Tag Archive | landing page

Landing Page: Edally Academy

Getting into the legendary Empress Edaledalende Academy of Higher Learning at Ileltedez was just the first step; what will Tairiekie do now that she’s here? How will she and her new teammates get along, and how will they cope with teachers and staff that just don’t like them?

The Angry Aetherist posts Wednesdays; any week Paypal Donations reach $20, there will be an additional chapter posted on Sundays.

You can find the whole story on EdallyAcademy.com.

The Angry Aetherist

Chapter One (and on DW) Welcome to the Academy
Chapter Two (and on DW) Welcome to House Akaizepennen
Chapter Three (and on DW) An Introduction to Aether
Chapter Four (and on DW) Discovering the Power Structure
Chapter Five (and on DW) Into Threes, Nines, and Eighteens
Chapter Six (and on DW) New Friends and New Teams
the story continues on EdallyAcademy.com.

The Prequels

Getting Ready (Tairiekie) (and on DW)
Getting Ready: Saydrie (and on DW)
Getting Ready: Enerenarie (and on DW)
Almost There: Saydrie (and on DW)
Almost There: Tairiekie (and on DW)
Tairiekie a Year Earlier (LJ)

Character notes

Enarienarie (LJ)
Saydrie (LJ)
Instructor Getalréta (LJ)
Iesovyenyie (LJ) (Taikie’s Roomie)
Gaikvya (LJ) (Taikie’s Roomie)
Kotnelbyotke and Ledryainryie (LJ) (Enrie’s roommates)


Inter-universal Women’s Day: Empress Edaledalende (LJ)
Broader Education (LJ)- Kaatetzie
Top Of Class, Bottom (LJ) – Lielbyim (an older student)

Naming Rights Auction (and on DW)

Edally Academy is part of the Reiassan setting in the Steam Era.

Draft Map of the School


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/766265.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Landing Page: Reiassan


The two largest (and only surviving) nations on the continent of Reiassan have been at war, on and off, for centuries, gobbling up all smaller nations in their wake. Now, in the 20th year of Emperor Alessely, the Northern nation of Callenia has conquered the Southern nation of Bithrain.

In the aftermath of the war, one healer in the Emperor’s Army, a woman named Rin, has taken as a captive a Bitrani soldier. Although she calls him Girey of Tugia, and has convinced him to do the same, her prisoner is the surviving heir of the deposed-and-soon-to-be-executed King of Bithrain. Now she is bringing him home, across the long mountainous countryside to the far northern Callanthe capital city of Lannamer.

Reiassan is a fantasy story with romantic elements. The still-very –new Steam!Reiassan is set quite some time in the future in the same country, and is a steampunk setting.

NB: The setting is constantly evolving. While the stories are in the process of being edited for the e-book, the versions here on livejournal/dreamwidth will have some setting inconsistencies – horses v. goats, etc.

Temporary add-on landing page here.

Places to start
Abduction For the Rin/Girey story, with an LJ login.
Coming Soon (LJ), a trailer for the Rin/Girey story
Sword (LJ) – sets the tone of an earlier era
Discovery (LJ) – for the Steam/Edally era
Edally Academy

Test Synopsis: Rin & Girey Novel (No Xpost)

Rin/Girey Stories include:
Abduction – Rin & Girey meet
Packed Up – they begin their voyage
First Night (LJ)- Donor Perk
1st Night Pt2 (LJ) – Donor Perk
Relics – the next day on the trip – – available in Tales for the Sugar Cat
Case of the Crankies
Talking to the Children (LJ)- Donor Perk; Rin’s side of “Case of the Crankies.”
Escape 1 (LJ)
Escape 2 (LJ) [these 2 a donor perk]
In the Wrong River ((did not x-post)
Hurt/Comfort (LJ) {Beta/Donor}
In Context – visiting old friends – available in Tales for the Sugar Cat
Unexpected Hello (LJ), still in Ossulund
Not. Jealous. (LJ)- still, still in Ossulund
Furlough (Lj) and yet still in Ossulund.
Bed-Warmer (LJ) – what IS she going to do with him?
Being Brought In (LJ)

Blade (LJ)

Baths (LJ) – timeline not totally certain here
Enemy – who is the enemy, anyway?
Meat of the Matter (LJ)
Bare Bones (LJ) [Beta]
Skeleton Key (LJ) [donor perk]
Ambush (LJ [Beta/donor]
Ghosts of Memory (LJ) Girey ponders
TeaTime – a conversation over tea
Heroes – after a bad morning – available in Tales for the Sugar Cat
Holiday – a drabble on downtime
Pause in the Journey – another drabble, on thinking about their route
View-Point – two days out from Lannamer
untitled – rained in
Crossing Into Lannamer
Bridged, on the bridge into Lannamer. Sponsor for $20
Identity (LJ Link), on the streets of Lannamer.
Wedding Plans (LJ Link), right after Identity
Revelation (LJ) – Donor Perk
Is This a Kissing Book? (LJ) – Donor Perk; they Kiss!
Menagerie (did not x-post) (probably not canon)
Back Way (LJ) (Donor Perk)
“Come to Bed” (LJ)
In Bed (LJ), after “Come to Bed” [Beta]
Morning After (LJ) [Access-list only]
Virginity/Celibacy (LJ), a drabble.
Under Scrutiny (LJ)
(3 day gap to be filled here)
Dressing (LJ)
Mother Knows… (LJ)
Encountering Dad (LJ)
Further Discussion Follows (LJ)

Of the world but not of Rin & Girey:
In the Past (the War-Torn Era)
Sword (LJ)
The Empress Who Would Be Goat-Wife (LJ)
Mighty Sword (LJ Link), from an earlier era of Callanthe
Giving up the Ghost (LJ)
Carrying the Spirit (LJ) (also in an earlier era)

In the Present (the Peacemaking Era)
A Myth of Reiassan
Skill & Dreams
The Enemy’s City (LJ
Ask the Character: Rin (LJ)
Wild Horses (Lj)

Coming Soon (LJ), a trailer

In the Future (the Steam Era)
<a href="http://aldersprig.livejournal.com/130013.html”>Planning
Husbands and Wifes (DW) [Beta]
Road Map To… (LJ), a story of Steam!Callenia
Linkback and Donation Incentive story (LJ)

Edally Era, “Discovery” (2 storylines)
Discovery (LJ)
Discovery Part II (LJ)
Part III (LJ)
Part IV (LJ)
Part V (LJ)
77 Words (LJ)

Part Fnarg (LJ)
Part Shnarg (LJ) – Psychometry

Edally Era – in Edally
Light a Candle for me (on Patreon)

History (LJ)
Kids and Kids (LJ)
Snow and Snowshoes (LJ)
Fire (LJ)
The Dairy Case (LJ)
posers and Fakes (LJ)
Waste (LJ)
Plunder! (LJ)
Art and Needle-Art (Also Maps) (LJ)
Meals (LJ)
Eating (LJ)
Knife, Sword (LJ)
Tent and Goat, Pot and Blankets (LJ)
Saddles (LJ)
Names and Conlanging (LJ)

Magic of the Calenyena (LJ)

Callenan poetry, a brief treatise (LJ)

Read rix_scaedu‘s ongoing fanfiction series, set in Edally era. The first story is here; the tag encompassing all of them is here.

[personal profile] meeks‘ picture of Rin and her riding goat – and two details:

A draft map of Reiassan is discussed here.
History of Reiassan notes – part the first (LJ)
Worldbuilding: The Trip (LJ)

Icons by djinni:

The Author, in Rin-era Calenyena clothing.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/24221.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Groundhog Day, Faerie Apocalypse, a Landing Page

Fran wakes up in a small post-apocalyptic town. Something’s wrong, and the townspeople are antsy. But is there more wrong than just the wolf at the door?

Part One: Dreamwidth ~ Live Journal
The sun rose. Fran woke to the dim glare coming in through curtains that would never rot…
Part Two: Dreamwidth ~ Live Journal
Fran woke before the sun to the distinctive creak of polyester bedding. She pried herself up onto an elbow… ugly curtains from the 80’s…
Part Three: Dreamwidth ~ Live Journal
Fran woke with a start. The world was too soft…
Part Four: Dreamwidth ~ Live Journal
Fran forced herself awake early. The night was still dark, but she could feel that the leaves she’d gone to sleep in had already transformed themselves into a cheap motel bed.
Part Five: Dreamwidth ~ Live Journal
Fran snuck into the bell tower and hid…

Part Six: Dreamwidth ~ Livejournal
Part Seven: DW~LJ
Part Eight: DW~LJ

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1061182.html. You can comment here or there.

Patreon Landing Page

Every story & serialized piece posted to my Patreon page
in order by month

* – open for anyone to read
§ – repost of a previously-posted story
‡ – a post is owed here

Items not marked with a setting nor in a setting-theme are not set in a broader world of mine

For more information on any setting, see my index of indices, also known as a landing page landing page 

July 2014: Tir na Cali
Naked Sushi

August 2014: Reiassan
A Hero of Reiassan*
Other Soldiers, Other Fates* – continuation here*

September 2014: Gender-funkery
The Haircut *
The Shape-Wizard’s Apprentice

October 2014: Impossible Situations
Family Reunion*
The Trouble With O’Shareen Seven*

November 2014: "I’m Writing Nano"
After the Storm (Addergoole post-apoc)

December 2014: No theme
Excerpt, Rin & Girey/Into Lannamer

January 2015: "I’m writing A Lot of Doomsday"
The Storm Prince of Death *

$20 Pledge Reached – short story

February 2015: Music and Song
Abduction: a musical*

March 2015: Dragons Next Door
A Twisty Problem
A Meeting & an Education*

April 2015: Stranded World
Strands and Connections
Tangles and Knots, Snarls and Combs
A tangled Knot *

May 2015: Love Stories
Ashes & Love (Fae Apoc)
The Warlord’s Cat *
Five Locks (Fae Apoc)

$30 pledge reached – bonus story at $7 pledge level

June 2015: Tír na Cali
Leaving the Land of the Free
Fox Hunt
Sale Price *
Last Bid *
The Queen’s Councillor *

July 2015: Finish It! (More, Please)
Down, Down, Down *  

(After Into the History of Addergoole)The Hunt Continues  

(After Fox Hunt, June ’15)

Commissioned continuations:

A Rescue in Kind

(after the Daxton/Esha story found at this tag)

August 2015: Faerie Apocalypse
Discovery Channel – during the apoc *§
Want Ad – pre-apoc * (continued with Desired Situation *)
The Scores, the Stories, and the Truths pre-apoc *§
Angelic Visitation* – After Storm Prince Of Death, Jan ’15, far post-apoc
Field Trip – during the apoc
A Storm Over Addergoole East 

$40 pledge reached – serial

September 2015: Cats
In Training – Tír na Cali *§
The Invasion of the Kah-Tah *
Vermin Hunter – Aunt Family
Lilac in Spring – Aunt Family *
Purrrrsonnel Issues *

October 2015: The Aunt Family
Heirlooms & Old Lace – modern era, Eva *§
Asta’s Journal – WWII Era *
Journals of Loss 
Let No Man Set Asunder – 1968
A Test, a Trial – Zenobia Era

Zenobia was the Aunt two aunts before Ruan,
who was before Asta, who was before Evangaline.
A Bear in Winter – a fairy tale *

November 2015: Legends & Myths
The Mall 
The Great Dragon – Faerie Apocalypse
Estrildis’ Ring and Bóinn’s – Tír na Cali

December 2015 – Holidays & Traditions
Later On, By the Fire – Faerie Apocalypse
You’d Better Watch Out – Aunt Family *
Light a Candle For Me – Reiassan/Edally

January 2016: Addergoole
Going to Addergoole East – sometime postapoc
When the Angels Came – during the apoc
Attrition – between years 12 & 17 *

February 2016: Dragons Next Door
Going to Asthrifel * 
The Tinies of Ogre-House 
A Model Student of the Pumpkin

March 2016: Doomsday Academy/Cloverleaf
The Year Cya Didn’t Keep Anyone – origins of Cloverleaf *§
Second Thoughts, Third Thoughts
Aging in Cloverleaf 
The Facility 

April 2016: April Showers
Don’t Cry, Baby – Addergoole  *§
The Baroness and the Pauper – Tír na Cali
(Mis)Use of Power – Faerie Apocalypse *
Priorities – Faerie Apocalypse

May 2016: Stranded World
The Deep Inks *§  
Private Party
 – at the festival 
Woven Together – other characters
Leftovers: Ficlets of Stranded World – Thanksgiving *

June 2016: Reiassan
Goat Diplomacy – just post-cut-off from the old world
The Tea Wars – during Rin & Girey’s voyage  *§
Goat-Mad – ~100 years before Edally *
The Weasel that saved the Empire – sometime after Rin but before Edally (probably)

July 2016: Dragons Next Door
"Damn Dragons, Get Off My Lawn!"  – origins of the series  *§
Visit the Dinosaurs
Leftovers in all the Wrong Places
Never call the L**rechaun *

dropped below $40 pledge level (serial)

August 2016: Tír na Cali
The Wrong Kidnapping 

The Serials
The Episodes
The Werewolf Episode, Part I
The Werewolf Episode, Part II 

The Expectant Wood
For all posts related to the Expectant Wood and Aerax, see here.
The Serial Family, a character profile
The Serial Islands, a geographic profile
The Expectant Wood I: Trouble at the Stamen
The Expectant Wood II: The Stamen-End
The Expectant Wood III: A Slippery Stamen-End
The Expectant Wood IV: A Sharp Exit
The Expectant Wood V: The First Rescue
The Expectant Wood VI: The Cut In Aereaxera 

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1117601.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Landing page Landing Page

I write a lot – much in established universes, some in one-off settings. Below is an index of my universes; each ‘verse has its own landing page with an index of stories within.

The Faerie Apocalypse is liveblogged at [personal profile] faeapoclive, [tumblr.com profile] faeapoclive, and [twitter.com profile] faeapoclive. What what happens when the gods return to our world.
Stranded World (LJ Link), modern fantasy seen through the eyes of 4 siblings who work the webs of the world, each in their own way.
Reiassan (LJ Link), high fantasy in a world just recovering from centuries of battle.
Edally Academy (LJ Link), Steampunk Boarding School in the world of Reiassan.
Tir na Cali (LJ Link); technically modern fantasy, alternate-history timeline, primarily lifestyle-kink erotica.
Faerie Apocalypse (LJ Link), a dystopic modern and post-modern fantasy/apoc world. Faeries and gods live among us, disguised as humans, their culture underground.
Addergoole (LJ Link) is a school within the Faerie Apocalypse setting.
Doomsday is a school created by graduates of Addergoole, generations after the Faerie Apoc.
Vas’ World (LJ Link): the team was sent to explore the planet for colonization. They could never have guessed what they’d find.
Dragons Next Door (LJ Link)is a fun high-fantasy-in-the-burbs setting with a few good-with-ketchup crunchy dark bits.
Facets of Dusk (LJ Link) is a mystery waiting to be revealed; come along for the show!
The Planners (LJ Link): When the Apocalypse came, they were prepared. Very Prepared.
Unicorn/Factory (LJ) of the costs of progress.
The Aunt Family (LJ) – a mysterious family with some very strange magical artifacts.
Space Accountant (LJ) All Genique wanted was a nice vacation.
Shadow Rebellion (LJ) It all started with the shadows moving…
Science! (Lj) Why haven’t Mad Scientists taken over the world yet?
Fairy Town There’s something about the city. Something in the water, maybe?
Inner Circle (LJ) Getting to the Inner Circle can take a lifetime – or cost you your life.
Things Unspoken (LJ) – The Empire encompasses many things. Some are better not spoken of. Or to.
Aerax/Expectant Wood (LJ) – Floating Sky Islands. Adventure. Trouble!
Setting Nursery – these one-off stories may blossom into settings some day (incomplete)

Occasionally I open up a call for prompts; the Giraffe Call’s landing page is here and on LJ.

I hosted a 30-days of flash fiction meme: its landing page is here (LJ Link)

My Donor landing page is here (and on LJ); you can tip (tips go in a general pool to sponsor longer stories, voted on monthly), sponsor an already-written story, or commission a story to be written. Or you can become a Patreon Patron and unlock even more fiction!

My Patreon Landing Page lists all Patreon-published stories.

Want more? There’s always more to read!


What Follows,
an apocalyptic anthology:
How would an Immortal deal with
the End Times? The world will
inevitably come stumbling into
apocalypse, and They will be
there to witness it.
Shifting Hearts,
a therian anthology:
It is said that the eyes are the windows
to the soul, but what if the soul that looks
back isn’t as human as you first thought?

Addergoole, a completed webserial

Edally Academy, a new webserial

Tales for the Sugar Cat, my ebook

Kazkah Press, a flash-fiction webzine

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/938780.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

One-Off Landing Page

Stories for which I have no extant Setting

Utterly Random
The Snow War (LJ)
Being First(LJ)
On the Water (LJ)
Thought Experiments, a story of Impossible Situations (LJ)
After the Fire (LJ)

Non-Modern Second World
No Parades (LJ)

Day Twin, Night Twin (LJ)
The Dark and Light Mirrors (LJ)
The Light World and its Shadows (LJ)

The Tuesday Map (LJ) Life in the BAELZ.
Birth of a City (LJ) It started with asteroid miners…
Down in Human Town (LJ)
Out of Nowhere(LJ)
Sol Invictus (LJ)
Remembering Earth (no crosspost)
Decanted (No xpost)
Amongst the Wrifflites (LJ)

Modern Fantasy
Bleed it Out (LJ)
Twelve Roses and One ()
First Rose (LJ) After 12 Roses and One

Bus Stop (LJ)

The Gift Fairy (LJ) “The job fairy ain’t going to come give you a job.”
I Want to Tell a Story (LJ) It wasn’t what Miss Kelley was expecting to hear from her students.
Made from Words (LJ)
Miss Midas (LJ)
Gift-Wife (LJ)
The Truth, and Hair-Pieces (LJ)
A Star in the East (LJ)
A True Gift (LJ), to [personal profile] anke‘s prompt
A Present for the Queen of Underhill (LJ) to moon_fox‘s prompt
Little Gift (LJ)to [profile] moon_fox‘s prompt
Reunion (LJ) A slight case of being imaginary
Reality Changes (LJ) (and we can change it)
The Norm (LJ) Being Normal, being Norm

Changing Verses (LJ)

Urban Fantasy
First Steps (LJ) The city remembers
The Dark Places, the Numbered Streets (LJ) – Ance seeks a real adventure. And finds it.
Recovering the City (LJ)
Breaking Ground (LJ)
…On My Parade (LJ)
And Before That? (LJ)
Backstage (LJ), technically Big Trouble in Little China fanfic
No Monster, No Lurking (LJ)
The Manticore (LJ)

The Heritage That Wasn’t (LJ)
A Heritage Earned (LJ)

The Cracks
Through the Cracks (LJ)
“China is Here” (LJ)
The Dark of the City (Lj)
Up From the Cracks (LJ)
The Darkness in the Shadows (LJ) (similar setting to The Cracks)

The most Interesting Wine (LJ)
Setting the Table (LJ)

Bruin’s Birthday (LJ)
Falling (LJ)
Commute (LJ)

Rose Petals (LJ)
Pure Snow White (LJ)

Failure to Properly Case the Joint (LJ)
A Piece of Cake (LJ)
Strong Enough? (LJ)
Hallowe’en’s Past (LJ)
Trek-style Geek (LJ)

Adhara Speaks (LJ)

Modern: Superheroes
Landing Page Here Now

Pantry (LJ)

Family Souveniers(LJ)
Souvenir (LJ) A little something from every city

Teaching for the Future (LJ) – unknown Apoc ‘verse

Time to Play (LJ)
Under the Sea (LJ)

Big Brother (LJ)

Learn-to-Knit-Day (LJ)
Lost Day (LJ)
A Toque for Hill Primus (LJ)

Salvation in a Bottle
Wine of the Swan Maidens (LJ)
Still (LJ), a story for my Mother.
Kirkevaren (LJ)

The Second Restriction (LJ)
Eralon Explains (LJ)

First Wind (LJ)
First Nesting (LJ)

Flying Squirrel: Frying Pan, Fire? (LJ)

A Physical Detail, just a minor thing (LJ) (a writing exercise)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/322804.html. You can comment here or there.

Bug Invasion

The world wasn’t expecting the Bugs to invade.

But the Bugs weren’t expecting the humans, either.

A Week of Settings

From the moment they breathed our air (Lj) after: Staying in the City (LJ) and Spooks vs. Bugs (DW)
It’s all in your Head (LJ)
Out of Their Minds
Voices – After All in Your Head and Out of Their Minds.

Poison (LJ)
Beyond (after Poison)

Icon Flash: The Bug Rebellion

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/391028.html. You can comment here or there.

Landing Page: Vas’ World

Vas’ World
They had trained for this scouting mission for over a year; they’d trained in the space service for years before that. But they were still unprepared for everything they found on the new planet.

Vas’ World is a soft sci-fi story of planetary exploration; like the exploration, this setting is still in the nascent stages.

Icon by [personal profile] meeks.

Best places to start:
Naming Names
The Sea and Sky

Stories include:
(The Vas Cycle)
Naming Names
Observe and Report
By the Wall (LJ [Donor Perk]
Contemplating the Wall
Fighting for Dominance
Coming Up (LJ)
Wound (LJ) (Donor Perk)
Greetings (LJ), to [personal profile] eseme‘s prompt
Harvest (LJ)
Further Exploration Reveals… (LJ)
“I said, Further Exploration reVEALS,” (LJ)
Dream (LJ) Malia’s Vision Quest

(The Becky Cycle)
Care Package
all four available in Tales for the Sugar Cat e-book!

The Sea and Sky (no xpost), of the origins of this planet.
Vinting Love (LJ), after Sea & Sky
Harvest (LJ)

The Planet Called “Oh, Fuck, We’re Screwed.”
Holy Fuck, It’s Snowing
First Thanksgiving

Read my short story “Xenonegotiation,” set in the pre-history of Vas’ World, in the April Issue of EMG-Zine!

February Worldbuilding Q5
February Worldbuilding q21 (LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/23712.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable