Tag Archive | info: link

Monday, with caulk jokes and no cock

Friday, we caulked the tub in the House. Well, I tried, ruined my favorite shirt (still sad about that), and made a mess. It turns out I’m not very good at caulking. šŸ™ T., on the other hand, is pretty good at it.

I can be a bit puerile at times, though, so there were more than a few “caulk” jokes flung about while I was making a mess – and the ugly tub is a bit less horrid for the new, clean, white caulk (however, the shower doesn’t work. Guess I’m getting new tub faucets sooner rather than later (the lever you “pull up for shower” is no longer attached to anything).

Then we were at Lowes ordering a window, sort of shooting the shit with the windows-and-doors guy, and I was talking about learning to use tools from my father, and the salesman asked…

“Did you dad always want a son?”…

I swear, power tools and carpentry and toy trucks and I don’t think anyone has ever asked this. I think I answered “No, he just didn’t see any reason I shouldn’t know how to use tools,” which is probably accurate (Dad? Close?).



Djinni is having another free icon day; tips are appreciated & incentivized but not required. If you’re not familiar with Djinni’s work, here are 4 icons he’s done for me:

and some more

Did I mention [personal profile] meeks has illustrated Autumn in the very first story I wrote about her?


Link du jour: a lego bedroom

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/127807.html. You can comment here or there.

Thursday with the urge to spend

The more time I spend thinking about the new house, the more I want to Buy All The Things for it. Part of this is totally justified – there’s a lot of Things that need buying for this place. But I have to be reasonable (I hate being reasonable) and prioritize the Need It To Live, and the Too Ugly to Bear, and then the Decorating Things can come later.

We ha- I haven’t worked much on the house since Tuesday (T. spent much of yesterday over there, in the pouring rain). The bathroom is the current project, fixing some O_O and some WTF into tolerable, adding towel rods, etc.

The previous owners left stuff, and then for good measure, stuff, all over the place. The current found list includes:

At least 4 toddler trucks (the ride-on-them sort)
Two screw-top bottles of wine
8 gallons of paint, all opened
5 vases
1 set of bedding, incl. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pillowcase
and a bedframe.

[personal profile] meeks has illustrated (LJ) my story the Deep Inks; she’s also illustrated (LJ) [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith‘s poem Restoration.

(Comments help sponsor more work on the project; if you have not commented on Meeks’ work before, tell her I sent you! šŸ™‚

[personal profile] ysabetwordsmith wrote a lot of lovely stuff from this fishbowl, but of the stuff that’s public, I like this the most.


Links of the day – a very small cabin and

via [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith, and relevant to my fae apoc history writing: a potential ancestor


Vocab will return when I’m less exhausted all the time.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/126750.html. You can comment here or there.

Wednesday (right?) with clearance and whiffle balls

The former owners of our house were, we’re beginning to believe, very short people. Very. Short. We are *cough* not.

The ceilings in many places in the house are at about 6’8″ (2.03 meters). T. is about 6’4″ tall (1.93 meters).

We have spent a fair amount of time measuring things like light fixtures and doorways for T-head-clearance (and a few things for the rather shorter Lyn-head-clearance. It’s surreal.

More surreal? Generally, there’s maybe 6″ between the floor of the upstairs and the ceiling of the downstairs. Maybe a foot.

There’s 30 inches. 30 inches (0.762 meters) between the living room floor and the floor of the finished attic above. Yes, we will be (not this year) raising the ceilings, at least a foot (still not Chandelier heights).

This house has a lot of what-were-they-thinking. Today’s (via gchat):

T:…in here with me my moist and the cat
who thinks I look / smell funny
as I am moisted [[It’s been pouring for three days]]
whiffle ball removed from downspout on house
gutters work much better now
me: whiffle ball?
T: tho the whiffle ball did strain the leaves nicely
which clogged its little holes
me: ducks
T: gutter over front door

So, yes. There was a whiffle ball in our gutters. O_O

Links of the day: [personal profile] lilfluff introduced me to this lovely short story, and although I’m not a huge organic-textiles place, I like this one.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/126453.html. You can comment here or there.

Tuesday? With tired.

Too tired for a real post, sorry.

The house is so much cleaner. Pictures soon. Still ugly, but we’re slowly working on that. Soon, Lowes will know us by name (one cashier already recognizes us; T’s height makes us distinctive).


Ysabet’s fishbowl seems to still be going – theme is pets and livestock šŸ˜‰


We own a home. *boggles*

Also? If you were wondering, cluudle, CaprioxBovidae, [personal profile] inventrix and daHob are absolutely awesome people.

…we really seriously own a home.


Home decorating links!! Via Remodelista

awesome table Linens (literally!)

Bamboo Kitchen! (have I mentioned that Pandas who are Lyns LOVE bamboo?)

Cork Bath Mat! *giggle*

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/125821.html. You can comment here or there.

Sunday with Waffles… and a house

We’re watching the morning shows before we head off for more cleaning. We have new appliances in our now-old house… and a satellite dish.

I took a 4-day weekend for the cleaning; don’t expect too much onlininess from me until Wednesday, really.

Last night I spent time signing up for All the Sweepstakes… mostly in the theory that, say, 25 grand for a kitchen remodel would be awesome.

Speaking of contests, ellenmillion: http://www.kolcraft.com/65-anniversary/sweepstakes.html Baby stuff contest!!

And a daily baby-stuff contests http://win.parents.com/?psrc=S10114EO75D045

And a giant directory of sweepstakes: http://www.winprizesonline.com/

And now I go off to scrub my new bathroom. And figure out where to put the cat box.

How’s your Sunday going?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/125363.html. You can comment here or there.

Thursday with Keys and tired

So… we have a key to our house.

Let me repeat that.

we have a key to our house.

We. Bought a House. (mostly) O_O

The next … um.. ever… will be a lot of slow renovation after a lot of quick cleaning and some painting. In essence, we plan to gut the house over the next 10 years. But oh, how fun it will be.

We bought a house!


In linkage world… [personal profile] meeks updated the Rin drawing: DW and LJ.

According to her new perks, for every three new commenters who mention I sent them, I can get more work on the sketch (or another awesome icon)! So go tell her how awesome the goat is! (also? You get into a pool to win an icon of your own).

One more note of [personal profile] meeks news – she’s asking if people would help her crowdfund a Wacom Inkling. Go weigh in!

Strange link edition short tonight – Crayola tulip fields

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/124162.html. You can comment here or there.

Wednesday with momentum and “dry closing.”

I am full of chocolate, as T. messaged me that he would like some chocolate. He was very unclear on what sort, just having, it seemed, a vague craving, so I took a walk and bought chocolate mousse, mocha mousse, two chocolate cookies, and beer.

(The beer is not chocolate).

Today’s home-buying adventure is “dry closing:” http://www.fhainfo.com/escrowclosing.htm

It is still unclear how this will delay the beginning of moving in. Or, rather, the beginning of cleaning-and-painting, which is what we plan on spending the weekend doing.

Today is the last day to fill out the donation perk poll: Dreamwidth or LJ. Tomorrow I will collate the results and begin writing! (right now “Spring Break” and “Three-Way” are tied).

[personal profile] meeks has done it again! She’s updated Diapering Dragons (LJ). Check out that wall! More work on Rin is next…

Links of the day: an odd word… and an odder goat.

mamĀ·mon noun, often capitalized Ėˆma-mən

Definition of MAMMON
: material wealth or possessions especially as having a debasing influence “you cannot serve God and mammon ā€” Matthew 6:24(Revised Standard Version)”

Origin of MAMMON
Middle English, from Late Latin mammona, from Greek mamōna, from Aramaic māmōnā riches

First Known Use: 15th century

So, I go back to Addergoole, to some time in the past, and Mike VanderLinden.

Mike had known for months that things were going to go south with Judith, but the woman was so tight about her emotions, he couldn’t get her to say anything. It was when she walked into his studio and wrinkled her nose at him that he knew they could finally be done.

“Mammon,” she pronounced disdainfully.

“Yes, my love,” he grinned, lounging ostentatiously on the silk sheets, “but it’s what keeps a roof over your head.”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/123864.html. You can comment here or there.

Tuesday, With a Closing Date

Hey, two dates is closer to a habit.

Important things:
* Irene left us a day of rain, that’s it.
* The earthquake shook my work building, just enough to notice it.

Tonight’s dinner was what’s-in-the-cupboard: pasta with tomato-and-sardine sauce

We have a closing date on The House! Thursday at 3 EST!

Funky links of the day: One murphy bed, two murphy beds, and Fitocracy, which turns out to be pretty cool.

And vocab:inĀ·veiĀ·gle verb in-Ėˆvā-gəl sometimes -Ėˆvē-

Definition of INVEIGLE
transitive verb
1 : to win over by wiles : entice
2 : to acquire by ingenuity or flattery : wangle
ā€” inĀ·veiĀ·gleĀ·ment noun
ā€” inĀ·veiĀ·gler noun
Origin of INVEIGLE
Anglo-French enveegler, aveogler, avogler to blind, hoodwink, from avogle, enveugle blind, from Medieval Latin ab oculis, literally, lacking eyes
First Known Use: 1539

For this, I present Winter and Spring from Stranded World:

“Your hair looks really nice that way,” Winter’s littlest sister told him in her sweetest voice. “Brings out the blue in your eyes.”

He smirked down at her. “Thank you, Spring. But it will take more than that.”

“But I think it would look nice on me, too,” she said, saccharine dripping from her voice, “and I want to be just like my big brother.”

“You can’t inveigle this one out of me, sweetie,” he told her gently. “I’m sorry. It’s not my decision.”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/122525.html. You can comment here or there.

Google-fu (of a sort)

This (via [personal profile] haikujaguar) is pretty awesome:

“That any two things in the universe are connected can be demonstrated inductively by the magic of Google. It is not necessary that to be computationally tractable a process must be informationally encapsulated. Take any two words. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy uses “banana” and “mandolin” in an article on the Frame Problem. If you google it, you obtain 2,690,000 hits.”

(“Avatar mouse” is interesting.)

1000 years ago or so, there was a thing … I think “googlism”… where the trick was to find a phrase that had no google results…

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/121721.html. You can comment here or there.

Monday, with a new habit

I like other people’s daily posts; why not try one myself?

Yesterday, we made Oops Soup for dinner:
“Oops!” When buying peppers at an Asian market, don’t assume the banana peppers are sweet (two mouthfuls of yogurt and a gulp of milk to stop the burning)
“Oops!” Also, remember WHICH Asian market has the rice you want (the stuff we got is strange, good, but not what we wanted)
“Oops!” (from last week): plan a lunch BEFORE the 2-hour hike – we had chicken carcass for broth.

It turned into something like Thai chili soup with leek, carrots, onions, and a chicken broth. Tasty, and HOT.

Still not king. Err, still no date on the house-closing.

Funky links of the day: hide-away house and Zoom Room, a new take on hideabed.

And back to vocab:
adĀ·umĀ·brate [a-duhm-breyt, ad-uhm-breyt] Show IPA
verb (used with object), -bratĀ·ed, -bratĀ·ing.
1. to produce a faint image or resemblance of; to outline or sketch.
2. to foreshadow; prefigure.
3. to darken or conceal partially; overshadow.
1575ā€“85; < Latin adumbrātus shaded (past participle of adumbrāre ), equivalent to ad- ad- + umbr ( a ) shade, shadow + -ātus -ate1
Related forms
adĀ·umĀ·braĀ·tion, noun

For this, I present Shahin from Addergoole at about twelve:

“It’s not precognition,” a young Shahin insisted quietly. “All it does is give me vague ideas and bad dreams, adumbrate the future. That’s it.”

“Adumbrate?” Her aunt lifted an eyebrow, and the petite girl flushed.

“It’s the proper word, Shadowy, faint, concealing. Right?”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/121489.html. You can comment here or there.