Tag Archive | patreon

Learning to Fly, two Throwback Stories

So, we were talking about my Patreon prompts on Twitter, and something Inventrix said twigged some small memory, so I present to you two separate Learning to Fly stories from long-ago, in honor of the Animal People month on my Patreon:

First Wind and First Nesting, a story of a people I have never again explored, sadly, from 2012.


Some Say Life, an Addergoole fic of Luke and Arundel, from 2011.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1206070.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

“Complications” up on Patreon for anyone to read

“And I hope I never see you again!”

The door slammed shut with a clang of finality. Karl leaned against the wall and put his hands over his face. It wasn’t dark yet; he had maybe fifteen minute till the moon came up. It didn’t matter. He couldn’t go after her.

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My Patreon free story is up for all to read! This short story is in my “Animal People” theme, and features a bit of a relationship… complication.

Want to read all my Patreon stories? Pledge just $1/month. Or pledge $5/month and prompt fiction every month!

Bonus: your first prompt will be written to, even over the month’s cap, so you can sneak in an extra story for the month (or more, if you get your friends to pledge, too).

Double bonus: first $5 pledge puts us back into the serial-post-a-month milestone!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1205866.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

A Patreon Repost: Lab Rat

 Repost Story: Lab Rat 

This story was written to a Mini-Giraffe Call for Transitions back in 2013.  It’s set in the furry sub-setting of Tír na Cali – "Cali Catpeople," as I usually call it and is meant to be light-hearted. 

"Engage in some scientific experimentation," the Agency guy had said. "Earn your freedom," they’d said. "Just two years in our scientific facility, and you can go free," they’d promised. 

They’d strapped Robert and Eric to tables, at which point they’d both started complaining. 

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1197607.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Patreon This Month: The Animal People are Invading!

 The anthropomorphic animals are invading!  One day late for Halloween, they’re here in force… or maybe they’ve always been here. 

Places to look for animal-people in my writing include, but are not limited to:

Tír na Cali – this modern-fantasy slavery-alternate-history setting involves genetically modified beings (moddies) and cosmetically-changed animal-people (Skin jobs)

Fae Apoc/Addergoole – Where fae Change into a not-quite-human form, animal-people abound.  Canonical examples include Shiva and Magnolia (cat-people), Wyatt (dog-person), and so on; the Change usually involves personality as well as physical changes. 

Fairy Town has the Lion King stories. 

In the Foedus Planetarum, many Variations on a base humanoid model exist.  Yira has hair like snakes; Jahan comes from an arboreal people.  Who’s to say there aren’t cat-people out there?

And of course, we can’t forget the Invasion of the Kaa-Tah.

The prompt call is  open HERE for $5 patrons and higher.  
Everything I write on Patreon is available HERE for anyone pledging $1/month or more. 

Want to see my furry writing? This is the month for it!

Want to see more Patreon examples? Here’s a list of months before that and their stories.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1194548.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Certain Things Remain (to One), a story of the Aunt Family for all to read on Patreon

“He’s your cousin.” Karen’s mother made the word sound positively scandalous.

“It’s not as if he’s my first cousin or something,” Karen countered tiredly. She’d already had this conversation with a sister, two cousins, and her mother’s aunt Betty. “To find a common ancestor — and only one of them, I might add – you have to go back up two family splits to a great-grandmother who married three times. Gerry down the street is more related to me than that.”

“But…” Her mother made a distressed noise. “You’re not supposed to… supposed to…”

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1190101.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

The Wise Mushroom… Helps, a story of Fairy Town for Patreon Patrons

“I don’t need advice,” Everett was complaining. “And I don’t need advice from a mushroom.”
“Sure you don’t,” Delores agreed, too easily, too readily. “And I’m sure the Wise Mushroom wouldn’t want to be bothered. It’s a pretty small problem, and he’s got better things to do.”

“Better things? He’s as bad as the teachers, then. Don’t complain, don’t tattle…”

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This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1179230.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

October Patreon Theme Poll!

It’s that time again!

Time to decide what my Patreon theme will be for October; time to cast your vote and make it count.

It’s time to look at spooks and creepy people, monsters and fairies, costumes and false faces. It’s time to dig into your urban legend stock and decide exactly how spooky you want your Hallowe’en to be.

My Patreon is here. Every month I post:
1 free short-short story
1 locked short-short story
1 locked long short story

We’re just $3 from getting back to the Serial Story milestone, where poor Nimbus has been stuck in the middle of a deadly plant for months! And a $5 pledge will let you prompt in all the prompt calls….

Vote now, pledge if you can, read either way. 🎃

If you don’t have a DW account, feel free to vote in the comments.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1178790.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Stone Soup and Other Gifts

Katydid tried not to think about it.

The thing about her tricks was, they didn’t work if you focused on them – you being her, them, anyone. Lots of her brain worked – or didn’t work – that way; the minute you tried to pin something down, it was gone. Home? No, nothing there. When she was thinking about something else, she could remember the smell of the kitchen, or the feel of the old leather couch, or hugs. She remembered hugs the most often. School? Chalk dust and notebook paper and exactly how to fold a note for maximum cuteness and pass-ability.

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Over-eaters’ Anonymous, a story of Fairy Town for Patreon Patrons

The support group met in the basement of a building that had, at one point, been a school. No church would accept them, no current school, no Y or rec center or even town hall – and it wasn’t like they had any question about why. They all knew why they were there, and it wasn’t like the name of their group, Over-eaters’ Anonymous, was actually fooling anyone.

They slipped in from separate entrances: through the floor, through the vents, a couple through one of the three doors into the old classroom….
read on…

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1170922.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable