Tag Archive | glee

♪Glee – Auditions♫

First: http://www.lynthornealder.com/2017/11/28/glee/

Previous: http://www.lynthornealder.com/2017/12/14/glee-2/


The first meeting of Glee club had at least three times the number of people Zdenka thought they’d invited, but from the looks of things, more than half of them were just there to see what this was all about.

There were a whole five people from their year, and then another five from the year before them – “tenth cohort” – including the very distracting Aleron and, miracle of miracles, Yona. Continue reading

♪Glee – Invitations♫

First: http://www.lynthornealder.com/2017/11/28/glee/

Previous: http://www.lynthornealder.com/2017/12/14/glee-2/


Rose was finding the people in Addergoole a little bit strange.

Yes, there were bullies, and yes there were nerds, or at least a few people in a little clique that she thought were probably nerds.

But on the other hand, there weren’t what she could read as popular kids, there were no sports, there wasn’t even a Math Olympiad or a Chess club – people seemed to group by their suites or their boyfriends/girlfriends or just not choose to clique up. Continue reading

♪Glee – Recruitment♫

Previous: http://www.lynthornealder.com/2017/11/28/glee/


“All right.”  Rose looked at their list of potential clubs.  “So Shang first.  And then we’re going to have to start fishing around for people who can sing.  Maybe start singing in the hallways?  That might get some attention.”

“Mmm.”  Zdenka wasn’t sure it would get the right attention. “I’ll ask Shang.  Maybe he knows someone else.”

Asking Shang proved to be a bit of a challenge; he didn’t want to be caught alone.  Once, he went so far as to walk right past Zdenka when she had just managed to get him in his pod common room with nobody else around.

After two days, she finally walked up to him in the lunch room.

“Not interested.”  He put up his hands. “I don’t care about the rules of this school, I do not want a freshman girlfriend.”

“Good.  I don’t want a junior boyfriend.  But you can sing.” Continue reading

♪Glee Club♫

Addergoole, after year 9 but before year 13 (2004-2006), early in the school year.

I, uh, might have been watching a lot of Glee recently?


“Why would you ever want something like that?  Not you, Kairos.”  Director Aconmorea’s gesture was dismissive.  “I know that you’re interested in anything musical at all. But you… Rose… why ‘Glee’?”

“I want to be a Broadway star.” Rose, who had been named Rusiko but refused to be known by that, lifted her chin and stared evenly at the Director.  “I need extracurriculars to have a chance at a good arts school and, more than that, I need practice.”

“But there are so many more productive things you could be doing.  You are…” The Director trailed off, then caught herself.  “You are Ellehemaei, fae.  You have an amazing repertoire of possibilities at your disposal, and your Word selection could point you at any number of very useful and lucrative careers.  So why – singing?” She did not bother to hide the distaste in her voice.  Continue reading