Tag Archive | giraffecall: summary

Giraffe Call So Far!

This has been a slow Giraffe Call, which I’m totally fine with, since I’m still working on my Nano-vel. I have, right now, three prompts left to write for the first batch.

The call is open until I finish those:
On LJ – http://aldersprig.livejournal.com/316593.html
and on DW – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/170868.html

After that, I have an additional 5 prompts to write to finish the all donor’s prompts, and then whatever they wish me to write as their continuations. We reached $35, so there will be a poll up at the end of the week for our incentive continuation (have no fear! Last month’s continuation will be done soon!!).

I have one new prompter and no new commenters or donors, so there will be no setting-piece for this round.

Stories to date are (and there’s 11 of them):
Addergoole Yr5
Uh-Oh (LJ)
Family ties (LJ)

Addergoole yr8
Some Say Life (LJ)

Addergoole Year 21
Generations (LJ) and
Revelations (LJ)

Talking it to Death (LJ)

The Aunt Family
The Family Kudzu (LJ)
Difficult Relations (LJ)

Thicker Than… (LJ)

Mother Knows… (LJ)

Tír na Cali
Brothers and Brotherhood (LJ)

The Linkback Incentive Story (LJ) is still incomplete. If you think I missed your signal boost, please let me know!

We reached the first incentive level!

Edited to add: if you are the mystery donor for whom I have an IRL name and a broken e-mail but no screen name, thank you!! What story would you like to see continued with your donation?

Image by viva_la_topknot

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/175963.html. You can comment here or there.

This Last Giraffe Call by the numbers

I had 13 prompters in Livejournal and 6 in Dreamwidth = 19 total
The gave me 33 prompts in LJ and 9 in Dreamwidth = 42 total (or an average of 2.21/person)

I wrote stories to every one of those 42 prompts.

I had 6 donors, for a donation total of $95.

From those donors, I have written 9 stories and have 2 more to write.
I have yet to write the $35 donation-level story and the setting piece, as well.

Dragons Next Door and Addergoole topped the settings-stories, with 14 Addergoole stories (2 more to go) and 9 Dragons next Door stories, including the linkback incentive story and one technically not part of the Call at all. I’ve got the extra story to go there, too.

I created a new setting (The Aunt Family) and ended up writing 5 stories in that setting; I also wrote three stories in what might be a continuing setting (The Shadow Rebellion) and a new story in each of two settings from the earlier prompts (Bug Invasion and Unicorn/Factory).

I also wrote nine one-offs, ranging in genre, type, and mood all over the board.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/168869.html. You can comment here or there.

Giraffe Call etc. Summary.

This is an addition to the October 26th Summary (LJ).

Since then, I have written & posted:

Year Nine
Frying Pans, Etc. (LJ)
Changed (LJ)
Fae-Bane (LJ)
9 Things I Hate About… (LJ), after Preferences (LJ)
One Sharp Mother (LJ), after Memories (LJ)
and Post-Apoc
Scared (LJ), after Finding Comfort (LJ)

Dragons Next Door
Rule One (LJ) (not technically for the Giraffe Call)
Neighborhood Watch (LJ)
Fears (LJ)and Loopholes (LJ)

The Aunt Family
Trash and Treasures (LJ), after Heirlooms and Old Lace (LJ)

tir Na Cali
Cali-novel 13b (LJ) (Not at all for the Giraffe Call)

In Sickness… (LJ)
Outcast (LJ)

If you haven’t offered feedback to the questions here (or here on LJ), please do! The two most pressing are:

  • The story that is winning comments-for-a-settings-article is the one-off story Cunning Linguist – Would you rather that story, or the runner-up, get the settings article?
  • What prompt themes would you like to see in the future?

Signal Boosts for the last week include:

[personal profile] meeks has posted an update to Radiator Dragon (and on LJh) from [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith‘s poem Restoration. Go squee!
Also! she has uploaded a new detail view of Rin‘s picture 🙂 It’s the city! (Livjournal and Dreamwidth.
She’s also posted a new sketch on DW and LJ – to [personal profile] jjhunter‘s poem The Lamb’s Plea To Them Both, which is definitely worth a read.

[personal profile] lilfluff wrote this story to my prompt.
[personal profile] kajones_writing has posted a lovely story to my prompt.
nijipie has done a really adorable drawing of kitty-me and my Mouse-Girl character Kendra.
check out this! Rix-scaedu painted the Primordial card from Heirlooms & Old Lace 🙂
[personal profile] inventrix drew this picture and this one of Porter from Changed (or on LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/165898.html. You can comment here or there.

October Giraffe Call Closing (ish) Summary!

I still have 4 prompts to write – 2 for Ysabet & 2 for KC O’Brien – but I’m close enough to the end to post a summary.

Then I get to move on to the paid continuations! If you haven’t told me what story you want me to continue/write/etc. with your donation, please send me a note, comment, or e-mail!

I wrote 39 stories so far:

Rude Roommates (LJ) Autumn, and Ghosts
At the Movies (LJ)

The Grey Line (LJ)

Ghosts of Memory (LJ) Girey ponders

In the past
Giving up the Ghost (LJ)
Carrying the Spirit (LJ)

Tir na Cali
Ninja Kitty (LJ)

When in Rome (LJ)
Revenge of the Pumpkins (LJ)

Refurbish & Sell (LJ) “‘Spooks’ means FBI!”

(Main storyline)
Monster (LJ)
Memories (LJ) – Baram, through the lives
Not Everyone Makes it Out (LJ) and some never leave
Hell Night (LJ) Years 1, 4, & 7
Night Terrors (LJ) – Yngvi’s nightmare

(Yr 9)
Fae-Bane (LJ) Timora’s Hell Night [and notes on her appearance (LJ)]
Creeped (LJ) – Ceinwen’s Hell Night

Hallowe’en 19888 (LJ) (chibi, non-canon)

Dragons Next Door
Where Have all the… Zombies gone? (LJ) Aud & Jin having a discussion

Fears (LJ) Juniper & Jimmy, continued in:
Loophole (LJ

Questions> (LJ)
Consulting (LJ)
Salt (LJ) (After “Ketchup”)
Rule Two (LJ)
Skeletons (LJ), after The Black Tower & The Pumpkin

The Aunt Verse
Heirlooms and Old Lace (LJ)
Estate (LJ)
Lost Spirits (LJ)

Shadow Rebellion
In the Shadows (LJ)
Shadow of a Doubt (LJ)
Creep (LJ)

Inside the Walls (LJ)

Bug Invasion
Spooks vs. Bugs (LJ)

Cunning Linguist (LJ)
Ghost of Finals (LJ)
Unintended Consequences (LJ)
Keeping House (LJ)
Eat, Prey, Live (LJ)
Teddy Demon (LJ)

And we’re well on our way to that carpet!

The Giraffe Funds Raised So Far:

October’s funds:

Thanks to everyone who participated in the fun!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/160124.html. You can comment here or there.

Monday on a Tuesday

Wonderful weekend visiting friends, just now getting back into the swing of things.

Applesauce successfully canned. Freezing apples tonight or tomorrow.

Planning on doing Nanowrimo in a not-killing-myself sort of way (i.e., working on the story as my main but not sole project through November and December) – the first Autumn story ever.

Giraffe Call:

Updated the linkback incentive (LJ).

Working through to third prompts; if you haven’t left a second or third prompt, you have ’till I get to the bottom of the list again to do so. Then I move on to sponsored prompts/continuations.

DreamWidth – call for prompts here

LiveJournal – call for prompts here


EllenMillion is doing another free abstracts call for prompts today:
free prompted abstracts are now open!


This is a fundraiser for EMG-Zine, which is in danger of being canceled after the June 2012 issue. Free prompts are open during today’s window.

This is an awesome Begariad (Eddings) fanfic by [personal profile] recessional

[profile] kajones has posted a prompt call. The theme is Halloween, Samhain, Diwali, and Fireworks Night

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/157276.html. You can comment here or there.

Very Quick Giraffe Call update

Work & home stuff kept the writing short yesterday, but the donations have been filling my giraffey bank! We’ve reached the third donation incentive – if you only left one or two prompts, please feel free to go back and add a second/third!

DW – here

LJ – here


Thank you all for all the support!!

(the original incentive was “write to all the prompts received in 24 hours,” but that’s not all that many more than the $65-level, soooooo….)

You can read all the giraffe call stories on this tag (or this one)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/153601.html. You can comment here or there.

Giraffe Call Update – Second Goal Reached!!

Good morning!

This weekend’s Giraffe call Went Splody in a good way!!.

I wrote 3 more responses yesterday, bringing my total to 19 so far, and finishing the first round of prompts!

I wrote yet-another 100 more words for the Linkback Incentive story (LJ)and I think I owe you one more (Vulture’s linkback; I got Meeks’ and Ysabet’s for their stories)…. ooh, call that 100, Janet’s.

We reached $65! Thank you very much! If you prompted and only left one prompt, head back to the post and add a second prompt – here or here).

You can read all the giraffe call stories on this tag (or this one)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/153071.html. You can comment here or there.

Giraffe Call Update!!

Good morning!

I’ve been very busy on this weekend’s Giraffe Call (If you missed it, you have until I get to the bottom of both lists to add a prompt – here or here).

I wrote 4 more responses yesterday, bringing my total to 16 so far. I have 3 more prompters to get to, and then I will move on to the sponsored stories. People have really been creative with their interpretations of the theme, and it’s been a lot of fun.

the Linkback Incentive story (LJ) is still going; I’ve written 100 more words and think I can wrap it up in 150-200 more words (or 3-4 more linkbacks).

Right now Ninja Kitty is winning for # of commenters, with 10. (LJ)

Whichever story has the most commenters by the end of day Friday, I will write a short setting piece for that setting.

You can read all the giraffe call stories on this tag (or this one)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/151572.html. You can comment here or there.

Giraffe Call Update – two other things

the Linkback Incentive story is going along nicely; I owe you (I think) 50 words for Ysabet’s link to the story I wrote for her.

Right now Ninja Kitty is winning for # of commenters, with 8. (LJ)

Tied for second with 6 commenters each are:
Rude Roomates (LJ) and
The Grey Line (LJ)

Whichever story has the most commenters by the end of day Friday, I will write a short setting piece for that setting.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/150280.html. You can comment here or there.

Giraffe Call Update! Wow!

Good morning!

This weekend’s Giraffe Call was very busy (If you missed it, you have until I get to the bottom of both lists to add a prompt – here or here). I’ve written 12 responses so far, over Stranded, Unicorn/Factory, Addergoole, Tir na Cali, and another new ‘verse, and I still have quite a few to go before I even get to the sponsored continuations.

Speaking of sponsoring: I’m $20 from the point where everyone gets a second microfic (if we get it within $5, I’ll fudge it 😉

Off to work-and-writing! You can read all the giraffe call stories on this tag (or this one)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/150198.html. You can comment here or there.