasn’t what Miss Kelley was expecting to hear from her students.
Made from Words (LJ)
Miss Midas (LJ)
Gift-Wife (LJ)
The Truth, and Hair-Pieces (LJ)
A Star in the East (LJ)
A True Gift (LJ), to [personal profile] anke‘s prompt
A Present for the Queen of Underhill (LJ) to moon_fox‘s prompt
The Fairy Road (LJ) to [personal profile] kelkyag‘s prompt
Little Gift (LJ)to [profile] moon_fox‘s prompt

Tir na Cali
Secret Santa (LJ)
Belated Yule Gift (LJ), after “Everything”
Cali Novel 15c (Lj) [Beta]
Chapter 16A (LJ)
Best Present Ever (LJ)
Target (LJ) to [personal profile] kc_obrien‘s prompt, a crossover with Facets
“Can we Be that Close” (did no x-post) – the brothers and sister from last month’s call share gifts

“It is Nice to Share (LJ) (one-off) to Stryck‘s prompt
Everything (LJ) to ellenmillion‘s prompt

The Unexpected Gift (LJ), Autumn & Tattercoats
A Christmas of Melancholy (LJ)

A Very Dragon Xmas (LJ)

Wishing a Merry Christmas (LJ)

Aunt Family
Welcome to the Family (LJ) (Evangaline)
Tell me a Story (LJ) (Rosaria)
Charming (LJ) to [personal profile] moonwolf‘s prompt (Hadelai & Beryl)
King(maker) Cake (LJ) to [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith‘s prompt (Stone, Grandma
Ardella, and Hadelai & Eva’s sister Fallon)
Sweater Set (LJ), a previously-unexplored branch, to [personal profile] clare_dragonfly‘s prompt

Space Accountant
Silk (LJ)
Lucky Day (LJ)

In Bed (LJ), after “Come to Bed” [Beta]

Greetings (LJ), to [personal profile] eseme‘s prompt

Additional Stories Written Later:
Under Scrutiny (LJ)
Encyclopedia Draconic: A Survey of Reproduction Methods (LJ)
Teasers (LJ) Arundel, Sylvia, Porter
Behind Door Number Three (LJ), after “Another Door Opens.”
Strand-Workers and Strand-Working Organizations (LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/224368.html. You can comment here or there.

Giraffe Call Mid-Way Summary Two

It’s been another busy week of Giraffe Writing. I’m nearly done with the second round of prompts – if didn’t leave a second prompt, please feel free to stop by and do so!

Here’s what I’ve written in the last week:
First Week Summary (LJ)

The Call (LJ)
The Linkback Incentive Stories (LJ)

Fae Apoc
Warning Buzz (LJ)

A Very Dragon Xmas (LJ)

Wishing a Merry Christmas (LJ)

Aunt Family
Welcome to the Family (LJ) (Evangaline)
Tell me a Story (LJ) (Rosaria)

Tir na Cali
Cali Novel 15c (Lj) [Beta]
Best Present Ever (LJ)

Truth, Beauty (LJ)
Let Nothing Ye Dismay (LJ)
Always wanted a Pony (LJ)
Goodbye for Now (LJ)

Space Accountant
Lucky Day (LJ)

Made from Words (LJ)
Miss Midas (LJ)
Gift-Wife (LJ)
The Truth, and Hair-Pieces (LJ)
A Star in the East (LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/217823.html. You can comment here or there.

Giraffe Call Summary!

This is a summary, in total, of the November Giraffe Call. I have left to write the donor stories and one final prompt for [personal profile] lilfluff, but the prompts are done.

This month I received prompts from 17 people, one back-channel, and wrote 21 stories, as well as finishing last month’s call’s donation-incentive extra story.

I finished the linkback incentive story, although I had a very hard time keeping track of the linkbacks this time around, so in the end I just made it up. :-/

Still pondering themes for coming months!

Addergoole Yr5
Uh-Oh (LJ)
Family ties (LJ)

Addergoole yr8
Some Say Life (LJ)

Addergoole Apocalypse
The Life You Make (LJ)

Addergoole Year 21
Generations (LJ) and
Revelations (LJ)

Fae Apoc
Budding (LJ) – in the Internment Camp
Leaving the City (LJ) – the Linkback Incentive Story – Done!

Talking it to Death (LJ)

The Aunt Family
The Family Kudzu (LJ)
Difficult Relations (LJ)
What to do About Auntie X (LJ)

Thicker Than… (LJ)
The Family that Knots Together (LJ)
Nanovel part Vii (LJ) [not part of the Giraffe Call]

Mother Knows… (LJ)
Encountering Dad (LJ)

Tír na Cali
Brothers and Brotherhood (LJ), continued in:
And Sisterhood (LJ)

Dragons Next Door
Family Planning (LJ) (not part of the Audrey/Juniper/Baby Smith story)
Dwimors (LJ), after the Over the Wall–> Rule Three series
Parent-Teacher Conference (LJ) The follow-up to Rule 2, and the $35 inventive for last month’s Giraffe Call

Of Clay and Salt (LJ)
Othel (LJ)

Total from Giraffe Calls to Date

And this month

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/179908.html. You can comment here or there.