Tag Archive | patreon

September Patreon Theme Poll!

It’s nearly September, and with the hopefully-dropping mercury around here (does anyone use mercury anymore? Or is it all digital? Or are the digital thermometers mercury? Hrrm, I wonder what they use in Reiassan…)


With the hopefully-dropping temperatures comes Yet Another Patreon Poll!

This poll determines the Patreon prompt call (at the $5 patron level), which then determines the stories posted to Patreon (One is always free-for-everyone-to-read).

Want to check out my Patreon? Look here.

Want to check out my settings before voting? Check them out here.

If you don’t have a Dreamwidth account, you can vote in the comments.

This poll will remain open until Friday evening, 9/2/2016.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1165763.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

The Precedent – a story for Patreon Patrons

Two lawyers and a judge bent over the paperwork,nearly-identical frowns on their faces.
Outside, in the waiting room, a red-haired manwaited with all appearance of patience. He was wearing a slim goldencollar beneath the open-necked shirt of his expensive suit and a much less slimring on his left ring finger.

“Is it legal?” the left-hand lawyer frowned.

read on…

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1165236.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Regarding Tír na Cali and Technology

This month’s Patreon theme is Tír na Cali, which got me thinking…

One of the things that always gets me about Tír na Cali is the way it started out slightly sci-fi and, more and more, ends up being modern-era in terms of the technology.

When I started working on Cali, smartphones had not yet come into existence. I thought I was making somewhat magical technology:

Collars with a chip that could be read by any police officer with a reader (probably a smartphone ap now) and tracked by anyone with the right information. Collars with technology small enough to carry all of a slave’s “papers” in an easily-transferable format right on the collar. Electronic “keys” the size of a pen (micro-usb?) with a thumbprint reader and the ability to change a collar’s permissions, update or download the data therein, and so on.

And those permissions: collars that “knew” where a slave was allowed to go and, in one case, a “smart home” with doors that would not unlock if the collar approaching it didn’t have the right permissions.

Certainly, Cali still has a wide range of things that can’t be done by modern tech — changing someone into a cat-person hybrid, changing someone’s gender at the genetic level, complete rebuild of a limb, just for a few examples — but that is all covered under their magic, not under their tech.

Basically, in the time I’ve been playing with this setting, their tech has gone from being cutting-edge stuff that didn’t exist in the mainstream to being — if I hadn’t updated it as I went along — a little backwards. I mean, really, shouldn’t that collar be able to serve as a Bluetooth headset? What do you mean, you can’t text from your slave collar? No streaming videos?

…okay, now I’m wandering off on a whole new brainstorm. *wanders off, muttering about wi-fi hotspots*

*pops back in* New to Tír na Cali? I updated the landing page with a few suggestions for starting places.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1162884.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Weekend, Pinterest, Instant Pot, etc.

  • If you use Pinterest, have you ever found yourself in Pinboard Bloat? Like, you start a board, Pinterest suggests some similar boards, so you follow them, then Pinterest is like “try these suggested pins” so you pin those and the next thing you know, your little board of, say, Addergoole Changes is a giant behemoth of mermaids and satyr beefcake and winggy people?

    Or, ah, is that just me?

  • Have I mentioned I love our InstantPot? So far, we’ve only made two dishes in it, but love it!
  • If you haven’t checked in on the new Addergoole page, you can still earn fic with comments!
  • And if you know anyone who might be interested in supporting my Patreon, Nimbus is stuck in the man-eating plant, and only the patrons can get her out!

    (a couple patrons had to reduce or drop patronizing due to funding issues, and thus we are back down below the $40 net “serial episode a month” level. Poor Nimbus! Stuck! ~Woe~!)

  • And this weekend: We installed a toilet!
    Seriously, even if they tell you when you buy a toilet that there’s a wax ring in the package, buy two. Not one, two. You won’t regret it.

    That being said, our pretty new reasonable-height dual-flush toilet is in and goes, YAY!

    Our old one had been first stained by our rusty water.

    And then some previous tenant had used something so corrosive to clean the orange that it had stripped the enamel off the porcelain.

    And then the house was winterized, and the blue dye… stained the porcelain.

    Black veined toilet! Ick!

    (we’re looking into water softeners now…)

    That’s one more step towards a non-ugly bathroom!

  • I’m low on interesting links this week, so how about you? Share your cool links!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1161402.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Intros to Tír na Cali, two story fragments from the past

Rather than actually repost these two stories, because of the length, I am going to link to their beginnings.
They were meant for a Tír na Cali sourcebook, as fiction explaining setting. One takes the POV of a kidnappee, the other of a slave born into the life.

They’re old, but they give a good view of some of the bones of the setting.

Read On…

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1158181.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

the Wrong Kidnapping, a story of Tír na Cali for Patreon

The collar clicking around Trey’s neck was supposed to be the culmination of months – years – of planning, the final realization of all his hopes and dreams.

It made the feeling all that much more sour. This collar wasn’t pretty, like the ones in the contraband romance novels. It wasn’t light and airy, it wasn’t comfortable, like the ones Trey had played with, in underground clubs and quiet swing parties. It didn’t come with nice words and a quiet understanding of his place in the world, a sense of comfortable inevitability, a sense of honored submission.

read on…

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1155875.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Leftovers – a story of the Tinies of Dragons Next Door for Patreon Patrons

There were new Big People in the old Adaams House. They were loud, they were fun, and they were not all that good at the housekeeping in the corners. Oh, the main spaces were, Pol was sure, bright and shining, swept and polished. But the corners, the places behind the furniture, the vast caverns under the sofa and the end tables and so on, those were left to collect dust and crumbs, fur and spills — leftovers. …

(read on…)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1155023.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

August Patreon Theme Poll!

It’s August! When did that happen?

Well, I might have been asleep, but it’s still time for the August Patreon Theme Poll!

This poll determines the Patreon prompt call (at the $5 patron level), which then determines the stories posted to Patreon (One is always free-for-everyone-to-read).

Want to check out my Patreon? Look here.

Want to check out my settings before voting? Check them out here.

If you don’t have a Dreamwidth account, you can vote in the comments.

This poll will remain open until Friday evening, 8/5/2016.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1147940.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Landing Page: Aerax/Expectant Wood

The Aereaxerer archipelago hovers high above the Nevilla Forest, wobbling ever so slightly on stems up to a mile high. This unlikely feature is the home of the Expectant Wood serial story, available to Patreon readers.

These posts open to all
The Serial Family (Patreon)
Name the Serial Family (LJ)
The Serial Islands (Patreon)
A five-minute map of the islands (LJ)

The Serial
These posts available to Patreon patrons

Nimbus and her family are on an expedition, exploring the Center of Aereaxera, the biggest island in the Aereaxerer archipelago. But something is amiss at the center of their world…!

Chapter One: Trouble at the Stamen (Patreon)
Chapter Two: The Stamen End (Patreon)
Chapter Three: The Slippery Stamen-End (Patreon)
Chapter Four: The Sharp Exit (Patreon)
Chapter Five: The First Rescue (Patreon)
Chapter Six: The Cut in Aereaxera (Patreon)
Chapter Seven: The Chute in the Tree

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1109232.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

The Expectant Wood, Chapter Six: The Cut in Aereaxera

 Chapter One: Trouble at the Stamen

Chapter Two: The Stamen-End

Chapter Three: A Slippery Stamen-End

Chapter Four: The Sharp Exit

Chapter Five: The First Rescue

Summary of All Aerax 

Chapter Six: The Cut in Aereaxera

Didda didn’t like it. He didn’t have to say it; it was obvious in the way his lips were all squished tight together and the way he moved, like if he could take out enough of his anger on the thorns of Aereaxera, he wouldn’t shout like he wanted to….


The Expectant Wood follows young Nimbus down into the depths of strange Aereaxera, an island floating on a tall stem, high above the land below.  Follow her adventures as she and her family – her Didda and Mem, her sisters Billow and Shining Pearl – go places nobody else has gone and meet strange people and stranger plants.

Expectant Wood is available to all Patreons

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1141887.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable