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All The Characters – trading help for words

As discussed with [personal profile] moonwolf in this thread here, I could use a character list.

I will write 50/words a character for lists by setting with links:

Vas’ World
Paz (Observe and Report)
Vas (By the Wall)

With the link being their first appearance, bonus points (20 more words) for noteworthy later appearances.

DW links preferred, but some writing only exists in one or the other setting.

Please claim settings below if you are interested. I will start a list here that will X post.

Edited to add: I have set up DW and LJ to allow people who are friended (access list, whathaveyou) to add and alter tags on posts. The format I use is character: shahin (for example), for primary/viewpoint characters of a story.

Aunt Family [personal profile] moonwolf
Unicorn/Factory [personal profile] moonwolf
The Planners [personal profile] moonwolf

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/521105.html. You can comment here or there.

Landing Page: Fae Apoc–> Addergoole

Addergoole is a school in the faerie apocalypse universe, as well as a subsetting and the name of the web-serial set there. Teenagers sent away to boarding school learn that, not only is the school not what they expected, but neither they nor their parents are either. Fifty years later, they struggle to continue existing in the post-apoc world that wants nothing to do with their ilk.

Stories span several generations and over 50 years of students in the school.

The Addergoole Wiki currently defunct.

Addergoole Stories include:
Before the School:

Family Legacy (Dreamwidth), Set long before the serial.
Breeding Plan (LJ), late 70’s
What They Needed (LJ) Ambrus, 1984
Three Summers (LJ) Agatha, Shadrach, Acacia before school

Years One through Five:
Let Nothing Ye Dismay (LJ) (Christas, Year 1)
Hell Night Years 1,4,7 (LJ)
Not Everyone Makes it Out (LJ) – early on
Plans, to @dahob’s prompt asking how Regine sees her students.
Sunday Night Content (LJ)
Sunday Night Worries (LJ)
Agatha after School, Baram at Thanksgiving (LJ)
Dunk (LJ) – Jamian
Summertime Memories (LJ) Jamian and Ty

Ayla, Ioanna, and Yngvi talk about the school
Gender-funk (LJ) – Shiva and Niki discuss her bisexuality
Uh-Oh (LJ) – Wren’s human brother, outside the school
Family ties (LJ) – Regine discusses her family tree
Night Terrors (LJ)- Yngvi’s nightmares.
Standoff (LJ) – Jamian, Aviv

Joff Gets a Pony (LJ Link), Year 6

Goodbye for Now (LJ), Yngvi, Year 9
On the Set (LJ Link), meta, filming the AG movie.
Love and Bindings and Shoes, Earrings, Boi are Addergoole stories set later than the serial, available in Tales for the Sugar Cat
Secrets and Going out are stories with serial characters outside of the school, as is
Bowen, Expanded (LJ)
Picking Grapes (LJ) (Shiva & Niki)

Adjusting (LJ) Phelen out of Addergoole

3rd Cohort 10-year-reunion
Reunion (LJ)
Welcome to Addergoole (LJ)

So. (LJ) Between Years 28 & 29 – Yngvi & a son

Poaching, an Addergoole story set before the serial, is available in Other Sides

Year Seven:
Leaving the School (LJ) Phelen, end of Yr7
Year Eight:
Always wanted a Pony (LJ)
52 to 52: (LJ) Damaris & Gregori
Going Out (LJ) Doug

Year Nine:
a rough timeline (LJ)
Belated Rescue (LJ)
Pissing Away Time, Addergoole yr 9
Pissing into the Wind
Friendly (LJ)

What Basalt Looks Like and what Ceinwen & Thorburn’s changes are (LJ)
Timeline (LJ)
Appearance notes on Timora (LJ)

Years Ten through Thirteen:
They Were Over (LJ) (Forrester, Nilam)
Doug Gets a Hug (LJ)
Goodbye Tradition (LJ)
Don’t Cry Baby

Year Fourteen:
Pain in the… (LJ)
A Family Matter (LJ)
Problem-Solving (LJ)

Years Fifteen through Seventeen:
Signs of Love (LJ)
Shades (LJ)
Laziness as an Art Form (LJ)
Laziness X4 (LJ)

Years 21, 23, and forward:
Yr 21
Generations (LJ) and
Revelations (LJ)
Bananas (LJ)
Nephew-Nieces and Other Family (LJ)
Cabbage Patch (LJ)

Yr 23
White Knights? (LJ)
Isi, Waiting, and No More Waiting

Yr ?
Truth, Beauty (LJ)
The Leftover Gift (LJ)
Peace, Quiet, and the Null (LJ) to [personal profile] inventrix‘s prompt (year ??)
Together/Again (LJ) Yin and Yang

Yr 25
Transfer of Power (LJ) Morganna and Mangrove

Yr 27
The Boom Kids
And Then (LJ)

Yr 30
Love (LJ) – Luke is in love
Looking (LJ) – Mike is Jealous, wants love

Boom and Cynara:
June Again (LJ)
Wild Horses (LJ)
The Cup (LJ)
Separation Anxiety (LJ) Boom!/RP timeline/ Cynara
Parting Advice, and Mother Bears (LJ)
Mother-Son Bonding (LJ)
Kept du Jour (LJ)
“Are we killing this one?” (LJ)
Meeting the Family (LJ) (a chat log)
Roleplay Log (Cya/Cabal, posted by cluudle)
Cleaning Up (LJ), One month later
Two Vignettes of Cya (LJ)
Vacation (LJ) – Boom, Cya and sons
three Cya-Bois (LJ a series of Vignettes for #Addergoole/Boom-Apoc
In the Tub (LJ)
Visit From School (LJ) – Pellinore, earlier
The Cup (LJ) Pellinore and JohnWayne
cluudle wrote this story set in the same general timeline as my current Boom ‘fics, staring Yoshi’s paternal half-brother Etienne.
Legacy (LJ) – several years later

The Apoc, with Addergoole Characters
Mission to Paris (LJ)

Derailed (LJ) (Luke, Fridmar, et al)
Derailed 2 (LJ)

Handwritten: Leaving (LJ) (Kai/Conrad in the apoc)

Post-apoc, with the Addergoole Characters:
Through the Woods and Learning to Live, a 2-part story of faeapoc through human eyes – Available in Tales for the Sugar Cat
Devil Deals (LJ Link) (just before Through the Woods)
Devil’s in the Details (LJ Link) (Just after Devil Deals)
Road Trip (LJ Link) (soon after the Devil Stories)

Finding Comfort (Lj), Some time after the Devil Stories.
Scared (LJ) – after “Finding Comfort”

You’d better watch out, you’d better not… (LJ) to [personal profile] lilfluff‘s prompt, set in the post-apoc of Addergoole, with former students.
Throw out a Line (LJ) [personal profile] jjhunter‘s prompt, after “You’d Better Watch Out”

Dinnertime, Jamian, Melchior, and Jamian’s daughter Dagny

Present (LJ) – Mike gets a gift

(No Year, no Name, or neither Listed)
These Walls Can Talk (LJ)
Begin Again (LJ)

52 to 52:
Descriptions, short stories, and character Q&A sessions leading up to Addergoole: Year 9
Words (LJ)
Ask the Author Anything! (LJ)
What Is Addergoole? (LJ)

Ship my Characters!
Ship my Characters (LJ)

Ask them Anything:
Belfreja (LJ)
Brydan (LJ)
Ciara and Amadeus (LJ)
Miryam (LJ)
Jovanna and Arnbjorg (LJ)
Garfunkle (LJ)
Reid Solomon & DJ
43 to go: Jeremiah and Lolly (LJ)
45 to Go: Timora (LJ)
46 to Go: Porter (LJ)
47 to go: Wylie (LJ)
Jamian (LJ)

Character Interaction Meme! (LJ)
3 & 13 fall down a hole: non-canon
4and 5 brainstorming for a project (sort of): CANON
Getting Lost in the Library – potentially canon
5 and 7 are steal food from the kitchens.
6 and 12 discover they have something unexpected in common
Morning After – Probably not Canon (end of year 8)
11 and 14 (“Um, we didn’t just… I mean, that’s kosher, right?”)

Three Vignettes of Addergoole Year 9 characters (LJ)

Garfunkle (LJ)
Miryam (LJ)

Character Development Meme
Ahouva, Ciara, Jovanna (LJ)
Garfunkle, Belfreja, and Kay (LJ)
Ceinwen, Garfunkle, and Kheper (LJ)
Wylie, Timora, Noam (LJ)

Memes and Descriptions
The Character Development Meme is following Conrad:
Question 1 (LJ)
Question 2 (LJ)
Questions 3 &4 (LJ)

The Love Meme
Morrigan/Reid, Luke/Regine, Linden/Luke (LJ) Love Meme
Autumn/Weylan, Audrey/Sage, Taro/Kailani (LJ) – Love Meme 2
Porter/Arundel, Rozen/Kai, Rin/Girey (LJ) – Love Meme 3
Junie/Jin, Carrot/Angua, Regine/Ambrus (LJ) – Love Meme 4
Baram/Rozen, Ib/Baram, Fridmar/Delaney (LJ) Love Meme 5
Love Meme Continuation (LJ) – Baram/Annie

That Guy/That Gal Thursdays
Akaterina (LJ)
Thorburn (LJ)
Miryam (LJ)
Nilam (LJ)
Ellen (LJ)
Cody (LJ)

Way Back Wednesdays
Leaving Town (LJ) – DJ

AU Addergoole
Halloween 1988 (LJ) – non-canon
…Haven’t You People Ever Heard of Closing the God-Damned Door… (LJ) non-canon
In Any Verse (LJ) 2 AU stories of Ty & Jamian
The Dark AU
(LJ) Twin Study
The List (LJ)

Fiction by Others

Cluudle has written a Yr6 Fic.

[personal profile] clare_dragonfly wrote this story of Kayros and Vic.
[personal profile] kajones_writing created
these characters and then wrote
this story and
this story.

[personal profile] kc_obrien has written a fic in Yr9, too (LJ Link)
There is a reading of “Heartstone” here.

The following series were written back and forth with K Orion Fray:

Luke and Mystral, Part One
this piece by Rion.
Arm Twisting (LJ)
Conditions (Rion)
History (LJ)
Eager Student (Rion)
Not Being Stupid(LJ)
Words Spoken (Rion)
Foundations (LJ)

Luke and Mystral, Part Two
(Some unlisted as of yet)
Some Nights (LJ)
Storm Front
Hunting Hawk (LJ)
Planning the Strirke,
Partnership (LJ)
X Marks the spot,
Old School,
Impasse (LJ)
Bad Kids (LJ)
Bloodless (LJ)

A brief glossary of prefixes:
cy’ – Student of, in a cy’ree (Student-group)

sh’ – Child of (shenera)

oro’ – Belongs to

ia’ – in a mutual belonging with

du’ – “I am Named-“

sa’- Honored-person-called-

jae’ – junior-person-called-

aeosthena – a stud horse; a genetically strong sire who has/will father(ed) many children

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/182783.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Landing Page: Faerie Apocalypse

Faerie Apocalypse

Although an apocalypse and a half feature strongly in the timeline of the fae-apoc setting, most of the stories are set either well before or well after the event.

A dark urban fantasy series, Faerie Apocalypse is set in the modern world. The Ellehemaei fae, halfbreed bastards of beings from another plane who left more than two millennia ago, live hidden among the humans; many have faded into humanity, exhibiting nothing more than a rare psychic quirk, while their more powerful cousins hide their inhumanity behind glamours called Masks. A dark underworld of faerie and human trafficking underlies much of the setting.

The apocalypse, brought on by a return of the prodigal gods, leaves the world’s population, governments, infrastructure, and technology devastated, its humans struggling to survive, its fae in hiding from the unforgiving remnants of humanity.

Good Places to Start Include:
With Wings!
Hey You Kids Get Off My Lawn!

Pre-Modern-era Stories include:
Coming of Age (LJ Link) is in the early pre-history of the setting
Meckil woke… takes place in the 1400’s

Addergoole is a school in the faerie apocalypse universe, as well as a subsetting and the name of the web-serial set there. Teenagers sent away to boarding school learn that, not only is the school not what they expected, but neither they nor their parents are either. Fifty years later, they struggle to continue existing in the post-apoc world that wants nothing to do with their ilk. The Addergoole landing page is here (LJ).

Doomsday is a school built in that post-apoc by a former Addergoole graduate.

Stories in modern fae apoc include:
Switch, a story of revenge
Constraint, a story of need
Whisky Lullaby (working title), a novella of fighting the monsters
Wings, an incomplete story of transformation
Collateral Damage, an accidental kidnapping
Walking with Him, about branding yourself, and Names.
With Wings! a friendly abduction
Escape (from an abduction)
Enlightenment (LJ)
Up Shit Creek (LJ), to Rix_scaedu‘s prompt
Extraction Team (LJ)
On the River (LJ)
Family Vintage (LJ)

Bitter Vintage (LJ)
Late Planting ()
With Words Like Magic (LJ)
Rick-(steam)Rolled by Looooove (LJ) Stand-alone lovish story

The Black House
Yaminah’s power has gotten her into something. How deep is she getting in?

Posession/Marking (LJ)
Drugs/Aphrodisiacs (LJ)
Virginity/Celibacy (LJ)
Wet/Messy/Dirty, Vehicular (LJ)
Sense Dep, PhoneSex (LJ)
Tentacles, Humiliation> (Lj)
Washing & Service (LJ)
Exposition (LJ)
Introduction (LJ)
Bridge (LJ)
Orientation (LJ)

Lady Alouetta’s Garden
The Lady Alouetta subsetting explores a high-class bordello, Lady Alouetta’s Garden, its proprietress, the Lady herself, and the Flowers who belong to the Lady and work for her. Human and faerie trafficking feature strongly in this setting, but the main theme is one of perseverance and survival.

Stories include:
Walled Flowers
Slipping the Trellis

Learning Curves
In Her Song

Stories during the apoc include:
Nila and Tros –
Leaving Town (LJ), continued/expanded here (LJ)
A New Flower (LJ)
Outnumbered (LJ)

‘Ware Fairy Gifts (LJ) Tom looked at the knife the girl had given him…
Warning Buzz (LJ)
When the Gods Attacked (LJ)
Step on my Tail (LJ)
Exit Strategy (LJ) [Donor Perk]
Early for Roses (LJ)
On the Adriatic (LJ)
What, He’s Got Two Legs (probably) (LJ) Putting Old Man Winter to work
Trip-Tripping through the Apoc (LJ)
Like Wolves (LJ) Stand-Alone War Story

Internment Camp:
Discovery Channel, another way to not be the monsters, and Invisibles, half a sequel
The Pay Was Good, from another POV (LJ Link)
and Budding (LJ), from the same guard at the camp.

Inventrix wrote a description of a character in “Budding” here.

Dead Gods
The Destruction of the Gods (LJ)
The Dead Gods Come Visiting (LJ)

Stories in post-apoc fae apoc include:
Slideshow, just before the apoc.
Denial, a story of the apocalypse
Through the Snow, also during the apoc
Hey you kids get off my lawn: dealing with obnoxious demigods
First Planting (LJ Link)
Keeping the Gods
Two by Two, a story of survival
Being Alone, a prequel to Two by Two
Tally Raid, a story of not being the monsters
Little White Horses, when the fight is bigger than human or fae – Meek’s sketch reminds me of this piece
(LJ Link)
Myrrh (LJ)
Down in the Dark (LJ)
Ending the Hunt (Lj)
In the Jam (LJ)
Do-Gooders (LJ)
Splash (LJ)
Through Biology (LJ)

Fairy Rings
Fairy Rings (http://aldersprig.livejournal.com/854915.htmlLJ)
Fairy Ring Shortcuts (LJ)
Terroir (LJ)

Reynard, Introduction (LJ)
A Little More Reynard (LJ)
A Bit More Reynard (LJ)
Reynard’s Story Unfolds (LJ)
Reynard Spills his Story (LJ)

Long past the apoc:
Karida’s story:
Scrounging for History (LJ)
Digging through History (LJ)
Delving in History (LJ)
Bringing Home History (LJ)
Singing down History (LJ)
Learning of History (LJ
Getting Over History (LJ)
Making New History (LJ)
Trusting in History (LJ)

Briars and Vinegar

Era Totally Unknown
Sporting (LJ)

February Worldbuilding Q4
Day 19 (LJ) What happens to someone who’s Changed and cannot find or persuade an adult to Mentor them?
Day 31 (LJ) What does the world look like in the year 2150?
day X (LJ) Physical damage, Ellehemaei, Hawthorn and rowan

Inventrix has written a series of stories set in this verse, as well

Art by Meeks

Setting notes:

sa’ is “respected elder”
jae’ is “respected junior.”
du’ is “this is my name.”

Two equals just usually forgo the honorifics.

oro’ is “belongs to”
cy’ is “is a student of”
sh’ is “is a child of.”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/23040.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable