Tag Archive | jan31

January By the Numbers Ninteen: Tendril (ficlet)

January by the numbers continues (still three days off…)!
From [personal profile] clare_dragonfly‘s prompt “tendril;” a ficlet.


She was sitting on the floor, leaning against his legs while they watched TV. She liked sitting there, and he liked the feeling it gave him – security, being taller than her, bigger than her.

He was a very insecure man, although nobody would say that to his face and those who knew him only casually wouldn’t guess it. He liked being in charge – but he was good at it, and so nobody questioned it. He liked being intimidating – but he was 6’6″ tall and broad-shouldered, muscular, and so he didn’t have to work at it.

She sat against his leg because she knew that it made him comfortable, the same reason she wore his collar.

She knew who was really in charge and, somewhere in the back of his mind, so did he, but they danced the dance anyway, and she did what he said, and sat at his feet.

He kept her safe. Not just because he was big, and strong, and intimidating, but because he offered protective coloration, camouflage. She could look different, be different, but some people could always find her. Belonging to someone else, that made her someone else entirely. And since it was something nobody who knew her would ever expect, it hid her all the better.

She leaned against him, her hair twisting around his legs on its own. It did that, her hair, the tendrils sliding around whatever they could reach. She pulled herself up that way, like a squash plant, rising higher on what her tendrils grabbed.

And they slid into him. Not in a way he could feel – not that he could feel much, so defensive, so closed off, that he never noticed things that close to him – but they slid into his psyche. He liked being in charge… but she liked running him.

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1239762.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

January By the Numbers Eighteen: Miracle (ficlet)

January by the numbers continues (still three days off, meeps~)!
From DaHob’s prompt “miracle;” a ficlet.

“There was a time,” Golbeck told his daughter, “when the gods came down every weekend. They would amaze us with their miracles, they would charm us with their dances, they would sing songs for the honor of our nubile youths. And then they would take those youths away, not to be seen for weeks or months or even years.”

“Time flows differently there,” Golbeck’s line-wife Tenrin put in. Her voice was dreamy and quiet, and her eyes were looking off somewhere that was not their home. “A day there might be a year or two here, or it might be twenty years — or only two or three nights.”

“Some people say, because of that, that the gods have not left us, but are merely napping. The gods do sleep,” Golbeck commented, and now it was his turn to sound dreamy, lost in some past memory. “They nap, they rest, they snore like any common human does. But it has been so long-“

“A lifetime,” Tenrin whispered.

“Forever, it seem,” murmured Juspor, their line-husband and the oldest of this generation. “Forever, since they came down. Forever since they blessed up.”

“Forever since they took any of us.” Pakeyya was the second-oldest of the wives, but she looked as young as their youngest. “Some say the gods have packed up and gone to wherever it is they go, never to return.”

“Then what does that mean for us?” Golbeck’s daughter asked, wide-eyed: Golbeck’s daughter, with the star-sparkles in her eyes and the song in her voice. “Everyone left here? Everyone who never knew the gods?”

Her father kissed her forehead, and if there were stars in his eyes, too, they were only the memory of divinity. “We live our lives. We bring what miracles we can to ordinary existence. We love our families.”

“We move past the memories,” Tenrin murmured. “We grow past the parties.”

“We remember we are not divine,” Juspor muttered dryly, “and do our best with humanity.”

Up in the home of the gods, Yerrinarishan, the god of the harvest, lay with a damp cloth over his eyes. Feperallin, goddess of all things of song, closed the door quietly behind her.

“I’ve got the last of them home. Pretty thing; we’ll have to invite her out with us again. Patie something? Parkour? Pateyya.”

“If she’s still alive next weekend.” Yerrinarishan lifted the cloth off two of his eyes to look at his companion-goddess. “You know how it goes. We come back a couple days later and they’re all gone.”

“Should I go get her now, then? Ilspar and Wendar-Fen have gotten the place cleaned up, or, at least, it’s less horrid now.”

“Oof, didn’t we keep a couple of them around for the cleanup? We always did before.”

“Oh, Mepper got pissy about it. Something about exploiting them. I tell you, they never minded being exploited when I did it.”

“Still… Maybe we should go get her. Or, hey.” Feperallin sat up abruptly and just as quickly laid back down, covering all nine eyes with the cloth. “…they have offspring, don’t they? Humans do that. We could bring her offspring up here.”

He held his head and whimpered. “…tomorrow night. Tomorrow, when I’m not so hung over.”
Back in the world, Golbeck grew older and his daughter grew to adulthood, waiting for another miracle.

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1238892.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

January By the Numbers Seventeen: Stylish scalloped skirts swish shockingly (ficlet)

January by the numbers continues (still three days off, meeps~)!
From [personal profile] kelkyag‘s prompt “Stylish scalloped skirts swish shockingly;” a ficlet.

There’s the faux-history that the sight of an ankle was once considered shocking. There’s the myth about limbs and their ability to raise heart rates, and maybe those myths and faux-histories are true. Certainly, in many places in the Empire, the ladies go bundled up tightly, covered discreetly from head to toe, and then men are thrilled at the sight of a wrist. In other places, it is the men who wear long-vests over scalloped tunics over loose pants, and women peer surreptitiously to see the curve of a man’s buttock or the line of his hip.

In Urhallo, where the summers are warm and the winters are chill but not freezing, the women wear trousers made of muslin and calico and dress-like vests made of starched linen; the women smoke the fellna-weed that gives them visions, and play cards all night under the moon.

The men dance for them, young and single men, their vests and jackets coverings their shoulder blades and sternums, their arms to the wrist, and hardly more than that. The man sway their hips and thrust them, hum their songs and shout them, whisper endearments and sing them.

The men in Urhallo — all of them, not just the dancers — wear skirts, swishy ones that flow with their movement or straighter, businesslike ones that don’t get in the way and still conceal their lines from prying eyes. The dancers wear skirts, short ones, with scalloped hems cut just so. And the viewers — male and female — all lean forward, hoping the skirt will give them a little view of what the swishy skirts hide.

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1238514.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Stylish scalloped skirts swish shockingly (ficlet)

January by the numbers continues (still three days off, meeps~)!
From [personal profile] kelkyag‘s prompt “Stylish scalloped skirts swish shockingly;” a ficlet.

There’s the faux-history that the sight of an ankle was once considered shocking. There’s the myth about limbs and their ability to raise heart rates, and maybe those myths and faux-histories are true. Certainly, in many places in the Empire, the ladies go bundled up tightly, covered discreetly from head to toe, and then men are thrilled at the sight of a wrist. In other places, it is the men who wear long-vests over scalloped tunics over loose pants, and women peer surreptitiously to see the curve of a man’s buttock or the line of his hip.

In Urhallo, where the summers are warm and the winters are chill but not freezing, the women wear trousers made of muslin and calico and dress-like vests made of starched linen; the women smoke the fellna-weed that gives them visions, and play cards all night under the moon.

The men dance for them, young and single men, their vests and jackets coverings their shoulder blades and sternums, their arms to the wrist, and hardly more than that. The man sway their hips and thrust them, hum their songs and shout them, whisper endearments and sing them.

The men in Urhallo — all of them, not just the dancers — wear skirts, swishy ones that flow with their movement or straighter, businesslike ones that don’t get in the way and still conceal their lines from prying eyes. The dancers wear skirts, short ones, with scalloped hems cut just so. And the viewers — male and female — all lean forward, hoping the skirt will give them a little view of what the swishy skirts hide.

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1238514.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

January By the Numbers Sixteen: Underneath umbrellas, unicorns unite*

January by the numbers continues (now three days off, meeps~)!
From [personal profile] kelkyag‘s prompt “Underneath umbrellas, unicorns unite;” a ficlet, or maybe a start of a ficlet.

In the same setting as the Aardvark story (here) and maybe the Fall story (here), which may just be my overarching Space Colony setting.


The sun was far too bright. The sun was always too bright. On Feshgarrun IV, the land was rich, fertile, and wonderful – but only within [geographic thing] of the equator. The land belted that equator in a series of archipelagos and small continents; there was land near the poles as well, but it was covered in ice, and much much less-populously colonized.

So the land was good, the work was easy, and the leisure time was warm.
Far too warm.

The colonists on Feshgarrun IV – and they were still colonists; it was still a newly-discovered planet and the Company still owned everything from the mine equipment to the houses to the umbrella store – worked steadily, even if the work was easy. And in their leisure time, they would walk along the long beaches, covered with wide umbrellas that reflected the sun back up to the sky.

Colonists – especially the first-instance colonists, the ones that often moved on to colony after colony – were a strange lot. They had Aardvarks, they had Giants. They had Butterflies.

And they had Unicorns, those rare people who by genetics or gengineering were perfect for any particular colony.

On Feshgarrun IV, “perfect” was a matter of some debate. Even the Unicorns wore wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses; even the Unicorns preferred dusk and dawn to noon.

And the Unicorns came together on the beaches, tucked underneath umbrellas, plotting the future of a colony they were designed to work for, not to run.


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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1237218.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

January By the Numbers Fifteen: Careful consideration (fiction Piece)

January by the numbers continues (now three days off, meeps~)!
From [personal profile] kelkyag‘s prompt “Careful consideration;” a ficlet.

There are some situations which require the sort of consideration that takes actual minutes, actual thought, actual knowledge of the options.

There are some situations where you have to weigh your choices, study the consequences, research the possibilities.

Sometimes, you really have to go into something with your eyes open and your homework done.

Like moving to another planet, for instance.

You need to know where you’re going, at a bare minimum, what you’re going to do when you get there, how you’re going to survive, how you’re going to make money.

I mean, that’s the absolute minimum. Like, can you breathe the air? Can you survive the gravity? Is there anything there to eat? Most of those planetary colony flights are one-way-only: you get there, you’re stuck. It’s not the sort of thing you do on a whim.

Unless, of course, you’re Jeropey Onefferie. RIght about now, Onefferie is sneaking on to a colony flight, picked — if you can believe this; I hardly can and I’m telling the story — by the roll of a die. He’s stowing away on a bet, the winnings of which he may never be able to collect.

It’s a colony flight, you say, of course he can survive where other humans can. Ah, but we are not on Earth; we’re on Besh Rithtaen, armpit of the universe, highway off-ramp of the galaxy, collection spot for at least three hundred sentient races, many of whom (including humans) live in sealed environments or environment suits.

And the colony ship he’s slipped on to is a Meshtarina ship. That doesn’t spell immediate demise — the Meshtarina live in the same range of environments as humans.

We know this, however, because the Meshtarina run human farms on planets outside the Federation regulations.

There are some situations which really do require careful consideration.

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1236654.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

January By the Numbers Fourteen: The Aardvarks (fiction Piece)

January by the numbers continues (now three days off, meeps~)!
From [personal profile] kelkyag‘s prompt “Ancient aardvarks are always achey;” a ficlet.

They called them aardvarks, because they worked on the unknown continents, because they worked at night, and because they burrowed.

They called them aardvarks, and they were the ones who told the rest of them everything they needed to know about their new lands. Explorers, scientists, miners: the aardvarks were all of those, and more.

They worked at night because the suns of the new planets were dangerous, because the screens that would make the world safe for human habitation had not yet been installed. They burrowed, because all the secrets of the world lay under its soil — its mineral balances and its mineable wealth, its loam and its sand and its clay. And every place they went was a new and secret place, an unknown planet that might, at one point, be colonized by convicts and run-aways, drop-outs and adventurers, wild people and quiet people.

It was hard work, and it was rootless work, as deep in the ground as these aardvarks dug. Eventually, they would end up moving on to another planet, another continent, another dig. And another one, and another one. The aardvarks who did their job the best had the fewest roots, for they spent the least time in any given hole.

There was an honor amongst them, these deep-underground adventurers, that no other could touch, not the companies, not their families, not the colonists who came later. And there was a pride, the dig patches worn on one’s coveralls like passport stamps. Some digs were harsher than others, the way these things always were, and so there were a few patches one wore with a special kind of pride and sadness: Gedder-Fess, where only three had walked away. Kor’pek, where it was said that anywhere from two to twenty had lived (depending on the tale-teller), but half of them had gone absolutely stark raving mad. Loliarinaethellie, where the patch almost guaranteed you were missing fingers, toes, maybe an arm or a leg.

They worked until they’d left more pieces in the digs than they could stand to lose, or until they found a mustering-out point at some dig slated to run long, where they could Advise and Account, talk to the people and talk to the companies, and no longer handle the shovels and the picks and the fussy little brushes and slides. And they were always achy, always tired, and always willing to tell the tale of every dig they’d been at.


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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1234679.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

January By the Numbers Thirteen: Poise (fiction Piece)

January by the numbers continues (now two days off~)!
From [personal profile] kelkyag‘s prompt “Poise;” a ficlet.

This one turned out a little weird~~


It means weight.

Well, it doesn’t mean weight, but it’s all about weight.

Poise. When I was little, I thought “being poised to” was the same as “being poisoned” and I thought if someone was poised to, say, leap, it was because someone had poisoned their mind.

(Speaking of leaps, I made quite a few strange ones when I was young)

Turns out a poison is a potion, and not necessarily a weighty one.

Turns out a potion, if you mix it just properly, can actually stand in for proper poise.

Or not mixed with much care at all: a libation (meaning a sacrificial wine, poured out for a deity, or, I suppose, for one’s fallen friends) can do the same, albeit only if ingested in small amounts.

But back to poise. I needed some. I am a small woman and one without much weight to my manner; people underestimate me, they under-value me, and they often undermine me, because I have so little weight.

So I indulged in a small libation, poured a tithe out for those who hadn’t made it this far, and climbed the thirty-seven flights up to the witch’s apartment.

It might have been a potion; it might have been a poison. I watched her mix it with far too little interest in which.

From underestimated to under-taken was not really where I wanted to go; I wanted to be under-writ. But at that moment, I found I had far too little concern for which way it went.

That happens, I’ve been told, when one is under a great weight (and so we return, again, to weight).

I drank down the thing the witch had brewed for me, hoping for poise. Hoping for enough weight, enough gravitas (which actually means seriousness, nothing to do with weight, but hey), to do what needed to be done.

Poised. I was poised to talk to the big bosses. Now the question was… was I also poisoned?


Next: Poise-oned – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1256733.html

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1233573.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

January By the Numbers Twelve: Giant giraffes gambol gingerly (fiction Piece)

January by the numbers continues (now two days off~)!
From [personal profile] kelkyag‘s prompt “Giant giraffes gambol gingerly;” a ficlet


The planet was smack between a planet that had been renowned for its local foods and one that had been amazingly good at providing raw materials, and, as such, it became a way-stop on the transgalactic trade route.

It if had not been right where it was, it was likely it would not have been touched; at least not until a new government came into power back “at home”; the current policy was that one settled on planets but one lived in some sort of concert with the local flora and fauna. Thus, the mining and farming those two bracketing planets did was of the careful, long-term sustainable sort, and the planets were tended with, as one might say, kid gloves.

But this way-planet, this one offered some unique problems. If one was allowed to harvest not more than 25% of the local flora or fauna, what did one do when there were only three plants of any given sort taking up an entire continent? They were, of course, very big plants, spanning miles and miles, but one could not take the root of the plant for experimentation without destroying it unless one was very, very careful.

The companies who did such things preferred working in places where one could simply cordon off one mile out of four and work from there, mining or planting or harvesting or hunting. This planet, thus, would have been left alone for quite some time – perhaps forever, or at least until a more permissive galactic government took over.

But it was at a perfect way-position, and thus one small corner was cordoned off – so very carefully, destroying as little as possible of the local ecosystem – for their space-station.

And from there you could take hover-tours, safaris in very well-armored vehicles. You could, on your long layovers, soar over the giant continent-spanning leaves, watching the giant giraffe-like creatures gambol through the leaves. There were only ten of them on the continent, and they would mouth gingerly at the hover-cars, testing them to see if they were food.

It was a good planet to stop on, and a lovely tour, everyone said.

So long as you avoided the jaguar-creature.


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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1232702.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

January Prompt-Me Meme

Stolen from [personal profile] kay_brooke, [personal profile] novel_machinist, and [personal profile] thebonesofferalletters, and, as per the apparent trend, altered slightly:

I’m asking for one word prompts1,2. I’ll write whatever first comes to mind with those words. It might be a story, ramblings about a character, a conlang or worldbuilding musing, or something from my life.

1. Up to 10 per person.3

2. Bonus: You can post as many words in your prompt as you want as long as they all start with the same letter/same first few letters.

3. Additional prompts to any given day may be used to pick-and-choose, or they may be posted to Patreon or as an Edally or Adddergoole post. That means even when the dates are all filed, you can still leave more prompts!

1st: Endings – [personal profile] novel_machinist – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1222313.html
2nd: Oregano – kelkyag – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1223112.html
3rd: Butterflies – [personal profile] anke – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1223550.html
4th: Sunrise – [personal profile] anke – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1225267.html
5th: Glitter – [personal profile] anke – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1225512.html
6th: Swishy skirts *
7th: Seven silly sausage sellers swilling snazzy sodas
8th: Purple pretenses*
9th: Baking *
10th: Busy bees buzzing brightly, bearing beauteous bouquets *
11th: Dubious dirty diapers* kelkyag – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1231196.html
12th: Giant giraffes gambol gingerly*
13th: Poise*
14th: Ancient aardvarks are always achey – kelkyag – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1234679.html
15th: Careful consideration – kelkyag – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1236654.html
16th: Underneath umbrellas, unicorns unite – kelkyag – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1237218.html
17th: Stylish scalloped skirts swish shockingly kelkyag – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1238514.html
18th: Miracle*
19th: Tendril *
20th: Yoke *
21st: Ambiguity *
22nd: xerographing xenophobic, xanthopyllous xanthiums*
23rd: Void *
24th: Forbidden, forgotten, foreshadowing, forgiving*
25th: poffertjes*
26th: Deep delving dwarves discover dragons; discussions, disagreements develop.*
27th: Bombastic bishop blusters, bristles.*
28th: Everyone eats everything.*
29th: Wet waif wanders westward where wounded warrior waits.*
30th: Two tugboats twist, tumble through tsunami; trading town turns tumultuous.*
31st: Buxom barkskinned broad bestows bat; beribboned baseball babe blooms before big bout *
32nd: Crystal critters *
33rd: Love leaves longing *
34th: Swish swish swish *

* prompts were not date-specific.



This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1216331.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable