Tag Archive | patreon

(no subject)

Hey, all, it’s time to pick the July Patreon Theme!

Each month, y’all pick a theme, and from there I write several stories posted to my Patreon (One is always free-for-everyone).

Want to check out my Patreon? Look here.
For just $1, you can read all the Patreon stories; for $5/month, you can prompt in the prompt calls! (for $7/month you get a private story!)

Don’t have Dreamwidth account? Please feel free to vote in the comments.

For setting information, check out here.

This poll will close on 7/2/2016 at 7:02 p.m. Eastern time (or so).

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1135544.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

The Expectant Wood, Chapter Five: The First Rescue

Chapter One: Trouble at the Stamen
Chapter 2: The Stamen End
Chapter Three: A Slippery Stamen-End
Chapter Four: The Sharp Exit

Chapter Five: The First Rescue

“Nimbus! Billow! Can you hear us!” Didda sounded, NImbus realized with some surprise, worried. Panicked, really.

“Nimber, Billbill?” Nimbus wrinkled her nose as Pearl resorted to their baby names.

“We’re here!” she called out, careful to shout over Billow’s head and not into her ear. “We fell into a — into a stomach or something. Careful! The wall openings are full of prickers!”

“Oh, my babies…” Mem sounded miserable.

Want access to this serial and much more?

Pledges for my Patreon can be had for $1, $5, or $7/month.

Interested? Check out The Expectant Wood and pledge today!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1129284.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

The Weasel that Saved the Empire, a story of Reiassan for Patreon

“I’m looking for something new.” The Princess Orenienarena didn’t so much walk into Tailor Kentor’s store as she snuck in, a long fitted jacket covering up her imperial silks. It took the tailor a second glance to recognize her, her head covered in a thin scarf in the way of tradesfolk and her face bare of her customary jewelry.

She spilled a double handful of buttons onto the tailor’s counter. A glance told him they were hand-carved of stone and bone; a quick look with a loupe told him they were well-done. ”I am looking for something a bit more buttoned-up.”

Tailor Kentor frowned thoughtfully at the buttons and the Princess. Without looking, he batted his weasel Nagyar away from the pile of buttons. Nagyar, like all of his kind, was a notorious thief…

(read on…)

So I said…


And Rix said…


And I was low on Reiassan prompts, so here you go. 3000 words: buttoning structures and weasels in waistcoats.

Become a patreon now and give me your own prompts! 🙂

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1128424.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Priorities, a story of Faerie Apocalypse, live on Patreon

a story of the Faerie Apocalypse: written for the April Patreon Theme (April Showers)

“Pass me a crowbar!” Aileen had crawled over the detritus of most of a trailer park and now was shouting from inside of the one mostly-intact trailer. ”And, uh, do we have a pipe wrench?”

“I’ve got a pipe torch,” Bracken called back. “And a hacksaw. Aileen, what the eff are you doing?” She had found a motherlode of canned goods…

(read on…)

Want access to this story and many more, every month?

Pledges for my Patreon can be had for $1, $5, $7, or more/month, with shiny rewards for each pledge level!

Interested? Go take a look!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1127047.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Posting Schedule

I’ve been trying – with some success – to keep my postings to some sort of schedule. I thought it might keep me on track if I posted said schedule here.

I may be off by up to a day on any given post.

Edally Academy
Weekend blog post

Patreon “Bonus” post – a flashback, something I missed from the month before, or just a story not yet posted for the month

Edally Academy
Buffy fanfic (or Buffy Fanfic)

Patreon – alternating weeks story & serial until serial is caught up
Throwback Thursday: a fic from “today in xxxx”, with commentary.

Edally Academy
Narnia Fanfic into Valdemar

Of course, other fiction will be posted as finished/as whim hits/as commissioned/etc.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1107235.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Goat-Mad, a story of Reiassan for Patreon

“Can we have a goat now?”

When Latezya was nine years old, she spent every spare moment of her school break cleaning out the outbuilding behind her family’s home. Before her parents had bought the house, the old building had been a stable. Now that it was theirs, it served mostly as a junk room and home to the wild weasels that ran rampant through the city….

read on…!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1122660.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

The Tea Wars, a story of Rin & Girey, reposted for Patreon

This story re-energized my interest in Reiassan. Written to a prompt of eseme‘s (“something about tea”), it hits on a quiet moment in the journey of Rin & Girey.

Rin & Girey are, of course, the protagonists of the will-someday-be-a-novel, Into Lannamer, the beginnings of which sparked this whole setting in the first place.

Originally Posted July 17th, 2010.

Tea-time was one of Rin’s favorite rituals, one of the few gentilities that remained to her after years at war. On the trail, it became even more precious – a welcome relief from the saddle, a pause to fill her stomach, the kick in the tea that would keep her awake until it was time to camp.

She brewed the tea herself…

read on…

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1120954.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

The Expectant Wood, Chapter Four: The Sharp Exit

Chapter One: Trouble at the Stamen
Chapter 2: The Stamen End
Chapter Three: A Slippery Stamen-End

Chapter Four: The Sharp Exit

Billow’s lips were pursed and her hands were gripping Nimbus’ wrist tight enough to leave marks. Nimbus wanted to reassure her, but she needed all her breath just to keep pulling herself up the side of the slippery floor. For every three steps she managed upwards, it seemed like she slid down two.

“Hold… on…” she managed.

Want access to this serial and much more?

Pledges for my Patreon can be had for $1, $5, or $7/month.

Interested? Check out The Expectant Wood and pledge today!

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1120560.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Thinking about Patreon…

…would people be interested in a map/diagram/floor plan milestone? Like, for every month we reach this milestone, $5 donors can vote on a potential map or diagram or floorplan related to either the serial or the month’s theme?

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1119310.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Goat Diplomacy, a story of Reiassan in the early days, up on Patreon

“They burn dung.” The junior ambassador to the Ideztozhyuh hissed it out in a horrified whisper. “They’re burning goat waste in those horrid little stoves, Angirie!”

“They do.” The senior ambassador didn’t share his associate’s horror; indeed, he was smirking. “And they drink the fermented milk of their nanny goats, and they wear underthings made from spun goat wool. They boil the hooves down for a kind of gelatinous stew and they wear the horns as jewelry. They’re goat-riders, Hanzio. What did you expect?”

(read on…)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1117393.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable