So, you’re writing something! Good, good, that’s always a good first step no wait.
So, you’re planning on writing something! (or pantsing, in which case come back to this post in November, or whenever you write it 😉
You probably have characters, and they probably need names.
(I got through two very long chapters of a theoretical serial without naming the characters, once. I’m pretty sure the Finder is just named Finder by now).
Names with Meaning
Behind The Name is the most accurate, comprehensive name site I’ve found.
Think Baby Names is also pretty good.
20,000 Names has nice lists: “Dark” Names. “Weather” Names. And so on.
Want to name a character appropriately for a historical American era?
the Social Security Database goes back to 1879 with the top names for each year.
anke: “In case anyone wants to name someone from Germany, has lists of the most popular baby names from 1890 to the present. just pick the birth year and see“
And here’s a huge resource on historically accurate names: The SCA’s name articles
A Name-suggester site (“I like this name.” “Try these names.”) via
If you can still get your hands on a phone book, that’s a great way to pick out surnames.
Or check out Wikipedia’s lists of most common surnames by location.
Names with no Meaning
Fourteen Minutes has a lovely random-name-sound generator
Springhole has several name generators
Seventh Sanctum is like the granddaddy of name generators
Chaotic Shiny has quite a few name generators, too.
This one’s new to me (Mithril & Mages) but makes some fun names.
Serendipity Generators via
A list of Naming resources via
Baby Name Wizard, via
inventrix and Cal’s long and useful discussion on Behind the Name and Baby name Wizard.
There! Now that all your male characters are no longer named Jack (or maybe that’s just my problem), you’re ready to go.
Well, I mean, your characters are ready to go…
…well, at least they have names.
Know any more great sites? Let me know!
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